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  1. #1
    314159265358 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Finding the right doctors

    OK, my first post.

    I'm a 37 year old male, 5 11, 180 lbs; don't know body fat %, but its not low love handles etc; exercise history is poor - i've had 2-3 runs with intense training over last 15 years; they all ended disasterously with prolonged illness; i'm a mes-endo, find it easy to progress initially, outlifting in months guys i know have been working out for years, but in the past got run down over time and then body collapsed, and i would give up exercise as incompatible with my work demands;

    i started working out again this summer (2.5 months); 30 minutes weights, 30 cardio, 4-5 times a week; for reference I'm now at 5-8 reps 250lbs Hammer strength iso-pec press, 275 10 reps Hammer low row; no weights on legs due to fear of worsening lower back problem; my diet is not well planned due to work and schedule issues, but i eat "real" food, fresh; in past tried following the high protein levels recommended for bodybuilding, but got fatter than i ever did even while working out on that diet, and had months of long and unpleasant bathroom time until that was ended

    past failures at gym are likely related to working 16 hours a day and trying to fit in intense workouts; sleep is the biggest health issue for me; this summer i slept for the first time in many years 8-9 hours a night (which is what i need to feel rested); i've progressed at gym faster than i ever have; went to a PCP for the first time in a decade, total serum Cholesterol was 219 (although i hadn't fasted), and i decided to try and become a consistent gym goer

    i've never seen my abs, but never been overly fat either; i worry about my overall T levels, or A receptors, or estrogen levels because of body fat and bloating, and a certain low level of "maleness" in secondary sex characteritics (very little beard, did not shave regularly until mid to late 20s, at 37 can grow a thinnish beard around chin only; very little body hair on upper body; "baby face" lacking a certain T look most men have etc); however, i can, when i work out for even a few weeks, build muscle quickly; never used steroids or creatine even

    my goal is to find a way to stick with things this time, meaning not getting run down and falling apart, with the hope to celebrate 40 in the best shape of my life (dream is to see abs perhaps)

    ok, preface over!

    i would like to find a doctor attuned/sympathetic to the needs of someone who wants to get serious about their physical development; this is not a steroids issue currently (i've thought of it, but know that even if i took that plunge i would need years of consistent training and diet etc); in particular, would like blood work on all the important factors, a doctor that will talk to me about that, with nutrition and exercise in mind etc;

    i'm in the New York City area, if anyone can help with direct references; general advice for finding sports-related type doctors/labs would be great

    thanks very much for anyone friendly enough to help

    - pi
    Last edited by 314159265358; 08-19-2007 at 01:41 PM.

  2. #2
    LmbrJak is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    As far as doctors go, I would start with my PCP.They can do the blood work you might need, help with your back,or refer you out to a nutritionist or an endo if they need to . And best of all insurance picks up the tab.

    Check out the training and diet forums

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