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  1. #1
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Question Have a Question...

    Well Im still doing my TRT, and am thinking about adding to it. At 150mg EW of Cyp, Im wondering what I could stack with it to make gains(10-20lbs solid, and strick diet isnt cutting it for me)), and not blow the roof off my test levels( have BW done every weeks, .

    -My diets in check(thanks to the very knowledgeable members here)
    -WO in check.

    What I want is lean muscle, with little bloat, after 8mnths of TRT (last 12 weeks have been Extremely Strick) I can honestly say that I cant see any results in the mirrow, Ive always been fighting my genetics, and gains have always been minimal.

    I was thinking either Fina or Deca , any C&C be helpful.

  2. #2
    bombguy is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I'm interested as well. I won't start "supplementing" my current does until after my next bloodtest, but I want to do it without blowning the T levels way out.

  3. #3
    Perforator's Avatar
    Perforator is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2007
    You're gonna have to plan this between your bloodwork as I'm sure you know. How often do you have bw done?

  4. #4
    TrennK is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Perforator
    You're gonna have to plan this between your bloodwork as I'm sure you know. How often do you have bw done?

    Just saw doc today. It used to be 1 time a month, but now Im having it done 2x a week (M/F) for the last 2 weeks.

    On Day 1 Mondays (Shot 150mg Cyp) *BW done after shot* T-lvls 550'ish, E-lvls 32'ish

    Day 8 Mondays (shot 150mg Cyp) lvls?

    Day 15 Mondays (shot 150mg Cyp ) *BW done b4 shot* T-lvls 152, E-lvls ZERO. I also take 1mg ED Arimidex .

    So basiclly my T-lvls are going from 550, to 150 in 14 days. And my E-lvls are going from 32 to Zero, in 14 days. Might explain why Im not making any gains/results.
    Last edited by TrennK; 08-31-2007 at 01:50 PM.

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