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  1. #1
    madwabbit is offline Banned
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    Aug 2007

    Doc prescribing HCG- A few ?'s

    Im 25 with a test count of 201, androcronologist? is putting me on HCG shots to take twice a week, i think 200 a pop. Not sure, I'll find out in an hour when I go pickup the presc and get first shot. What can I expect from this? I eat a very clean diet and cardio/weight lift 5 days a week an takin in over 250g/protein a day but never saw real gains prob due to that junky test level. Is 400mg/wk enough to worry about gyno development? Anyway, thoughts, comments, opinions?

    Ultimate question is: What can I expect from this? Is this doseage enough to see a difference in my training? Can I expect some moderate changes for me, or am I living in a dream world? Foremost, since he said I am doing this for ~6-8weeks, do I need to use a nolva or clomid?
    Last edited by madwabbit; 08-31-2007 at 10:44 AM.

  2. #2
    madwabbit is offline Banned
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    Aug 2007

    Question HCG- Please Help!

    Im 25 with a test count of 201, androcronologist? is putting me on HCG shots to take twice a week, i think 2500iu a pop. (Now that I type it i cant remember if she said 5k a week or 10k a week...idk ill edit post when i know for sure tomorrow AM) What can I expect from this? I eat a very clean diet and cardio/weight lift 5 days a week an takin in over 250g/protein a day but never saw real gains prob due to that junky test level. Is this level of doseage enough to worry about gyno development? Anyway, thoughts, comments, opinions?

    Ultimate question is: What can I expect from this?
    1)Is this doseage enough to see a difference in my training?
    2)Can I expect some moderate changes for me, or am I living in a dream world?
    3)Foremost, since he said I am doing this for ~6-8weeks, do I need to use a nolva or clomid?

  3. #3
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    By any chance did your endocrinologist say if you have hypogonadism ?

    Alot of hormone docs opt for testosterone therapy over HCG (although some factors do determine as to what treatment is advised )

    HCG is usually used as a treatment for hypogonadotrophic ( secondary hypogonadism).

    You have to make sure your not inducing LH insensitivity and actually causing hypogonadadism while they are trying to treat secondary hypogonadism.

    I am going to have this moved to the HRT forum for you .

    You can ask your doc if you have hypogonadism or secondary and ask why they suggest using hcg over test.. Just giving you some feed back that you could go over with your doc if you want to..


  4. #4
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Also might want to ask the doc about estrogen concerns. HCG can convert to estrogen Via the aromatase enzyme . So gyno can can be a concern
    Last edited by Merc..; 08-31-2007 at 06:42 PM.

  5. #5
    madwabbit is offline Banned
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    Doc tested LH, FLH, Prolactim, HGH, etc and its all normal. For some reason, the test in my body is still low...since im so young hes trying HCG to "boost" my test a while, then slowly bring me off HCG and see if body backs it back up and kicks in normal. If not, ill go to Test.

    Still didnt mention anything about athletic enhancement? Maybe I should take Nolva then with this for gyno?

  6. #6
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Not sure if you saw the HCG profile . Here it is just in case

    Anabolic Review Profile: HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadatropin)

    The HCG is just going to be used to try to get you back into normal range.

    Its not going to be anything like using test. However if your diet and training are on point it might benefit you as it will hopefully be increasing your test levels .

    I would speak to your doc about adding nolva .


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