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  1. #1
    Moab is offline New Member
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    Long term TRT concerns...

    I've been on TRT for at least 2 years. First year i did 1ml cyp per week. Test levels hit like 300 and gp pulled me down to .5 per week. So I switched to an actual HRT clinic. For the last 6 months i've been at 2ml which i think is 200mg a week. Sometimes I sneek it up to 3ml per week. My test levels are pretty high like 1500 maybe. Can't remember. Should I be worried? Should I be cycling down to 700 or 800 for awhile?

    They do bloodwork but it seems to only be test, thyroid, and estrogen. I don't know what to ask for in bloodwork like if you were cycling. I've posted that question to the "all you need to know about bloodwork" post.

    I also want to go on a short cycle of added deca . Thought maybe after that I'd move down to 1 or 1.5ml per week for a couple months or so.


  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    check for prostate (psa), liver (hepatic), red blood cell, hematocrit, etc. especially when going with those higher doses
    i played around with bigger doses....question really is/was....does it make a difference when you take more?....popular opinion says to stay withing range.
    i like the deca addition occasionally much better than the larger dose of test alone

  3. #3
    test_cyp's Avatar
    test_cyp is offline Associate Member
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    What is your age? Get the tests listed above and don't forget to check your cholesterol levels. This is the long term item you need to pay most attention to, since your hereditary can affect this too.

    I would get educated on diet if your not already and make sure you get a lot of healthy fats.

  4. #4
    Moab is offline New Member
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    thanks guys. I'm 43. testosterone was 192 before hrt.

    So I won't experience any gains from moving up from 2 to 3ml of test cyp a week?

    I get tested for cholesterol regularly as I'm already on the medication for it. I'm going back in to see my HRT doc soon. I will ask for additional blood tests.

    So the deca and test works good huh? that was my opinion after alot of reading. i ordered some. we'll see how it does.

    Thanks again guys.


  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moab
    thanks guys. I'm 43. testosterone was 192 before hrt.

    So I won't experience any gains from moving up from 2 to 3ml of test cyp a week?

    I get tested for cholesterol regularly as I'm already on the medication for it. I'm going back in to see my HRT doc soon. I will ask for additional blood tests.

    So the deca and test works good huh? that was my opinion after alot of reading. i ordered some. we'll see how it does.

    Thanks again guys.

    I played with up to 400mg EW (that is 2ml of 200mg per ml) and didn't notice a change in strength although i only dosed this amount for about 4 weeks after being on 200mg, 300mg...slowly working up to 400
    i probably should have had a set TRT dose and then maybe tried to cycle (like 12 weeks at 400) to get a better idea
    but i noticed a strength increase when i did around 200 test 200 deca together

  6. #6
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moab
    thanks guys. I'm 43. testosterone was 192 before hrt.

    So I won't experience any gains from moving up from 2 to 3ml of test cyp a week?

    I get tested for cholesterol regularly as I'm already on the medication for it. I'm going back in to see my HRT doc soon. I will ask for additional blood tests.

    So the deca and test works good huh? that was my opinion after alot of reading. i ordered some. we'll see how it does.

    Thanks again guys.

    I'll tell you what you should do if you wanna cycle is throw in some Tren A @ 50-75mg a day for 6-8 weeks that will give you some gains def...

  7. #7
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer
    I'll tell you what you should do if you wanna cycle is throw in some Tren A @ 50-75mg a day for 6-8 weeks that will give you some gains def...
    yes lets arbitrarily recommend one of the most potent and androgenic aas compounds at the tip of a hat.

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