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Thread: Starting TRT

  1. #1
    1pete is offline Junior Member
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    Starting TRT

    Just got the blood work results and I'm good for TRT. It's all legal. I was given a long list of therapies available to me to include deca , anadrol , winny, anavar , test e, c , prop,test cyp-prop-dhea, test aqueous, sustanon , depo, test decanoate, and several pct. Several HGH therapies also, but waiting on the lab. All injects come in 10 mil vials and orals in 100 cap bottles. pct 30 tab bottles. The doc is going to give me scripts on monday, but the only thing is I have to fill thru his pharms. The tests are a little more expensive, and the anadrol is really expensive, but I can collect through my insurance. I think I've found the fountain of youth!!

  2. #2
    ecto9's Avatar
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    Wow, wish I could visit that Clinic!

  3. #3
    ricker35910's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1pete View Post
    Just got the blood work results and I'm good for TRT. It's all legal. I was given a long list of therapies available to me to include deca, anadrol, winny, anavar, test e, c , prop,test cyp-prop-dhea, test aqueous, sustanon, depo, test decanoate, and several pct. Several HGH therapies also, but waiting on the lab. All injects come in 10 mil vials and orals in 100 cap bottles. pct 30 tab bottles. The doc is going to give me scripts on monday, but the only thing is I have to fill thru his pharms. The tests are a little more expensive, and the anadrol is really expensive, but I can collect through my insurance. I think I've found the fountain of youth!!
    what country do you live in? if you live in the US then you're seeing a QUACK

  4. #4
    ***xxx***'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricker35910 View Post
    what country do you live in? if you live in the US then you're seeing a QUACK

    lol yep, thats what I wanted to say. anadrol for HRT, yeah right

  5. #5
    1pete is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricker35910 View Post
    what country do you live in? if you live in the US then you're seeing a QUACK

    I guess he must be a quack. I received 4 pages of therapies available to me and anadrol is on the list And here is the real quacky thing my insurance covers the anadrol. I can get a 90 day supply 300 tabs for just my co-pay. So Coollllllll God Bless America YEEHA

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Damn bro, you hit the motherload.

  7. #7
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    19,486 what are your goals with your riches?

  8. #8
    Marek is offline New Member
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    This is one of those rare situations when you want a guy with 7 posts to be able to PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marek View Post
    This is one of those rare situations when you want a guy with 7 posts to be able to PM.

  10. #10
    1pete is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post what are your goals with your riches?
    Presently I'm just going to attempt to get my levels back to normal. I already know that the doc is going to give me test and some deca for the achey joints. Both come in 300 mgs 10 ml bottles so I can run both for 8-10 weeks. Then I'll do the pct. I'm undecieded about the pct. I might run anastrozole which is arimidex for the cycle as I am prone to gyno. It's weird the arimidex is 250% more and my insurance will cover the anastrozole and not the arimidex. Same thing with clomid. I can get clomiphene, which is clomid, at least that is what I've read in my research. I can also get Tamoxifen , which is nolvadex , which is even cheaper but my research indicates that anastrozole is the best of the best. I could be incorrect about that but I'll address that with the doc tomorrow.
    I was also thinking of running some anavar ,, injectable, which is a new product per the christmas list I was given. If my research is correct, anavar is for keeping the bloat down, and burning fat, which the deca will cause and the test.

    Correct me if I'm wrong here as I'm not an avid aas user as some on this site, the anastrozole, will keep the estrogen down so I can produce more test, so If I include this for the duration of the treatment, it should increase the 300 mgs of test.

    The anavar will reduce the fat around my mid-section and the visceral fat which is located inside the peirtoneal cavity, packed between internal organs. So I think I'll throw that in also.

    If anyone has any other suggestions I'm open to them all.


  11. #11
    browboy's Avatar
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    Dude, what state do you live in? And what was your test level from the blood test?

  12. #12
    Marek is offline New Member
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    If you are using this place as HRT then you don't need to worry about PCT as it usually is a lifetime commitment. Look into some HCG to keep your testicles from shrinking. I have been on HRT for two years and use HCG twice a week and it does a great job.

  13. #13
    1pete is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1pete View Post
    Presently I'm just going to attempt to get my levels back to normal. I already know that the doc is going to give me test and some deca for the achey joints. Both come in 300 mgs 10 ml bottles so I can run both for 8-10 weeks. Then I'll do the pct. I'm undecieded about the pct. I might run anastrozole which is arimidex for the cycle as I am prone to gyno. It's weird the arimidex is 250% more and my insurance will cover the anastrozole and not the arimidex. Same thing with clomid. I can get clomiphene, which is clomid, at least that is what I've read in my research. I can also get Tamoxifen , which is nolvadex , which is even cheaper but my research indicates that anastrozole is the best of the best. I could be incorrect about that but I'll address that with the doc tomorrow.
    I was also thinking of running some anavar ,, injectable, which is a new product per the christmas list I was given. If my research is correct, anavar is for keeping the bloat down, and burning fat, which the deca will cause and the test.

    Correct me if I'm wrong here as I'm not an avid aas user as some on this site, the anastrozole, will keep the estrogen down so I can produce more test, so If I include this for the duration of the treatment, it should increase the 300 mgs of test.

    The anavar will reduce the fat around my mid-section and the visceral fat which is located inside the peirtoneal cavity, packed between internal organs. So I think I'll throw that in also.

    If anyone has any other suggestions I'm open to them all.

    The more I research the more questions arise.

    I know what the test e and deca will do for me. What I am mainly concerned with is the pct.

    I am prone to gyno. I read that If I took .5-1 mg a day of armidex from the start of therapy that it wil block 80% of estrogen that the test e will produce thus it will counter act the gyno and reduce the water retention. Also, post pct for test e is 14 and for the deca is 18 so when do I start the nova? 14 or 18?

    I am also prone to male pattern baldness. I can get propecia but I've read it causes erectile problems which the test will do all by itself. I've researched a product called provillus, which is all natural, a shampoo and a pill which blocks testosterone from converting to dht. So if I go on that can I expect the test e not to work?

    I was thinking of adding anavar to the therapy to reduce water retention and to increase fat loss but the sides are more severe until your body gets use to it. But if I do the armidex won't that accomplish the same goal.. I understand that adding anavar it will increase my strength in addition to the test e and deca. But I also read that the armidex will add to testostrone production.

    I was told to add HCG to avoid testicle shrinkage, which I don't have at the moment, if I will be on trt for an extended period of time.

    The more I research the more questions I have. I realize I am going to have to experiment what is good for me, but I just don't know where to start.

  14. #14
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    what i actually meant was are you trying to gain lean body weight or lose body fat or both?...what are your current stats...for example...height/weight/ keep mentioning pct but you are posting in the hrt section where we generally stay on test all the long is this doctor plan on having you off test?

    as far as your ? on where to start, imo, i would run just the test/deca and arimidex (since you are prone to gyno) and not the anavar all at once and later you can experiment...this way you will know what compound is doing what....the arimidex will hold your water down so you will be good there and the test/deca is enough to add plenty of strength and lbm

    just my .02

  15. #15
    1pete is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1pete View Post
    Just got the blood work results and I'm good for TRT. It's all legal. I was given a long list of therapies available to me to include deca, anadrol, winny, anavar, test e, c , prop,test cyp-prop-dhea, test aqueous, sustanon, depo, test decanoate, and several pct. Several HGH therapies also, but waiting on the lab. All injects come in 10 mil vials and orals in 100 cap bottles. pct 30 tab bottles. The doc is going to give me scripts on monday, but the only thing is I have to fill thru his pharms. The tests are a little more expensive, and the anadrol is really expensive, but I can collect through my insurance. I think I've found the fountain of youth!!
    Just finished up everything, spoke with the doc and my stuff is on it's way. The doc is starting me at 300 mg a week of test e 200 mg of deca , I could have gone to 400 mg a week of deca, but I've read some negative issues that I think will effect me so I'll go slow and armidex every other day. I'll have a 10 week cycle and I'll adjust from there. He told me if I'm going to be on test for a while I don't have to do too much pct at end. Anybody have any suggestions on that? He also told me my dhea is real low also, but I don't have to address it now. Maybe next 10 weeker. If I added the dhea now besides raising my level what other benefit would it have for me? I'll do a log and see what happens. This is costing me about 20% more, which my insurance will give me 80% back, but I know I'm getting the real thing and I don't have to expect any seizure letters or contaminated gear. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! !!!

  16. #16
    1pete is offline Junior Member
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    Started my thearpy today

    I just started my therapy today. 300 mg of test e and 200 mg deca and armidex. I have two questions. Do I store the test and deca at room temp or refrig? Also, can I mix the test e and deca together in same syringe and inject together? Will I contaminate either if I use same, fresh 18g to load both into syringe? Thanks

  17. #17
    ricker35910's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1pete View Post
    I just started my therapy today. 300 mg of test e and 200 mg deca and armidex. I have two questions. Do I store the test and deca at room temp or refrig? Also, can I mix the test e and deca together in same syringe and inject together? Will I contaminate either if I use same, fresh 18g to load both into syringe? Thanks
    store at room temp in a dark place and yes you can mix them together

  18. #18
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    good luck much arimidex are you starting with?

  19. #19
    edgarr is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1pete View Post
    Just finished up everything, spoke with the doc and my stuff is on it's way. The doc is starting me at 300 mg a week of test e 200 mg of deca , I could have gone to 400 mg a week of deca, but I've read some negative issues that I think will effect me so I'll go slow and armidex every other day. I'll have a 10 week cycle and I'll adjust from there. He told me if I'm going to be on test for a while I don't have to do too much pct at end. Anybody have any suggestions on that? He also told me my dhea is real low also, but I don't have to address it now. Maybe next 10 weeker. If I added the dhea now besides raising my level what other benefit would it have for me? I'll do a log and see what happens. This is costing me about 20% more, which my insurance will give me 80% back, but I know I'm getting the real thing and I don't have to expect any seizure letters or contaminated gear. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! !!!
    Wow, I hope my doc is this understanding!

  20. #20
    1pete is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    good luck much arimidex are you starting with?
    .5 every 3 days

  21. #21
    1pete is offline Junior Member
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    I injected yesterday. Felt uforic within about 3 hours. I did a pre work out drink and I really hit the weights hard. Harder than I've hit them in a long time. Really felt good post work out. Went to bed and actually had a dream. Woke up refreshed and went to work. I was running the stairs at work. No pain in the joints. Around 2 pm I crashed and have been feeling more tired and wornout than before my injections yesterday. My joints are aching again and so are the injection sites. My muscles are screamming from my workout. Chest and tri"s. I was going to do back and bi's today, but I'm tired and really freaking sore. I usually work out 2 on 1 off. I mostly superset, med to heavy weight, short rest between sets, and I work each muscle to exhastion so I can get the cardio up.

    How long after you inject do you start feeling results. I've read that test really starts to kick in about week four. But I was under the impression that was weight gain/strength. Does anyone know how long after the injections you have to wait to start feeling more energy? And how long to feel joint pain relief after the deca ? Thanks

  22. #22
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    hay M8,

    i was at 100 mg per week and (after 3rd week) added 100 mg per week ...all test e.....after the second week i started working on our property like i would have in my
    40' the end of the third week it was like i was in my early 30's again....always get a Yaa! as soon as the pin comes out.....and it seems like i energize in about three hours....the crash you described is why i added the 100 mg 54 i am not going to add another day to the wasted year i spent waiting for this diagnosis...(test @143).... but this is just a layman will find some serious knowledge on this site....use it....
    Last edited by whiteowl; 11-13-2007 at 08:29 PM. Reason: spelling

  23. #23
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    agree with whiteowl in the aspect of the kicking in will be a case by case basis as well as doses needed will also be case by case

    you've got the meds now...keep improving your diet and keep working hard and your progress will snowball in a positive direction

    keep an eye on your bloodwork as often as you can and keep records of progress, doses, weight/bodyfat, diet/calories

    your gonna love it

  24. #24
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    great advice

  25. #25
    1pete is offline Junior Member
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    If I were to bump up my test to 600 mgs and deca to 400 mgs every four days as opposed to 300 test and 200 deca every 7 days, what effect would this have on me? My levels are about 65% below normal. Would I have to get back to normal to get an anabolic effect? Or would I get it automaticly from the increases? With the increases, would I have to do pct at the end or just decrease the amounts and that would suffice?

    I'm reading here that mostly everyone here is on 100-200 mgs a week just to get back to feeling normal. Has anyone ever actually ran a cycle like we did back in our 20's while on trt?

  26. #26
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1pete View Post
    If I were to bump up my test to 600 mgs and deca to 400 mgs every four days as opposed to 300 test and 200 deca every 7 days, what effect would this have on me? My levels are about 65% below normal. Would I have to get back to normal to get an anabolic effect? Or would I get it automaticly from the increases? With the increases, would I have to do pct at the end or just decrease the amounts and that would suffice?

    I'm reading here that mostly everyone here is on 100-200 mgs a week just to get back to feeling normal. Has anyone ever actually ran a cycle like we did back in our 20's while on trt?
    so tempting to do more....if i were you i would establish a baseline and see what the lower dose does for you can always add later-yes a lot of us that are on TRT run above at times

  27. #27
    1pete is offline Junior Member
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    I want to get my levels as close to normal as possible in the least amount of time and then maintain from there. I've only done one inject and i'm just not feeling any better yet. I've read where one guy was doing 100mgs a week and his doc told him he'd start feeling better in about 12-16 weeks. I don't want to wait that long if I don't have to.

  28. #28
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1pete View Post
    I want to get my levels as close to normal as possible in the least amount of time and then maintain from there. I've only done one inject and i'm just not feeling any better yet. I've read where one guy was doing 100mgs a week and his doc told him he'd start feeling better in about 12-16 weeks. I don't want to wait that long if I don't have to.
    pete...i felt better right away on just androgel ...its case by case...but i agree, i also wanted to take more and i did but dont think i would have started out at 600/400mg...but either way you've got all you need for sides...just keep monitoring the of luck...keep us posted

  29. #29
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    try Nebido....

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