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Thread: Self Administer

  1. #1
    Ironweb's Avatar
    Ironweb is offline Member
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    Self Administer

    I am in my late 30's. I having been checking out various HRT clinics online. The one thing that stands out is they seem to be pricy. I can get 3 10 ml vials from my guy for what 1 cost at a hrt clinic. So I was thinking about staying steady on my bloodwork, seeing my doctor for regular check ups and getting a good supply of E and staying on 250 mg a week dosage. Self administration may not be a bad choice other than the HRT clinics your paying for the legailty of it. Does anyone go that route? If you do how does it work for you?

  2. #2
    TheSmay's Avatar
    TheSmay is offline New Member
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    If you're going the doctor route and are really in need of TRT, your insurance may cover it. I pay a $10 co-pay for my vials from the local CVS. I guarantee you won't be getting 250mgs a week or be able to stockpile like you're hoping. You will have some bloodwork and maybe have to see an endo to get your levels stablized. If you're thinking of just buying UGL test then why even bother going to the doctor?

  3. #3
    crypticaddict is offline Junior Member
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    My insurance covers mine, and I do get 250mg of test-e a week. Have had that dosage for a year now.

    I get one 5cc multi-dose vial a month, dosed at 200mg/cc, and I inject 1.25 cc's every week.

    BCBS covers this and my needles. I pay less than 10 bucks a month.

  4. #4
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    410 scrip is for $10 for vial of 11 dosages of 100 mg per week....BC/BS coverage

  5. #5
    Ironweb's Avatar
    Ironweb is offline Member
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    Thanks guys when I go in for my physical I am going to ask about getting coverage from my insurance.

    The reason why I was thinking of going the route of self adminstration was I read many people who were denied. I did not want to pay extremly high price just for a script. So it was something going on in my mind. Thanks for the response.

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