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  1. #1
    cheatinistryin's Avatar
    cheatinistryin is offline Junior Member
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    what should i expect now???

    my test levels are low and it's affecting my mood, energy levels, and sex drive. the doc is referring me to an endo. does this just mean more bloodwork...or is there some other things they do that a general practitioner does not? any info on what is next would be appreciated. sorry for the lack of info, i'm tired.

  2. #2
    cheatinistryin's Avatar
    cheatinistryin is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    Knucklehead's Avatar
    Knucklehead is offline New Member
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    they are probably going to run a fatigue test, a CBC, and check your test levels. So yes will get somemore blookbork done. They did the same thing to me before they put me on cyp 200mg every two weeks.

  4. #4
    TheSmay's Avatar
    TheSmay is offline New Member
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    You may have to have an MRI to check out your pituitary gland.

  5. #5
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    Hey Cheat,

    The endo will test your estrogen levels along with some other alphabet soup items.....he will be looking (in my case he ordered an MRI) to see if the pituitary is recognizing that you are low test ....the pituitary should be ordering the boys to put out more if the pituitary is doing its job then he will check your hypothalamus to see if it is trying to compensate for either the pituitarys failure to order more test or the boys failure to produce more test.....the whole hypothalamus discussion with my endo was over my head so.....basically as i understood it they were looking for tumors on the pituitary because it is its job to place all orders for testosterone .....if it is doing its job the doc knows the boys are just tired of doing their is your GP's responsibility to equate fatigue, low libido, night sweats, premature ejaculation, and the general lack of zest for life into a diagnosis of low testosterone prodcution is the endo's job to figure out why....if you just started injections without determining why your body stopped producing testosterone the GP would have a case of rectal cranial inversion which is commonly known as having ones head up ones ass.
    Last edited by whiteowl; 01-25-2008 at 06:09 PM.

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    to save you some time and/or an extra trip to the endo ...see if you can get the bloodwork done at a lab before your endo appt. and the mri if necessary (these can be ordered by fax)
    good luck bro

  7. #7
    cheatinistryin's Avatar
    cheatinistryin is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for the replies gentlemen. should be hearing from the endo this week to make an appointment.

  8. #8
    Malbolgia's Avatar
    Malbolgia is offline Junior Member
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    When was your last cycle and did you try pct at all?

  9. #9
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    jpkman is right....your GP should have ordered all the blood work and the MRI before you go to the endo the very least it will save you the time of one trip in and the $$$ for copay....

  10. #10
    cheatinistryin's Avatar
    cheatinistryin is offline Junior Member
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    just got back from the endo. i have to get my test levels checked again on monday morning. previously it was at 339, i believe free test was around 17. she wants another exam because this one was taken in late afternoon. i can already tell what path she is heading down though. i told her my symptoms and she comes back with "have you ever been to a psychiatrist before?" maybe i didn't emphasize that the depression didn't become an issue until my dick stopped working.

    i can understand her apprehension, i'm only 28 and she's doesn't want to unneccesarily prescribe meds i may not need for the rest of my life. i dont want that either. i just want a normal libido for a 28 year old (sex twice a day would be normal, i imagine.)

    i asked about testing estrogen and she said at the moment she wouldn't perceive that to be a problem because it is associated with gyno and obesity.

    i asked about the wide 'normal' range that testosterone has and she basically said the jury is still out on what is normal. what's good for some may be too low for others. she's relatively young so that's a little promising that she won't be stubborn if the 2nd test reveals another low third result. (which i can almost guarantee it will).

    sorry for the long winded post. feel free to comment.

  11. #11
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    i don't know why she has not ordered all of the bloodwork straight away....i am 55...i fought the depression diagnosis for almost 2 years....f**k psychiatrists....when your test is low you will be fatigued, apathetic and lethargic....339 for a 28 yr old...c'mon ....
    you should get your test injection and then the morning of the 8th day (when you would get another shot) you should get another bloodtest AKA trough test.....and yeah twice a day at 28 is right there mate.....if you did not want to have it twice a day at 28 you would need a psychiatrist....

  12. #12
    cheatinistryin's Avatar
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    Test #2 results came back at 547. iron was a little high, as was cortisol and she wants to test these two again. apparently testosterone isn't the issue, so i don't know what the f*ck is going on...

    to me 547, on a scale that goes up to 1200, isn't all that impressive...especially for being 28.

  13. #13
    keith1958 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheatinistryin View Post
    Test #2 results came back at 547. iron was a little high, as was cortisol and she wants to test these two again. apparently testosterone isn't the issue, so i don't know what the f*ck is going on...

    to me 547, on a scale that goes up to 1200, isn't all that impressive...especially for being 28.
    You are correct it isn't that great for a man your age. If she isn't going to help you then find another doctor if you can. I hear all the time Endo's are not good for HRT. Not all of them but most.

  14. #14
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    wow... i feel like a punk. i've never been able to have sex twice a day for more than a couple days in a row. not even at 18. Never really wanted to. i probably had low test then as well. Good luck. Sound like you need to try another doc.

    Keith1968, What doc is better then an endo? Urologist or GP? or??


  15. #15
    keith1958 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TBones View Post
    wow... i feel like a punk. i've never been able to have sex twice a day for more than a couple days in a row. not even at 18. Never really wanted to. i probably had low test then as well. Good luck. Sound like you need to try another doc.

    Keith1968, What doc is better then an endo? Urologist or GP? or??


    I have a D.O. and alot of men on HRT has them also. Dr. Crisler is a D.O.

    A DO is a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.

    Good luck

  16. #16
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by keith1958 View Post
    I have a D.O. and alot of men on HRT has them also. Dr. Crisler is a D.O.

    A DO is a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine.

    Good luck
    thanks Keith, i had a a urologist once about 5 years ago who was a DO but was a closed minded as an MD. He perscribed viagra and told me i should think about seeing a shrink. My numbers were 265 total test and 9 for free test. lol I'll try one again. I heard from a Pharmicist around here who specializes in HRT that there in an endo who they work with who actually is into HRT. I might try her.

  17. #17
    Philly Grappler is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knucklehead View Post
    they are probably going to run a fatigue test, a CBC, and check your test levels. So yes will get somemore blookbork done. They did the same thing to me before they put me on cyp 200mg every two weeks.
    My doctor just started me on 200mg every 2 weeks too. Mt total test was 205. I don't feel a difference yet, but it's only been 2 days. How high up did 200mg bring your test levels to? How long before the test kicked in for you?

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