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Thread: Newbie on TRT

  1. #1
    Pinturicchio is offline New Member
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    Newbie on TRT

    hi im new on posting here in steroid .com but i've been reading it since a month or two... well, i have some questions, please answer them:

    how much should your dose be if you do NOT want to be sterile?
    the dose should be each week? month? how many in every case?

    how much should your dose be if you want to keep the other side effects of testosterone but not the sterility? for example, keeping the fat out, the muscle in, having some extra hair

    how old should you be AT LEAST to start consuming testosterone and not being sterile for the rest of your life??

    the fact of being sterile is reversible?

    sorry... i know im a newbie but i really need it... thx

  2. #2
    admirals56 is offline Banned
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    there is no right age to start using test you have to get it checked and see wat your levels are

  3. #3
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    1.Your looking into this "sterile" thing too much. Im on alot of test for an HRT dose and I knocked a girl up. It only takes 1, and guys are always gettin girls pregnant on juice. remember that.

    2. Id opt for 200 mg per week. Youll probably be a little higher than normal, But thats good IMO.

  4. #4
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    How old are you and why are you considering HRT ?

  5. #5
    Pinturicchio is offline New Member
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    just turned into 18

    im a rugby player and i want to improve my strength and my capacity in general, and a friend of mine told that he has testosterone to give me so i accepted and here i am

  6. #6
    Pinturicchio is offline New Member
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    ironaddict69, how much have you been in trt? how many doses did you have before knocking up this girl? of 200 also?

  7. #7
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    Too Young Period. At 18 years old you have plenty of natty test floating around in your system. Do some research on diet first, because that is most likely going to be your first hurdle.

  8. #8
    keith1958 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinturicchio View Post
    hi im new on posting here in steroid .com but i've been reading it since a month or two... well, i have some questions, please answer them:

    how much should your dose be if you do NOT want to be sterile?
    the dose should be each week? month? how many in every case?

    how much should your dose be if you want to keep the other side effects of testosterone but not the sterility? for example, keeping the fat out, the muscle in, having some extra hair

    how old should you be AT LEAST to start consuming testosterone and not being sterile for the rest of your life??

    the fact of being sterile is reversible?

    sorry... i know im a newbie but i really need it... thx
    I know I am new here to these forums but I have to chime in. if I am out of line or wrong please someone chime in and correct me.
    Hi Pinturicchio, I am new to TRT/HRT and have researched before going on TRT for at least 3 months. You seem to think Testosterone is this magic pill that will make you loose weight and get you all this power and strength. It is not a magic potion you still have to put in the time in and work to achive your goals.

    Also once you start it is life long unless you do cycles and that information is in the steriod forum not in HRT. You are way to young unless you have a valid reason or are willing to take the good witrh the bad. One for sure you have alot more research to do before even thinking about doing it. I am not bitching you out just letting you know theres a lot more to it than taking Testosterone becoming this amazing athelete.
    good luck

  9. #9
    Pinturicchio is offline New Member
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    i know it takes sometime to feel the changes, i've read about it on this forum, but it would really help in my sport and i have the pacience to wait. anyway, i'm going to take a testosterone test to be sure about taking it, thx a lot

  10. #10
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    at 18 i wouldn't even think about test injections unless and until you get your blood work done by your Dr....,may turn out you have low test and will get the injections anyway....and after that just keep in mind that the more time you spend in the gym the more likely you will be getting remember to wrap that rascal....

  11. #11
    keith1958 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinturicchio View Post
    i know it takes sometime to feel the changes, i've read about it on this forum, but it would really help in my sport and i have the pacience to wait. anyway, i'm going to take a testosterone test to be sure about taking it, thx a lot

    Good idea

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