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  1. #1
    TrainSanders is offline New Member
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    Jan 2008

    Androgel Question Please Help

    I had some bloodwork done recently my free test levels were low for my age and my LH and pitiuitary gland functions came back normal, My doctor ran a Total Testosterone test today. He gave me a prescription for Androgel and told me if my test had risen by monday morning we would disregard the rx. I was just wondering what an alternative to this would be. Ive heard if my levels are fine with just low free test i could use clomid therapy? Im not sure what went wrong...all i know is test replacement at my age scares me..Ive turned to this forum for help..

    I also had a question about androgel and fertility. I am 20 years old and i do plan to have children.

    Any help would be great im kinda stuck her noone seems to be helping.

  2. #2
    Coop77's Avatar
    Coop77 is offline Senior Member
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    Very odd of your doctor to prescribe androgel to a 20 year old. Test levels vary a lot from person to person. Also, your test levels fluctuate all the time and the blood test is just a snapshot in time. Unless you're having symptoms associated with low testosterone I wouldn't use any kind of supplemental testosterone at your age.

  3. #3
    keith1958 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coop77 View Post
    Very odd of your doctor to prescribe androgel to a 20 year old. Test levels vary a lot from person to person. Also, your test levels fluctuate all the time and the blood test is just a snapshot in time. Unless you're having symptoms associated with low testosterone I wouldn't use any kind of supplemental testosterone at your age.

    I have to agree with coop77. I also don't understand why he would give you a script for 3-4 days.

  4. #4
    TrainSanders is offline New Member
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    see thats the thing i have normal levels now..with my pitituitary, and the past i had a case of high estrogen and was prescribed arimidex to bring it thinking the reasons why my free testosterone is low is because when i was on the arimidex my test was never actually raised it just evened my levels out...
    i have a strong libido its just lately ive noticed not as hard morning wood and things of that sort so i went in for a test and sure enough....

    would clomid treatment be a more effective way of bring my test back..what ive actually planned to do is going in and getting blood work done to find the source of the problem...what are the blood tests i should do??? ive completed prolactin..LH and a few others...

    Thanks, any help would be awesome

  5. #5
    Coop77's Avatar
    Coop77 is offline Senior Member
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    If you have no symptoms, you're fine. I'd lay off the drugs and let your body sort itself out. It takes a while sometimes.
    If you really think you have a problem, see an endocrinologist.

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