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  1. #1
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    "Well that's a part of getting older..."

    Yep i got it. The BS story.

    Me: "i feel like crap, lethargic, cant focus, not motivated, low sex drive etc..."
    Doc: "How often do you feel like having sex with your wife?"
    Me: "we probably have sex once or twice a month"
    Doc: "Is that execptable to her?" (wtf? it's not acceptable to me!)
    Me: "no"
    Me: "i like to stay in shape, do some cardio and conditioning training and when i do i get so fatigued, and when i am working out i have even less sex drive or any other drive etc.."
    Doc: "do you have to do these things?" (seriously, did he just say that?)
    Me: "I like to stay healthy"
    Doc: Do you work a lot of hours per week?"
    Me: "no, 40"
    Doc: (and here it goes) "Well as we get older it's harder to maintian bla, bla, bla. You have to work on these things (wanting to have sex with the wife) etc." "I cant run a test to see if you testosterone is low and we can give you a cream"

    I'm 39! not 70!
    I dont want anything from this guy. i want a doctor who knows what they are doing and will give me what is right for me. I got a referal from a spacialized pharmicy in town who does HRT mixing. I will go see the doc they work with a lot. She's and Endo but she into HRT/TRT.

    Just ranting and sharing my experience.


  2. #2
    PEWN's Avatar
    PEWN is offline AR Addict
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    yeah, get a new doc that wont give you cream..... either injectable or nothing ..

  3. #3
    66cobra is offline New Member
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    My Endo gave me the choice:Patch, Gel or Injection. I chose Injection.

  4. #4
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    i agree. well, i dont mind starting with gel or something to see how it goes and show him that it's what i need but i would want to go to injection. Also injection is cheaper from what i understand so i can tell him insurance wont pay for the gel.

  5. #5
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    TBone....turn your rant into action.....these docs don't wife went through menopause at the same time....her treatment and followup was night and day different than my're 39 not dead.....if you look at Pewn's avatar and the boys don't tell JR to have a need injections.

  6. #6
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    What a fuktard this Dr is. I do my own HRT because I know what I am doing, those idiots sure dont.

  7. #7
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    copy my last remark to Kale's avatar

  8. #8
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    That is almost exactly what happened to me, but after blood work was able to determine I could get some test prescribed. At this point I discussed options. I was able to tell them I wanted to give myself injections and they gave it to me. Sometimes doctors sense something and offer advice to determine your frame of mind. I once broke my hand and a small broken bone was protruding from a cut. I went to the hospital and the doctor pressed it back into the basic location it should be. He told me I needed to have surgery, but that would be scheduled in a few days. Until then, he said I should go home and take some aspirin. I was shocked he did not prescribe me pain medication, but he may have sensed that I wanted to some pain medication but for what ever reason would not give it to me. I think that you have to play it by ear and go along with them making suggestions along he way. If you find the right doc you will get what you want. Good Luck.

  9. #9
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des View Post
    That is almost exactly what happened to me, but after blood work was able to determine I could get some test prescribed. At this point I discussed options. I was able to tell them I wanted to give myself injections and they gave it to me. Sometimes doctors sense something and offer advice to determine your frame of mind. I once broke my hand and a small broken bone was protruding from a cut. I went to the hospital and the doctor pressed it back into the basic location it should be. He told me I needed to have surgery, but that would be scheduled in a few days. Until then, he said I should go home and take some aspirin. I was shocked he did not prescribe me pain medication, but he may have sensed that I wanted to some pain medication but for what ever reason would not give it to me. I think that you have to play it by ear and go along with them making suggestions along he way. If you find the right doc you will get what you want. Good Luck.
    well i would really hope he would sense that you genuinly wanted some pain medication. wtf?! whats up with these quaks?!!

  10. #10
    Revelation78 is offline Banned
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    I have to admit my, I had doubts about my endo intially. I almost think he wanted to make sure I wasn't "out to get him." I had to see my doc 8 times over three months to get to where I am now - getting HGH script after MRI. I would say "feel" him out over 2-3 visits and see if he does make suggestions as another member said that gets you the results you want.

  11. #11
    Philly Grappler is offline Associate Member
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    I am in the same boat. I am reading that you guys prefer the injection method. What do you guys think about the pellets they are offering now?

  12. #12
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiteowl View Post
    TBone....turn your rant into action.....these docs don't wife went through menopause at the same time....her treatment and followup was night and day different than my're 39 not dead.....if you look at Pewn's avatar and the boys don't tell JR to have a need injections.
    lol... i know, they seem to care a lote more about taking care of a women. You see is all over the web when you look up HRT, it's all about women. On my insurance home page you see all sorts of helpfull info about menopause (sp) and very little about HRT for men.


  13. #13
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Revelation78 View Post
    I have to admit my, I had doubts about my endo intially. I almost think he wanted to make sure I wasn't "out to get him." I had to see my doc 8 times over three months to get to where I am now - getting HGH script after MRI. I would say "feel" him out over 2-3 visits and see if he does make suggestions as another member said that gets you the results you want.
    I will see what he does when my blood test results come back. That's another thing thats pissing me off is my results have taken about 4 days longer than normal because thier test machine broke and they are waiting for it to get fixed tomorow. They forze my blood in the mean time. Do you guys know if that will hace an effect? it was at the lab for 6 days and then they froze it.

    T Bone

  14. #14
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    You need to find your own doctor, Urologists are my preferred favorite, and hopefully insurance will be willing to pay for at least the blood tests.

    Simply put, you need to research the urologists, before you schedule an appt.

    You can do this by calling clinics, in whatever distance you are willing to travel to, and ask to speak to their nurse.

    Ask her if he regularly treat men with TRT, and if blood tests determine low test, does he prefer to treat with IM test, gels, etc…

    Other questions can include; does he have experience in using TRT to treat former steroid users, who now suffer from low testosterone permanently?

    The way the nurse answers is how you can find out if this is the right doctor.

    Generally you cannot get any of those answers from the doctor themselves, as the always want to meet with you first, however talking to the nurse can give you an idea of what the doctor regularly uses for treatment.

    If the nurse says “he does not use IM often, but I know a lot about gels and cialis”, then say “ok thanks for your time”, and continue calling other Urology clinics.

    Once you find a nurse who says the doctor regularly uses testosterone in his treatment, and has experience with former steroid users, then you ask your general practitioner for a referral to this doctor.

    If your GP refuses, then get a new GP, which is a lot easier than finding the good specialist. Most insurance companies require an referal to a spec. Mine does not, and so I am lucky. I just found my Uro, and he helped me, a lot.

    Ohh, and another good question to ask: Does the doctor have experience working with Female to Male transgender patients? – as this is a strong indication that the specific doctor is used to dosing at least 100-200mg EW with test cyp, which is generally the “good-zone” for your TRT needs.

    Keep in mind that you will still have to come up low on a blood test. Doctors that regularly prescribe testosterone have the Gov all over their back with regulations, so you need to show legitimate medical need. Hence why you would have to show up low on a blood test. By the sounds of it, you likely would come show up low, so I think once you find a good Urologist, you will be doing better.
    Last edited by meathead320; 02-20-2008 at 12:43 PM.

  15. #15
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    You need to find your own doctor, Urologists are my preferred favorite, and hopefully insurance will be willing to pay for at least the blood tests.

    Simply put, you need to research the urologists, before you schedule an appt.

    You can do this by calling clinics, in whatever distance you are willing to travel to, and ask to speak to their nurse.

    Ask her if he regularly treat men with TRT, and if blood tests determine low test, does he prefer to treat with IM test, gels, etc…

    Other questions can include; does he have experience in using TRT to treat former steroid users, who now suffer from low testosterone permanently?

    The way the nurse answers is how you can find out if this is the right doctor.

    Generally you cannot get any of those answers from the doctor themselves, as the always want to meet with you first, however talking to the nurse can give you an idea of what the doctor regularly uses for treatment.

    If the nurse says “he does not use IM often, but I know a lot about gels and cialis”, then say “ok thanks for your time”, and continue calling other Urology clinics.

    Once you find a nurse who says the doctor regularly uses testosterone in his treatment, and has experience with former steroid users, then you ask your general practitioner for a referral to this doctor.

    If your GP refuses, then get a new GP, which is a lot easier than finding the good specialist. Most insurance companies require an referal to a spec. Mine does not, and so I am lucky. I just found my Uro, and he helped me, a lot.

    Ohh, and another good question to ask: Does the doctor have experience working with Female to Male transgender patients? – as this is a strong indication that the specific doctor is used to dosing at least 100-200mg EW with test cyp, which is generally the “good-zone” for your TRT needs.

    Keep in mind that you will still have to come up low on a blood test. Doctors that regularly prescribe testosterone have the Gov all over their back with regulations, so you need to show legitimate medical need. Hence why you would have to show up low on a blood test. By the sounds of it, you likely would come show up low, so I think once you find a good Urologist, you will be doing better.

    Wow, thanks for all the info bro. I'm still waiting for the bloodtest from a week and a half ago. I will see what he says. Most likely i will be looking for someone better and i will be putting your info to use.


  16. #16
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    inkslinger is offline Associate Member
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    I have a phone consult tomorrow with one of the only anti aging clinics left around in florida who now have offices in the north east ... I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow..
    my boss deals with these dude , he has a script for test, dec and gh .. dude gave him t3 too ... i have to say at 46 the dude looks incredible.. but he did say they are REALLY pricey

  17. #17
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by inkslinger View Post
    I have a phone consult tomorrow with one of the only anti aging clinics left around in florida who now have offices in the north east ... I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow..
    my boss deals with these dude , he has a script for test, dec and gh .. dude gave him t3 too ... i have to say at 46 the dude looks incredible.. but he did say they are REALLY pricey
    I actually prefer to stay away from these clinics, as they could go under at any time, leaving you with abrupt low hormone levels.

    Not that I agree with those laws, but at this time in history, they get shut down easily.

    Most regulations insist that a patient actually meet a doctor in person, that the doctor have blood tests run to determine need, and this covers their butt legal too. Hence why I reccomend finding a urologist who is willing to scrib for test, and sometimes other things as well.

    It really depends on weather or not you need all the other stuff. Plenty of times test alone boosts IGF-1, and even helps your thyroid, so often TRT alone is enough for total HRT.

    Not always, but quite often guys will start with replacing their low testosterone , only to find that on the next blood tests their other hormones are much healthier. After about 12 months cholesterol values often improve as well. Short term the lipids can look ugly, with high ldl, and low hdl, but long term studies tend to show a dramatic improvement.

    The other nice thing about a regular urologist, who has met you in person, is that with insurance, you will not be paying through the teeth for your testosterone to be in the youg healthy range. Couple that with knowing you are in less of a grey area of lagality, and that your doc will likely stay in practice a lot longer, and be able to look after your health in a continued way.

  18. #18
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    TBone: I know what you mean about Doc's sensing something about what I want. A I get older I realize that what I want isn't necessarily what need. I really have to be patient, check my ego at the door, trust that the doc knows what he is doing...But most importantly don't totally lose my common sense! If I feel something is not the best option for "ME" I tell them. I listen to their explaination and if it doesn't feel right for "ME" I find a new doc.


  19. #19
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    Well put. I was going to say something very simpleton like, "they make me nervous" or something. lol Also I agree that while it's nice to have all that stuff, most times we really don’t need it.

    Ya, I only want what i really need. But if my symptoms match with low test and he/she still says I’m fine, my ego will have nothing to do with it. I will find someone who wants to help me. In so many cases the doc isn't the one that knows what he is doing. Ya know?


  20. #20
    iceman1961 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coach 44 View Post
    TBone: I know what you mean about Doc's sensing something about what I want. A I get older I realize that what I want isn't necessarily what need. I really have to be patient, check my ego at the door, trust that the doc knows what he is doing...But most importantly don't totally lose my common sense! If I feel something is not the best option for "ME" I tell them. I listen to their explaination and if it doesn't feel right for "ME" I find a new doc.

    Thanks Coach...I was ready to give up!

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