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  1. #1
    N00body_Important is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    HRT - Steady or cycle??

    I am 48, was in great shape, good diet but had the usual andropause symptoms, before discovering HRT. (Thanks to forums like THIS, and no thanks to the medical community...) SO, I went through a clinc in FL, did all the usual tests evaluated the results, and they put me on 100mg Test-e plus 1.5 iu gh - growth hormone (Tev-tropin). VERY happy with the reults. Symptoms gone. However...

    They prescription instructions were for a 10-wk on, 4-wk off cycle on the test-e, with .5mg Arimidex starting in weeks 3 of the cycle, and clomid starting in week 2 or off cycle.

    Problem - I am now in week 4 of my first off-cycle, and not liking it. Woods getting soft, libido down, all that.

    My Question: From what I am reading, HRT should be a steady dose, am I not right? If that is the case, why would they want me to cycle??

    Anyone doing the same thing? Thoughts, comments??


  2. #2
    crypticaddict is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2004
    my doc's got me on a steady 250mg test-e per week.

  3. #3
    grvdigr1's Avatar
    grvdigr1 is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by crypticaddict View Post
    my doc's got me on a steady 250mg test-e per week.
    how the hell do you get your doc to do that? took me a year to get mine to do once a month injections of test cyp 200mg... i need a new doc

  4. #4
    N00body_Important is offline New Member
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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by crypticaddict View Post
    my doc's got me on a steady 250mg test-e per week.
    Nothing else? No Arimidex ,too? Feel tip-top all the time?

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