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  1. #1
    pete050877 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2007

    On trt but need help

    o.k.....i did a few cycles of deca and sust.....last one about 3 years ago. now for about 2-3 years my testicles shrunk....but they sort of come back every now and then. sex drive is low, sperm count and motility low, test. low.....been to a few endos, want to put me on trt. trying to explain to them that it wont solve problem, i mean i dont have kids and would hope to one day have some. now, being that im so fogged up, tired, no sex drive etc....i gave in and had my first shot of test-depot today...250mg every three weeks. i asked about hcg but he said he has to research it!!! what should i do? should i insist on the hcg? i have 20mg tabs of nolva, should i take them too? so confused, cant think.....any help would be sooo great.

  2. #2
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2008
    now thats a switch. a doctor that wants to help instead of send you down the road with low numbers telling you that you are fine. lol

    what are your numbers? age? Did you do any pct after your cycles? If so, maybe they are right about you needing to be on trt. If you are on test then the nolva wont bring the boys back. Let the doc research the hcg and hope they will put you on it. If you are on trt and keep using hcg i think your chances of producing swimmers is pretty good unless you have absolutely no production. In that case it wont mater what you do. You might be a candidate for trt. If you are not confortable with your docs ability to do whats right for you then i would find another.

    Maybe some more knowledgable folks will do a better job here for you. But it wil help if you can post your stats. age, test numbers etc.

  3. #3
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2007
    don't mess with the dr's program until he is done researching and prescribing.....damn a real are lucky enough to have one who is agressive in treatment....wouldn't slip in something that may tweak a blood test .....250 is a'll know when the dr is done...and then you can consider other options....right now let him do his two cents anyway...

  4. #4
    Teegunn's Avatar
    Teegunn is offline Banned
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    Feb 2005
    For your nuts strongly consider Clomid and HCG .

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    my doc wouldnt write me for hcg when i asked...said you dont need big nuts...offered to refer to endo

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