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  1. #1
    maineman's Avatar
    maineman is offline New Member
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    low level 190 now what?

    I am 26 and I just had a test and had a very low number a 190. I went to the endo doctor and he will not perscribe me anything. What is my next step. I live in Maine and am not sure of any other clinics or places to go. Is there a good place i could mail my test results to so that they can help me out?

  2. #2
    Ryanhallmark's Avatar
    Ryanhallmark is offline Senior Member
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    Next step would be to find another doctor,IMO. Did the first Doctor tell you that your ok?

  3. #3
    maineman's Avatar
    maineman is offline New Member
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    the first doctor wanted to wait for me to have a sleep study. Which is not going to be for another month or so. I really do not want to wait for the sleep study i would like to start therapy so that can have more physical drive to be able to perform at work better and have more physical drive at the gym.... I am currently just doing cardio trying to drop weight. I was at 450 and now after 3 months i am at 420 but just dont feel the drive

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    congrats on your 3 month success so far....
    if you mean your total testosterone level was 190 at age 26 and you went to 2 doctors complaining of low test symptoms and they offer NO remedy whatsoever i agree with above and is it too late to stop payment on that endo's check?
    did the endo just say goodbye nice to meet you or was he in agreance with your primary to have a sleep study?

  5. #5
    maineman's Avatar
    maineman is offline New Member
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    Thanx.... i am tryin to lose more its just hard to do with no drive..... they both want me to have the sleep study first.... just sucks it is not for another month and a half from now..... Dont understand why they just wont treat now and give me something to give me some drive so that i can lose this weight and feel good again

  6. #6
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    not sure what a sleep study has do to with the 190 test. Did they give you any sort of explanation? Did they explain that 400 is the low end of normal for testosterone ?
    copy JPK....put a stop payment on the check.

  7. #7
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    sleep IS VERY important and i would have a sleep study done myself if i had insurance or could afford it thinking i might have slight sleep apnea and knowing of the amazing results a c-pap machine provides
    be glad you can get that done
    i wouldnt think that your testosterone level would be that much lower due to lack of sleep but of course it would effect it some so yes you probably are going to be on the low side testosterone wise anyway
    have you done a lot of research on this site you have any idea why your T level would be on the low side or how long have you been over weight?, etc.?

  8. #8
    maineman's Avatar
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    I believe i have sleep apnea..... I know that can lower the level but just cant understand why the doc wants me to wait till after the study. Will the machine treatment help rais my levles that much?? I just think it would be nice to get some hrt now so i can get more done at the gym and also have better performance at work. I have been over weight for the past 3 years. 3 years ago i was at 380 then dropped down to 285 but then went up to 450 over the past 3 years. I have lost 35 in the past 3 months but I know it should be a lot more if i had the dive to do it.....

  9. #9
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by maineman View Post
    I believe i have sleep apnea..... I know that can lower the level but just cant understand why the doc wants me to wait till after the study. Will the machine treatment help rais my levles that much?? I just think it would be nice to get some hrt now so i can get more done at the gym and also have better performance at work. I have been over weight for the past 3 years. 3 years ago i was at 380 then dropped down to 285 but then went up to 450 over the past 3 years. I have lost 35 in the past 3 months but I know it should be a lot more if i had the dive to do it.....
    i hear you bro...lets look at this on the HUGE bright are on a positive regimine now that has you down 30lbs and you are in charge of your health by having the sleep study done....what a difference that can make alone...
    you are only 26 and there are several things that need to be ruled out before starting TRT...26 is young to be on for the rest of your life but is nice to know that if necessary it is an option
    there is no problem finding an ADDITIONAL doctor and explain your sypmtoms to him...find one that has experience and has and will prescribe for can find this out over the phone b4 making appt.
    you could have apnea and low T and the best thing is you are taking charge and getting the help you need like all here...a year from now you are going to be a new man

  10. #10
    maineman's Avatar
    maineman is offline New Member
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    thank you to everyone who replied with encouraging messages..........

  11. #11
    bombguy is offline Associate Member
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    Wow, I can't believe your doc wouldn't help out with the test. levels being so low. Mine were at 156 when I got tested and he started me immediately on test.c. I would try to find another doc if possible.

  12. #12
    Peducho0113 is offline Senior Member
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    Maineman, I think you definely need to find a new doctor, remember that docs are working for you and your well being. If you feel like your doc is helping you, why stay with him, bes of the luck to you bro

  13. #13
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    How much do you weigh?
    The original poster said his weight is around 420lbs. I think there are other problems besides low Testosterone .

    Quote Originally Posted by bombguy View Post
    Wow, I can't believe your doc wouldn't help out with the test. levels being so low. Mine were at 156 when I got tested and he started me immediately on test.c. I would try to find another doc if possible.

  14. #14
    bombguy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    How much do you weigh?
    The original poster said his weight is around 420lbs. I think there are other problems besides low Testosterone.
    Good point...I didn't catch that portion. It does sound as though there are several other factor leading to having low test., but the fact remains it's low either way.

  15. #15
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    maineman....i believe if you post your blood tests results on this site you will be surprised at the analysis you will get. As you probably are aware already there is as much brainpower as there is brawn on this site. My apologies for the sleep misinformation... i stand corrected.

  16. #16
    OnT's Avatar
    OnT is offline Associate Member
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    You need androgel and fast.

  17. #17
    BITTAPART2's Avatar
    BITTAPART2 is offline Senior Member
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    anywhere my son lives
    bro, IMO he i the right thing by not perscribing you test. You have other problems to address first. Your we-ight and flucuation of your wei-ght are definatly not condusive to healthy testosterone administration. Sleep apnea happens often to people who are over wei-ght, these are real concerns that need tom be addressed before you jump into TRT, JMO.

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