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  1. #1
    lattimershotgun is offline New Member
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    no sex drive high test

    Ok guys I am on a cycle of 375mg of test E a week. I am not going all out high dosage becasue this is like a super form of TRT. I split the shots up into 125mg 3 days a week to keep it at its more level state. So here is a problem. I have talked to some of the TRT guys on another forum and they right away think i am super stupid for taking steroids in the first place or running a dose over 150mg a week for any extended period of time. Anyways the problem is. I have no sex drive!!!! Do not think E2 estrodial is high because i just touch liquidex with a low dosage for like 2 days and then then im super dry and flat and have even worse sex drive! So it is not a low estrogen thing. I am thinking is it possible to be on a high dose of test and after awhile your estrogen actualy lowers? I know i need blood work but I am curoius. Maybe my estrogen is too low or atleast my E2 which is what counts on how you feel. LIke would taking DHEA raise my estrogen and help? I know it sounds crazy but I think i need more estrogen becasue if i just touch liquidex i shrink up and feel worse then before and get all tired and ****ty. Soooo any clues what coudl cause the libido problems? I take HCG 500ius 3 times a week. just to keep me fertile and it seems to be keeping the boys plump!

  2. #2
    doctorphil is offline New Member
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    Hey: The answer is very simple. You are taking way too much Test. Remember, this is human physiology and there are feedback mechanisms to everything we put into the hormonal system. So, the high T is shutting down the pituitary. Also, you cannot determine if you are running up your DHT or the Estradiol. Only a blood test will do that. So, stop the roids and you should normalize......all of them. If you want to start back then don't use high doses......more is NOT better. The high dose makes one feel good "just when they start", but once all the receptor sites are clogged up.....the spillover of DHT, E, and the feedback mechanism to the pituitary takes over.
    From your friend Doctorphil

  3. #3
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by doctorphil View Post
    Hey: The answer is very simple. You are taking way too much Test. Remember, this is human physiology and there are feedback mechanisms to everything we put into the hormonal system. So, the high T is shutting down the pituitary. Also, you cannot determine if you are running up your DHT or the Estradiol. Only a blood test will do that. So, stop the roids and you should normalize......all of them. If you want to start back then don't use high doses......more is NOT better. The high dose makes one feel good "just when they start", but once all the receptor sites are clogged up.....the spillover of DHT, E, and the feedback mechanism to the pituitary takes over.
    From your friend Doctorphil
    Bingo !!! Good response doctorphil and welcome

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    i often wonder also if good libido and/or good wood are only the products of the right amount of test/estrogen or are there other factors im sure?

  5. #5
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    good question jpk....

  6. #6
    CeeLo's Avatar
    CeeLo is offline Senior Member
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    Where there's food!
    Ow long have you been running your 375/wk cycle? Were you planning to run that forever? I'm just curious because I want to run 300/wk, but I want to know when I should cycle off.

  7. #7
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    jpk: The other factors would include, but are not limited to, who you're bangin (see Kale's chick) because imho fat and ugly chicks (a.k.a. Slumpbusters) tend to illicit a profound negative reaction to the male's sense of woodentary satisfaction. Thus, sexual interest and performance decreases signficantly. See I'm already using that degree, LOL In conclusion, alright enough.....

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coach 44 View Post
    jpk: The other factors would include, but are not limited to, who you're bangin (see Kale's chick) because imho fat and ugly chicks (a.k.a. Slumpbusters) tend to illicit a profound negative reaction to the male's sense of woodentary satisfaction. Thus, sexual interest and performance decreases signficantly. See I'm already using that degree, LOL In conclusion, alright enough.....

  9. #9
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Imperial Valley, CA
    Jman: Knew you "wood" like that one!

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