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  1. #1
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Test Levels are Sky High!

    Well guys I saw the urologist yesterday. Let's just say he's not real up to date on hrt. My test results showed a test level of 1,170. Up from 307 after only 2 weeks on pharmacutical grade test cyp. I gave the blood sample before 8:00 a.m. like he requested. If you'll recall, I did 6 weeks of 200 mg. of test enth (Testoprim) from Mexico, when my insurance wouldn't authorize the test cyp until I saw a urologist. After 6 weeks my test levels went from 209 to 307 WTF!!!! Obtained the test cyp legally, did two weeks and saw the uro. I feel great and my workouts are back to normal.
    But it leaves me with a dilemma. The Uro was so freaked out by the 1,170 test count, that he said he needs to speak to my primary. My primary didn't really specify the dose of test cyp on the script (he just said inject 200 mg. every two weeks), so I've done 200 mg.'s per week for the last 3 weeks. I'm sure I'll get a call from my primary and he'll tell me to only use 200 mg.'s every two weeks and not per week.
    I really want to follow the doc's orders, but I also know how I feel. The Uro was so blown away that I just got the impression that he doesn't know sh*t about hrt. That's just my opinion. It was my own best thinking that got me screwed up with the Mex test, too. So it's a fine line between complying with the docs and knowing what makes me feel good again.
    What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    i'm thinking you must feel pretty damn good.....maybe suggest that the test was off and ask for a retake....mellow on the level for a couple of defintely want the primary to pay and the pharmacy grade and them not asking for a blood test every month....glad to hear you are up last test was 950 and my doc just said it was a "little high" and whacked me .25 a week....i had been supplementing my script with some EU material.....wish i had cut back sooner that the three weeks before the test...
    Last edited by whiteowl; 04-12-2008 at 11:51 AM.

  3. #3
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Imperial Valley, CA
    As always Whiteowl, I'll take your suggestion mate. This is definitely better (having a doc supervise and scribe) than it used to be when we would go across the border as stupid young idiots (but thinking we were smart) and putting who knows what in our bodies just to get bigger. Thanks buddy!

  4. #4
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    i look at the mistakes i made when i was younger and tend to think of myself as overly aggressive....not maybe as stupid.....the willingness to "do what it takes" was not always the best approach.....anyway...yesterday i was reading some of Merc's stuff and thought i might pass this on to you because my Dr did not....the only difference between enanthate , cypionate and propionate is the ester which is either short or long term in your body.....i e it allows the testosterone to be absorbed quickly or dr prescribed enanthate and within two months my face looked like i had replaced Liston in the first Ali-Liston fight.....if he had prescribed propionate the twice weekly injections that i am doing would be perfect....and the water retention and "pig-face" (as one member so eloquently described) would have been non existent......or the supplemental test i got from the EC would have been propionate instead of the enanthate i ordered....i get the impression from reading Merc is that cypionate is right in the middle....just a little bit of knowledge i got over the use both of us having to live the same to you M8.

  5. #5
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    thats great news coach! i am wondering if you own natural production (what little you might have) might drop down after a few weeks. Probably not much. Good advise from whiteowl on demanding a recount after backing off on you own. Then you can bump it back up if you feel safe around 1170. I'm sure it feels good. How does your sex drive compare. Is it deminished returns over a certain range?

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiteowl View Post
    i look at the mistakes i made when i was younger and tend to think of myself as overly aggressive....not maybe as stupid.....the willingness to "do what it takes" was not always the best approach.....anyway...yesterday i was reading some of Merc's stuff and thought i might pass this on to you because my Dr did not....the only difference between enanthate, cypionate and propionate is the ester which is either short or long term in your body.....i e it allows the testosterone to be absorbed quickly or dr prescribed enanthate and within two months my face looked like i had replaced Liston in the first Ali-Liston fight.....if he had prescribed propionate the twice weekly injections that i am doing would be perfect....and the water retention and "pig-face" (as one member so eloquently described) would have been non existent......or the supplemental test i got from the EC would have been propionate instead of the enanthate i ordered....i get the impression from reading Merc is that cypionate is right in the middle....just a little bit of knowledge i got over the use both of us having to live the same to you M8.
    i've got to read merc's post that you speak of because i was always under the assumption that cypionate and enanthate were relatively equal....looks like i was lucky to have used cypionate from the get go....NEVER once had any sides

  7. #7
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    Steroid esters Drug Active half-life
    Formate 1.5 days
    Acetate 3 days
    Propionate 2 days
    Phenylpropionate 4.5 days
    Butyrate 6 days
    Valerate 7.5 days
    Hexanoate 9 days
    Caproate 9 days
    Isocaproate 9 days
    Heptanoate 10.5 days
    Enanthate 10.5 days
    Octanoate 12 days
    Cypionate 12 days
    Nonanoate 13.5 days
    Decanoate 15 days
    Undecanoate 16.5 days

  8. #8
    BigMC is offline Junior Member
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    The stuff from Mexico was probably way underdosed. I remember doing the real stuff years ago and there is no comparison between what the doc gives you and the crap on the black market.

  9. #9
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    TBones: I've never (knock on wood-no pun intended) had any thype of ed or sexual probs. I mainly started hrt because was always tired and sore for days and even weeks after semi-hard workouts. I would pitch batting practice and have to sit for the next couple of days becasue my back hurt so much. Or I would hit fly balls to my outfielders for 45 minutes and have trouble sleeping because I was cramping and my back would hurt.
    BigMC: No kidding! I'm 45 years old and this is the first time I've used gear from the U.S. and scripted by a real doc. Wow, it's great to be old!!!!!

  10. #10
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    hey jpk

    here is the link: Anthony Roberts New Article on Esters...comments were by Merc.... after checking out T-Bones chart i see i got the gist of it but not exact....thanks again for the heads up....always enjoy seeing your comments cause it helps to clear things up....guys like Kale, you, TBones and Merc help us older guys get dialed... thanks

  11. #11
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coach 44 View Post
    TBones: I've never (knock on wood-no pun intended) had any thype of ed or sexual probs. I mainly started hrt because was always tired and sore for days and even weeks after semi-hard workouts. I would pitch batting practice and have to sit for the next couple of days becasue my back hurt so much. Or I would hit fly balls to my outfielders for 45 minutes and have trouble sleeping because I was cramping and my back would hurt.
    BigMC: No kidding! I'm 45 years old and this is the first time I've used gear from the U.S. and scripted by a real doc. Wow, it's great to be old!!!!!
    I hear you about the recover thing! sucks! So, your sex drive stays consistant even with level going from where it was to 1100+? I didnt mean problems really as much as meant improvement with higher levels or even a decrease. When i used to cycle, my drive would only get so good and then too much test would decreas it. Im still trying to find the sweet spot in my TRT right now.


  12. #12
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiteowl View Post
    hey jpk

    here is the link: Anthony Roberts New Article on Esters...comments were by Merc.... after checking out T-Bones chart i see i got the gist of it but not exact....thanks again for the heads up....always enjoy seeing your comments cause it helps to clear things up....guys like Kale, you, TBones and Merc help us older guys get dialed... thanks
    No prob whiteowl. im still trying to figuer out this trt thing. All my experience is from my old AS days. lol Good luck! :-)


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