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Thread: Blood work back

  1. #1
    elicotton is offline Associate Member
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    North Alabama

    Blood work back

    40 years - 6'-0" - 295lbs - 30% BF (I know, I know).

    Estradiol – 25

    DHEA Sulfate – “little low”

    T – 60 / 193

    Free t-3 – thyroid OK

    PSA – 1.3

    Recommendation is Clomid and 50 mg Test Cyp 2 times per week.

    I have nipple issues (itchy and sensitive) so I’m surprised by the low Estradiol level. I also have lots of abdominal fat.

    Input anyone? Doctors appointment not for a couple weeks, should I insist on anti-aromatase?

  2. #2
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    hey M8....i had problems with the "scent" until i got liquidex (arimidex ) and then Doc prescribed cypionate which is supposed to prevent bloat and aromatase...which it has considerably....think your are going to be OK with Cyp....and you may find you now have the energy and overall umppff to start dealing with your are not alone so just keep in mind you are not the only one who went through the crash and burn...

  3. #3
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2007
    hey M8

    here is the bloodwork sticky that Merc put up....

    ALL you need to know about bloodwork

  4. #4
    TBones is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2008
    the clomid might actually help with the aromatization (itchy nips) you are getting. and the Cyp dose isnt high so i would see how it goes until your next apointment. Did yo have the itchy nips before the trt? actually since you said "recomondation" i think you havent started any of it. hhmmm... i say go with the recomondation and see how it goes. Obviously the doc is willing to work with you so you are lightyears ahead of many on this board. lol If the nips keep itching he should proscribe a-dex.


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