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  1. #1
    niceshotman is offline Junior Member
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    Need HRT/HGH Prescription

    I just joined & I'm no expert at all. I exercised for years & had a decent muscular body, until I ended up in a coma (from multiple bodily traumas). The coma lasted a few months, & I wasted away while being tube fed from a stomach tube. I woke up in a skinny weak body, with many crippling injuries.

    I'm 38, & muscle gains were never easy for me. I have been trying to grow muscle back, but it is "impossible". One quad is very small & weak. I just can't make any real progress unless I have some help. A few people told me about this forum, so I'm looking for some help & advice.

    I have a huge medical file to back up all my problems. I just need to know how to locate the right doctor who can prescribe me something, either HRT or HGH or Steroids , etc. to give me that extra help to regrow tissue in my quad area. I just need enough to get "back to normal" (if that's possible).

    I do have pain & suffering, but I will not let it stop my training. I will force myself through pain in order to be able to walk normally again. I am fully dedicated to this. I am not looking for some easy way out. I will eat, sleep, & follow any regimen that will work. But I just can't go on living this way.

    I need to know what kind of doctor to find, & what to say, so that I can get prescribed the medicine that I need to help me recover. I am living in Boston Massachusetts at this time. There are many medical centers here. I need to know what I should say, so that the doctor understands my needs & will accept me as a patient.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. At this time, I have been trying very hard to get my leg growing, but it seems to just exhaust me & make me sore...but no growth. I eat plenty of protein & get rest. It has gotten tone, but no increase in size or strength. I need the strength, in order to bear weight & walk properly on it.

    I am open to any & all suggestions. Thank you.

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Dude sorry to hear all of this, sounds like you have been through a lot. Is your good qaud growing ? And the rest of your body ? Steroids will not induce site specific growth, its an all or nothing formula.

    Answer that first and we can continue from there

  3. #3
    niceshotman is offline Junior Member
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    I am able to get tone for sure. But any tissue growth is very slow. I don't need site specific growth...but if I had steroids or some kind of aid, then I would focus all my effort on beefing up those places that are the smallest/ quad in particular.

    My weak quad looks like someone took a slicing knife & just scalloped away a large mass of meat. My quad just indents to the bone. The other one is not as bad. I walk with a cane, because my weak quad just cannot carry my body's weight well enough.

    Just imagine if you woke up one day & found half of one quad missing? What would you do? I assume you'd want to beef that small quad up to closely match the regular one. If I get overall growth, that's fine. But I need to do something for that weak quad.

    I've been to support groups with other people who had similar injuries. I've seen people who had an injury just like mine for DECADES & the muscle just NEVER came back. That will not be me...I just refuse it. I will find some way to fix this. If I have to exercise continuously all day long, or move to another country where steroids are legal...I don't care.

    Part of my problem is this: I am a single 38 yr old man, no kids, & nobody. All I have is ME. I had 2 strokes & seizures, so I'm not allowed to drive. I have to "walk" with a cane, just to get groceries...year round...all least twice per week (because I can't carry much weight when I buy groceries). My personal survival depends on my ability to walk & use my leg.

    I have been making due so far, but for all the amount of effort that I do, there should be (or could be) more mass to show for it. Tell me what to do. I'll try anything. But I'd like to focus on bulking up (strengthening) that small quad.

    Whatever you tell me, I'll do it. Raw eggs, raw liver, fish in a blender, I don't care. This is very important for my survival. It's no different than the people in 3rd world countries who don't have cars & need to walk everywhere just to simply live. And if I need to move to another country to have access to steroids, then I will do that too...give me the plan & I'll do it. Thank you.

  4. #4
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Fvck man this is terrible. What the hell did you do to yourself if you dont mind me asking ? Have you tried explaining your concerns to a Dr and broached the idea of steroids to increase your muscle mass? Steroids were developed to help people suck as AIDS victims who were wasting away. Obviously there are ways of getting steroids illegally but lets try the legal route first. What you can try is to tell the Dr your issues PLUS tell him you are lethargic, tired all the time an no sex drive and that you have heard that low testosterone can cause that and get a blood test done to see what your Test levels are. How old are you by the way ? Where in the USA are you living ?

  5. #5
    juicelee is offline Associate Member
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    damn bro im very sorry to hear about your situation...your perseverance is inspiring to say the least...I wish you the best of luck in everything ahead of you...In my experience I went in and told my doctor I felt lethargic, no sex drive, and that it was starting to effect my life...make sure not to press the no erection deal as he may brush it off as ED push the fact that there is no desire to use the erection...I told him I had used AAS in the past and I believed that I may have damaged my natural production he immediately tested me; however, I hear this is not always the case if you tell most docs they will be more likely to judge you and not help you....I would just stick to what Kale tells you my friend

  6. #6
    niceshotman is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah I will try that. The fact is, I really am lethargic all the time & I have no sex drive. They thought it might be from seizure medication, but as they cut back the seizure meds, I was still lethargic & no sex drive.

    Now all I need to do is find the right doctor or facility.

  7. #7
    niceshotman is offline Junior Member
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    What kind of doctor do I need to talk to about this?

    For the past 2 yrs, my main doctor has been my trauma surgeon. He is very sympathetic to me, & he will help me any way he can...but I don't know if this is something that he can prescribe, or if it must be from an endocrinologist or specialist.

    I don't like to bellyache about what happened to me, because nobody would believe it anyway. But I did lose part of my intestines, so nutrition is an issue for me. I use a juicer & there's lots of things I can't digest, so I have tried all kinds of protein powders...I don't know which one(s) are best.

    I have a hard time sleeping lately because I am in continuous (nerve) pain. But if I can just train hard, get decent sleep, use the juicer & protein powders, plus HRT, then I might have a chance at getting better.

    I really need help. I'm not looking to make myself attractive, because there are just too many scars to ever do that. But I have to live...otherwise all my pain & suffering through surgeries & comas has been for nothing.

    ANY advice...I mean anything...a brand of protein powder, a specific exercise, any tips or tricks...will be put to good use - by "good use" I mean saving a persons life.

  8. #8
    juicelee is offline Associate Member
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    Well personally I ve never been much for protein powder consumption I always just tried gettin it from eggs and chicken...But I have used syntha 6 by bsn I thought that was really good (tastes great)...Also any compound or core movement would prolly be best for strength and muscle gain...Bench press, Squat, deadlifts, and cleans come to mind there are others as well

  9. #9
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    one question the quad atrophied or was in removed in surgery? if atrophied the muscle tissue can be rebuilt.... think any Dr can prescribe steroids ....HRT is how alot of us ended up at this site....your GP will send you to an endo or a uro depending on whether the whole body is tanked or just your willy....

  10. #10
    niceshotman is offline Junior Member
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    My right quad suffered lots of atrophy. I never spoke with the surgeon who worked on my right leg, but the leg surely had lots of work, including external pins & stuff on the quad.

    The right leg was immobile for so long that it just wasted away, despite TraumaCal tube feeding. Doctors knew the leg was going to become very weak, so they tried to get me up so that weight could be put on the leg. It was a good idea...but that effort caused blood clots from my legs to get into my blood & lodge in my brain, causing strokes.

    I am fairly sure that the muscle on my quad could regrow, given the proper conditions. I have tried to create the proper conditions for growth, but the only thing I have not been able to try is steroids & hormones.

    What doctor is better to see: an endocrinologist or urologist?
    Last edited by niceshotman; 05-07-2008 at 09:52 PM.

  11. #11
    juicelee is offline Associate Member
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    both will prescribe HRT, from what ive reasearched tho a uro is more likely not to just prescribe HRT but does so at a dose that is in the higher 1/3 of the normal range of test... rather than an endo who will simply put you on a dose that leaves you on the low end of normal...that is the difference on the two that ive personally read about other than that I guess its just whether or not you get lucky based on that particular doctors could call around and ask the offices if the doctor there treats people with test or GH...

  12. #12
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You need to do a Google for Clinics in your area that specialize in Hormone replacement, that is what I did and found one.
    It's amazing how fast atrophy really sets in. I was off my feet (could not walk) for only 2 weeks before back surgery about 7 months ago and my hamstrings and calfs lost at least 50%, they are still only around 90% now. I could hardly stand after surgery even though my back felt 80% better.
    I feel for you and wish you the best of luck. From the months of reading, researching and getting my diet right (90% of the game) I am doing HGH and Test E via Doctors Prescription. I'm hoping it will also help my back strengthen up to where it should and get the legs back but it will still be a lot of work.
    Good luck and keep us posted. Remember, read the diet section, MANY time.

  13. #13
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    juicelee is spot on....the endo will keep you at the low end of normal....from what i have read on this site the uro seems to be much more aggressive and is more apt to help you....God knows you have the attitude, you just need a little more help from the guys who have put you back together....

  14. #14
    zygleth is offline Junior Member
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    NSM- I commend you for your attitude after what you've been thru. I live in Wisconsin and struggle with doctors who cannot differentiate steroid use /benefits from abuse. Very narrow minded people. I agree with the above; your current docs need to step up and really hear your desires.
    Good Luck with your search, your drive will win out.

  15. #15
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    I agree with what everyone above said, but simply wanted to add to the post and wish you the best. Good luck with everything and keep us posted on your progress.

  16. #16
    niceshotman is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks guys.

  17. #17
    JASA is offline Junior Member
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    urologist don't help edocrinologist is de best for HRT

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