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  1. #1
    hougie is offline New Member
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    May 2008

    A couple questions

    I have been considering a round of HRT. My natural Test levels are around 450ng/dl.

    The HRT clinic is offering a 16 week program of either Test Cyp or Test E.

    How do I know which one to choose?

    Also they include your post cycle stuff up front. And there protocol calls for large shots(1000IU or more) of HCG at the end of the cycle. Ive read alot about using HCG during cycle to maintain teste function say 250 IU once or twice a week. So Im concerned about using up the HCG during cycle and not having any post cycle. I bring this up because any time Ive ever tried any androgen my balls shut down and I feel like crap. Yet I hear so many guys say how great they feel while on.

    Also if your test is high yet you cant get it up or have no sex drive does that mean that something else is off such as E2, estradiol or something else? I do not know what those readings should be.

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    welcome to ar bro
    i'll bump this thread for you as i dont have any experience with hcg (wish i did)
    somebody will be chiming in soon
    you might want to include your age, stats, and goals as well
    your total test level is not so low if your are the average hrt age but it looks like you are wanting to do a pct with hcg
    a lot of clinics prescribe good (large) doses and might be closer to a cycle and you may find more input in the steroid /pct forum(s)
    if you've done test before and you said you had sexual disfunction yes it could be that your estrogen skyrocketed
    wish u luck bro

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Good questions for first post. I believe that Test C and Test E are basically identical, the only difference is that some say that cypionate has more kick and stays in your system a little longer.
    I have no advise on the HCG but hopefully someone will.
    Your test being 450, how old are you? Mine is only at 250 and is considered low, 450 would not be for my age. (45)
    Last edited by lovbyts; 05-09-2008 at 02:18 PM.

  4. #4
    hougie is offline New Member
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    May 2008
    I am 39. My only experience with test was with prop just doing a few random injections. My understanding is prop gets in and out of your system quickly so you dont have much time to enjoy the benefits so the issues I was talking about could be due to its quick exit. The clinic I talked to on the phone said that cyp tends to bloat you more than E.

    The two theories I read about hcg are
    1) its good to use a little bit of it while on to prevent nut shrinkage and also all the while using a little bit of adex (.25 eod) to prevent gyno and other issues and
    2) Some use a big hcg shot after the cycle to regenerate natural test. There are conflicting opinions on this. The big fear with large hcg shots is that you can desensitize the leydig cell function in your testes making them not as prone to react to your own LH. Scary. So my dileman is that this clinic ships out everything at once including the hcg, adex, test and needles and calls for you to take large blasts of hcg once the 16 week program is done. Where as alot of docs like the guy in michigan are saying shoot 250iu of hcg once a week or so and use it only to prevent shrinkage while on and post cycle shoot 250-500iu of hcg 2 times a week for 3 weeks and include nolva and/or aromasin .

    The other thing for me is I dont wanna get big Im big enough already Id rather just get lean and be mean in bed. Maybe HGH is a better way to go although expensive as heck.

    I know my questions arent clear but I had to get this out there to see if anyone had any thoughts. Id really like to know what my E2 or estradiol levels should be. What is E2 is it the same thing as estradiol?

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