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  1. #1
    FuPayMe is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2008

    Doing saliva urine and blood tests

    doc set me up for comp metablic panel, lipid panel, CBC, t3 free and TSH. 18 years old. Is the urine test testing for drugs? theres weed in my piss and i dont want that to refuse me hrt. Im doing the urine and saliva at home. Thanks

  2. #2
    juicelee is offline Associate Member
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    I'm not sure if it will hinder your chances of you gettin HRT...He's prolly checkin to see if any outside sources are the reason for some of the symptoms you described to him (I'm assuming you told him you are experiencing low T symptoms) are the reason you are having problems, but I d certainly have to say he is testing for drugs, but I m not entirely sure what each test can be used for in its entirety. So you should prolly wait for some more experienced bros...Being 18 might be your biggest obstacle in receiving HRT

  3. #3
    FuPayMe is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2008
    ok i guess ill get a cleanser to have clean pee. I dont want him to assume the pot is causing all the emotional symptoms. He checked my body for body hair, growth, other stuff, just a little checkup until my lab results get back, but he said my physical and emotional symptoms are related to hormones, or a lack of. Im 6 2 which is weird we think i might have klinefelters syndrome. Do u think he would refuse to put me on hrt cuz of my age? I didnt even mention the word testosterone to him, which i like about him cuz hes still testing my free test. Have any of yall known a teen on hrt? do u know how fast i would see changes in my physical appearance, and also how long it would take for this devilish depression to leave?

  4. #4
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    Pac Man is offline Senior Member
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    Why is 6'2 weird?
    I understand that people with that syndrome are generally taller but 6'2 isn't that crazy for 18 unless your parents are stumpy, than again both my mom is 5'1 and dad is 5'6, somehow I managed to be 6'2.
    If you come back positive as XXY and your testosterone is low than there shouldn't be an issue about starting HRT, unless some other factors are involved.
    Have you gotten any results for any labs yet?

  5. #5
    jakk9011 is offline Junior Member
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    Wow.. you threw in that klinefelters syndrome out of the blue with the only qualifer being that you are 6'2. That's a really common height bro... not sure if you have many of the other symptoms, but I agree that if you come back as positive for xxy, your doc would have zero problem with you going on HRT. If that was indeed the case, you should probably be seeing a specialist who deals with that condition specifically, not just any old GP.

    Good luck

  6. #6
    FuPayMe is offline Junior Member
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    nah i have the kit with me but i dont have the 400 on me to send them back so im gonna wait. What is the urine test for? I take a saliva test every 4 hours for a day or 2, and a urine test too. I went to a good endo and he agreed with me that i should be living it up at this young of an age. We ll see whats up with the results. Also the nurse gave me a list of centers to get blood work done, but the doc didnt say shit about blood, just the piss and saliva test...would blood work be cheaper? Ill be back with the results, and hopefully i qualify, and ill need advice along the way so ill be back for sure.

  7. #7
    FuPayMe is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by FuPayMe View Post
    doc set me up for comp metablic panel, lipid panel, CBC, t3 free and TSH. 18 years old. Is the urine test testing for drugs? theres weed in my piss and i dont want that to refuse me hrt. Im doing the urine and saliva at home. Thanks
    wait, none of the above tests have anything to do with testosterone , do they?

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