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  1. #1
    harrym is offline New Member
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    Cool starting androgel any hints?

    Hi, Guys!
    Seems like a great place for support and good information.
    Just for the conversation I am 55, 130 pounds, 5'7 1/2"
    My T and free T are in the toilet total t 44 (350-890) free T 6.6 (47-244) seems testicular failure from earlier chemo. Lh and fsh are high so it is production they say not pituitary.
    Any insights on what to expect starting the androgel are appreciated. Seems I'll be on it from here on out. Just waiting for the prescription


    Any thoughts on working out while on trt? I have always been thin but now have taken 3months to get back up to 130 with supplements and lean muscle work out. Seems I've been plateaued here for a month. Maybe the therapy will help that but I'd like to be doing it the best for building lean muscle.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    THORSZ's Avatar
    THORSZ is offline Member
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    I did the gel for 3 weeks recently and moved over to injections. It did bump up my levels, but not very much. On the positive side, I got stronger in the gym and my wife said my stomach looked better. I didn't change anything about my routine and actually put on a couple pounds. It took a couple weeks to kick in and then I felt better. You will notice more energy and strentgh and it should help you pass the sticking point you are at. Funny, I have been lifting for years and don't know how I hung in there without TRT. It would be hard to go back to training without now that I know what test does. Lots of good info in this forum.Good luck

  3. #3
    harrym is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the info I'll just keep on keepin on and let the test do the rest.

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrym View Post
    Thanks for the info I'll just keep on keepin on and let the test do the rest.
    good attitude bro .... eat much and eat clean....keep us posted

  5. #5
    Atrainer is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrym View Post
    Hi, Guys!
    Seems like a great place for support and good information.
    Just for the conversation I am 55, 130 pounds, 5'7 1/2"
    My T and free T are in the toilet total t 44 (350-890) free T 6.6 (47-244) seems testicular failure from earlier chemo. Lh and fsh are high so it is production they say not pituitary.
    Any insights on what to expect starting the androgel are appreciated. Seems I'll be on it from here on out. Just waiting for the prescription


    Any thoughts on working out while on trt? I have always been thin but now have taken 3months to get back up to 130 with supplements and lean muscle work out. Seems I've been plateaued here for a month. Maybe the therapy will help that but I'd like to be doing it the best for building lean muscle.

    Thanks in advance.
    Well I am going to step up to the plate and share with you some of what I have experienced with Androgel so far. I have been posting some stuff looking for insight on this forum and so far have been disappointed with the lack of feedback ... sort of a shame really.
    Anyway, I started just under three weeks ago. Had test in the low levels but not nearly as low as you. I would guess, (but I am in no way an expert) that with levels as low as yours - you will experience some pretty dramatic results. Do you know what does you will start at (most likely 5 g)? Anyway, I am super hyper sensitive both mentally and physically - and although I started at 2.5 g and bumped myself up to 5 g after several days, I have experience quick and rapid "differences". First, was the acne that was very isolated and totally treatable - now totally manageable. Second was the boosts of energy and metal focus that for me have bordered on too much - but have been great overall - again , I am real sensitive to stuff so half of my issue is just dealing mentally with physical stuff. Finally, the physique type stuff - by far the least noticeable changes (which is to be expected this early on and at these lower doses) has even seemed to be registering a bit.
    Some things to note so far as well as far as application is concerned.
    If you don't rub it in quite enough or maybe even if the temperature is "off" there might be a little residue/white flaky film after you put it on. I think this is normal. Also, I try to make sure I use as little of my hand (like one finger) to rub it in so my hand does not absorb any and the application site does ... just makes sense to me. Also, the larger the area (in the pre-designated areas) you can get - like the entire upper arm (front and back) or damn near entire abdomen region ... seems to be more reasonable to apply to so to maximize absorption.
    That's about it thus far - like I said - after two + weeks, I am far from an expert - just wanted to share my thoughts.

  6. #6
    harrym is offline New Member
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    Thanks for sharing. I applied half and hour ago so the games have begun.
    I too am sensitive to meds so I am hoping that I don't freak out with this dosage. Oh...its the 5g packet. makes sense when you talk about not using the whole hand to apply. I'll try that.
    When you say quick and rapid differences are you talking days or a couple of weeks? Helps to anticipate for the freak factor.
    Thanks again.

  7. #7
    Atrainer is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrym View Post
    Thanks for sharing. I applied half and hour ago so the games have begun.
    I too am sensitive to meds so I am hoping that I don't freak out with this dosage. Oh...its the 5g packet. makes sense when you talk about not using the whole hand to apply. I'll try that.
    When you say quick and rapid differences are you talking days or a couple of weeks? Helps to anticipate for the freak factor.
    Thanks again.
    Sounds like you and I think a lot of the same ways. Honestly (and I think the literature would tell you differently), I swear I started to feel some stuff in the first couple of days. Within several days I felt some energy, focus, and overall sense of well being. I had been on anti-depressants and stuff like that and all of the sudden, it felt as if things were more manageable (for the record I stopped the ADs before starting androgel ). I think I had some moments where I had some mental freak outs but I think that was more me freaking myself out than anything else. As far as the positive effects I was/am feeling, maybe it was just a placebo effect, but whatever it was - it worked(s). You most likely will feel a strange sensation in your balls - like a mild throbbing or awareness that they are there that eventually passes ... I assume it is your testes shutting down. Again, these are all my experiences and not necessarily gospel or what you will experience. Hope that helps with the freak factor. Just relax these first couple of days and take notice of what is happening but don't overanalyze it. Your doctor wouldn't have put you on it if you weren't a good .
    Hope that helps.

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    dont think its placebo imo....i noticed symptoms improving from the start (over 2 years ago) on the little ole 5mg dose of androgel /testim. I mention both meds because I had samples of one and filled the script because insurance covered the other and they are interchangeable.

    never heard of any freak factor when speaking of androgel....maybe some boys afraid of needles here and there but there is nothing to fear and only a positive outcome is what to expect....i've been on this board for over 2 years and have not read one post where anyone regrets starting'll see the're both new here and welcome

  9. #9
    harrym is offline New Member
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    Thank you both for the info.
    I actually noticed a huge difference the first day. I actually stayed awake all day and didn't even yawn until after 8pm. I wasn't wearing out just going up or down stairs at the house. Today I was up by 6 am and refreshed after only 7 hours sleep. It had gotten to 10 or 11 hours and then drag out of bed ready to go back in two hours.'s to another day. The change is remarkable already.

  10. #10
    jbmd1111 is offline New Member
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    I agree. Despite what my doc and the literature would say, I noticed a difference within a day or so. I wonder if this relates to the effect T has on the brain??

  11. #11
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    If you feel better, it's working. Concentrate on how you feel (mentally and physically) and make any adjustments that you feel will benefit your overall health. Good luck bro, and welcome. Sometimes it might take a while, but there are some damn good people on this site with a wealth of knowledge and they're not afraid to share their experience, strength, and hope.

  12. #12
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    same age here...before harvest started i would do two workouts per week. Lite weights and 20 reps per set. Energy came back with T shots so think you will find the desire and the energy to do it once the T levels are back again. Remember Heavy weight, low reps equal bulk...Lite weight and high reps equal definition. Plus at our age, it gets the ligaments and tendons stretched out and functioning. It is nice to have what is supposed to be stiff, stiff again and the stuff that was stiff loose again.

  13. #13
    harrym is offline New Member
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    Great site and yes helpful thanks to a bunch of guys willing to share their experiences. I have been learning a lot just reading the threads.
    Its been a week and a half now on the androgel and it is amazing what difference a gel can make!
    Still not 100% whatever that is. Seems every other day I am low energy early afternoon and napping but nothing like before. We test again in a month so possibly up the gel or move to injection.
    I am back to working out a bit and I am seeing gains already. I've put on about 4 pounds in the week and a half but it seems the waist is going down. It is starting to feel like I am getting a hard body in ALL the right places.
    I fully agree with you, Whiteowl! Oh. and definitely aimed at bulk for the time being.
    You said harvest...wheat? corn? just curious.

  14. #14
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    hay...about 15 hrs a day...retired two years ago. Then after a WebMD search on my symptoms i hit on this site. 4 months later i was doing the injections and after 6 months i was back in the saddle again. Amazing, even my MD missed it because i "was in too good a shape" to have low test...150...and he had the results 6 months before i demanded the blood test for test, which came in at 143.

    Harvest has been going for about 7 weeks now and yeah i am a little spent at this point but a far cry from the lethargy that led to my early retirement.

    Better days are ahead M8....check the educational threads. My advice is to download them and re-read later. You have probably noticed that with your test dropping so did the memory and concentration. When it starts coming back you'll be thinking "Damn i read something about that, where the hell was it"

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