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  1. #1
    dan991's Avatar
    dan991 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2004

    Looking for ATL area doc.


  2. #2
    bd50's Avatar
    bd50 is offline Associate Member
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  3. #3
    dan991's Avatar
    dan991 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2004
    Yeah, tried that. Most of them are vitamin pushers, not HRT.

  4. #4
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    Do you have medical insurance?

  5. #5
    dan991's Avatar
    dan991 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yes, I do. That's kind of why I'm looking for a local doc. There are a bunch of HRT docs in FL willing to write a script, but you gotta buy from them and they don't accept insurance directly.

    I want to be able to go to Walgreens for my script, not mail order. I have awesome insurance. No deductable for "wellness" and that includes HRT. Plus my employer pays 100% of my premium and lets me expense up to $500.00 a year. So, more or less HRT will be "free" for me. I have BlueCross brand but its a special type for my employer. Not a normal BC policy.

  6. #6
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    Yes there are a lot of docs in FL willing to write scripts, but they are everywhere. My suggestion is to get a list of endo's or uro's from your insurance company and start calling them. Speak with the nurse and explain your symptoms and ask if they do TRT. Also, are you a member at a gym? If so, ask around for a doc that treats low test, it's not like you are asking someone to do something illegal.

  7. #7
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by elvisinturn1 View Post
    Yes, I do. That's kind of why I'm looking for a local doc. There are a bunch of HRT docs in FL willing to write a script, but you gotta buy from them and they don't accept insurance directly.

    I want to be able to go to Walgreens for my script, not mail order. I have awesome insurance. No deductable for "wellness" and that includes HRT. Plus my employer pays 100% of my premium and lets me expense up to $500.00 a year. So, more or less HRT will be "free" for me. I have BlueCross brand but its a special type for my employer. Not a normal BC policy.
    Hmmm Much better to try the insurance phsyician first. Look for a doctor that treats older people. They are used to running into older men in need of testosterone therapy .

    To be honest, HRT is a waste of time if you dont really need it. They arent going to give you "Arnold's" formula of steroids . They just want to get you back to testosterone levels you had when you were in your 20's. Some of my friends have been jealous to see me become lean, more muscular, and best health of my life and yet they are eating salads at Wendy's while I am chowing on Wendy's Triple Baconator hamburgers and a baked potatoe. Many of them went and got their testosterone tested and found they were as high as me on TRT in testosterone levels. So why go on shots or androgel just to keep the same testosterone level you got now.

    Just go to your insurance doc, tell them cialis or viagra dont work because of super high heart burn but you cant get it hard and you want to check out your testosterone. Good idea to check out your thyroid while at it. Synthroid with TRT can really do wonders for getting your 30 inch waste back and still enjoy your Wendy's triples!

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