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  1. #1
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Lol, Idiot Dr woes

    Man I hate my Dr and she hates me, it's a good non working relationship.
    I met with her today and asked if I could split the doses 150 every 10.5 days to avoid such a crash, she said no and instead scripted me for 150 every 2 weeks.
    She was bitching about doing it that often, she just kept saying "The american urology association recommends 300 every 3 weeks, etc" to which I retorted about the half life and ups and downs, etc. She kept cutting me off and finally said "You obviously know more than a urologist" and I cut her off there and said "No, I just know how to read and I've done my research" so she finally shewed me out the door and told me I should get a second opinion from someone else.
    Whatever though, I'll go with the 150 for now my primary is going to be my main mode of contact since she doesn't want to deal with me too often.
    I have my next bloodwork on Oct 1st, which is going to be 12 days after my last injection, if it's low they'll boost up the dosage and I'm almost 100% position it will be sub optimal.
    BTW, I'm on a serious crash right now. I'm not supposed to inject until Friday to make a full 3 weeks but I'm gonna go ahead and inject tonight when my wife gets home. I've been feeling like soggy shit the last week or so.
    One good thing is, even though my uro changed my dosage to a lower dose, she put in a new script and my other script arrived in the mail yesterday. So now I have an extra 2 200mg vials

  2. #2
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Be patient bro. Most of us went through the same b.s. and just learned from the experience. You're actually lucky. A lot of dudes come away with nothing because the doc feels their levels are normal, then string them along for months before scripting them the gel b.s. Stay vigilant!

  3. #3
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Sorry Iron! I thought I was responding to the new guy that was asking about manipulating test results. I just figured he intentionally lowered his levels and got a doc to script him. My bad.

  4. #4
    natureboy's Avatar
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    I been meaning to ask you how you are doing with the 300 e3w. I'm doing 200 e2w, am good the first week but the second week is a b*tch. I just done my bloodwork Monday and now awaiting results, it was 15 days after my last shot. I feel like it will be low, and hoping to get it upped or changed or something. Would like to get it ew. But at this point I am still going in for injections, gonna work on that on my next appt.

  5. #5
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    First week was ****ing awesome. Most of second week was good as well, third week *this week* I'm edgy as shit and extremely agitated. This usually ends up with something getting broken and yesterday was no different, I punched a hole through my water filter because I was irritated at something small.
    The first and second week I didn't get agitated once, no mood swings, no depression, just happy and almost normal. Wife gets home in a few, time to get my prick

  6. #6
    natureboy's Avatar
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    Well if I've figured this out, when I go below a 100mg mark I start feeling bad. At my 200 e2w, the second week I'm at 100 left in my system, by the half life of 8 days.
    This is when my problems begin! Irritability lowered libido, along with other things. So Im feeling reel bad for you on that 3rd week. Hopefully you will get it worked out soon.

  7. #7
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    Man I hate my Dr and she hates me, it's a good non working relationship.
    I met with her today and asked if I could split the doses 150 every 10.5 days to avoid such a crash, she said no and instead scripted me for 150 every 2 weeks.
    She was bitching about doing it that often, she just kept saying "The american urology association recommends 300 every 3 weeks, etc" to which I retorted about the half life and ups and downs, etc. She kept cutting me off and finally said "You obviously know more than a urologist" and I cut her off there and said "No, I just know how to read and I've done my research" so she finally shewed me out the door and told me I should get a second opinion from someone else.
    Whatever though, I'll go with the 150 for now my primary is going to be my main mode of contact since she doesn't want to deal with me too often.
    I have my next bloodwork on Oct 1st, which is going to be 12 days after my last injection, if it's low they'll boost up the dosage and I'm almost 100% position it will be sub optimal.
    BTW, I'm on a serious crash right now. I'm not supposed to inject until Friday to make a full 3 weeks but I'm gonna go ahead and inject tonight when my wife gets home. I've been feeling like soggy shit the last week or so.
    One good thing is, even though my uro changed my dosage to a lower dose, she put in a new script and my other script arrived in the mail yesterday. So now I have an extra 2 200mg vials

    I remember the good old days with insurance and fillin script every month...had at least a half dozen pretty little 10ml vial boxes and more like 10 bottles of 30 arimidex ...
    man, iron, after your oct. 1st blood donation u can dose how you want with those plan?

  8. #8
    warchild's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    I remember the good old days with insurance and fillin script every month...had at least a half dozen pretty little 10ml vial boxes and more like 10 bottles of 30 arimidex ...
    man, iron, after your oct. 1st blood donation u can dose how you want with those plan?
    when I went to get my scripts filled, a pharmacist(who wasn;t the one filling my scrips) ask me what all the test was for, i told him none of your business. he didnt like that too much. he kept hounding me, so i told him every heard of hippa and he called my doc cus he was pissed, i still got all my bottles

  9. #9
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    when I went to get my scripts filled, a pharmacist(who wasn;t the one filling my scrips) ask me what all the test was for, i told him none of your business. he didnt like that too much. he kept hounding me, so i told him every heard of hippa and he called my doc cus he was pissed, i still got all my bottles
    yeh...i run into a lot of those middle easter mathmeticians and they dont like the veins in my theres a new law that allows them to ask what the syringes are for at pharmacists....i used to just order them like nicotine addicts order ciggarettes over the counter

  10. #10
    warchild's Avatar
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    jerks man

  11. #11
    natureboy's Avatar
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    I haven't tried getting syringes yet, do you need a script, or just ask for them at the counter?
    Last edited by natureboy; 09-03-2008 at 10:28 PM.

  12. #12
    smokeyd's Avatar
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    i would order them online. but kroger advertises them in the paper but dont know if you have to have a script

  13. #13
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    depends on where you live and the laws and store policies are ever changing.....last year i could walk up to any pharmacy and order what ever size and/or some are aking for prescripts even from the stinking pharmacy where i get the test

  14. #14
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
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    Iron, sorry to hear your doc is being such a pain. Perhaps you should just do the 150 mgs every 10.5 days. You can always monkey with the blood test when the time comes. The important part is the quality of your life. Hang in there bro! Oh yeah, awesome that you got two more bottles. I got an extra bottle from my insurance co on Friday and it was full of extra supplies, that was pretty cool. Can you switch your doc so that you don't have to deal with this bitch anymore?

  15. #15
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FullMoonHowlingWolf View Post
    Iron, sorry to hear your doc is being such a pain. Perhaps you should just do the 150 mgs every 10.5 days. You can always monkey with the blood test when the time comes. The important part is the quality of your life. Hang in there bro! Oh yeah, awesome that you got two more bottles. I got an extra bottle from my insurance co on Friday and it was full of extra supplies, that was pretty cool. Can you switch your doc so that you don't have to deal with this bitch anymore?
    he's dealin with the VA wolf

  16. #16
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    he's dealin with the VA wolf
    I recall reading that, but didn't know if he was locked in w/the VA.

  17. #17
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    I was wondering how you were making out. That sucks that you don't get along with your doctor. Some of these docs hate it when people do research. I always make my doc feel like everything is his idea. Why don't you do 75 a week and see if that helps with the crashing?

  18. #18
    kwacker is offline New Member
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    Sorry to hear that. I couldn’t imagine going 2-3 weeks in between injections. I start to feel like crap on day 6, and I inject every week.

    I am glad/lucky I have a good doctor…I did some blood work, and I was prescribed testosterone 160mg/week. I never had any problems getting test, as a matter of fact I was offered test injections, I never asked for it (because I didn’t know about it).

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by kwacker View Post
    Sorry to hear that. I couldn’t imagine going 2-3 weeks in between injections. I start to feel like crap on day 6, and I inject every week.

    I am glad/lucky I have a good doctor…I did some blood work, and I was prescribed testosterone 160mg/week. I never had any problems getting test, as a matter of fact I was offered test injections, I never asked for it (because I didn’t know about it).
    Kwacker- Where does 160 put your levels?

  20. #20
    kwacker is offline New Member
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    I am not sure yet. I have been on test for one month and I will have blood work done every three months. I will not know for another two months. This is per the doc's recommendations.

  21. #21
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Ha, I couldn't even pick up syringes at walgreens with a testosterone script. They said I needed a separate script for needles as well. I got some needles from VA but they're pieces of shit, I'm seriously amazed that they're able to give this crap out, low budget garbage falls apart.
    My wife said we need kroger syringes cause she doesn't want to prick me with these things again.
    She used to work in pharmaceuticals but it wasn't her passion so she left it, my Dr doesn't like her either. On a separate occasion my wife was telling her that the dosage was wrong and my Dr said "I'm sorry are you a Dr?" and my wife replied with "As a matter of fact, yes I am", it was great.

  22. #22
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    Ha, I couldn't even pick up syringes at walgreens with a testosterone script. They said I needed a separate script for needles as well. I got some needles from VA but they're pieces of shit, I'm seriously amazed that they're able to give this crap out, low budget garbage falls apart.
    My wife said we need kroger syringes cause she doesn't want to prick me with these things again.
    She used to work in pharmaceuticals but it wasn't her passion so she left it, my Dr doesn't like her either. On a separate occasion my wife was telling her that the dosage was wrong and my Dr said "I'm sorry are you a Dr?" and my wife replied with "As a matter of fact, yes I am", it was great.
    publix is telling me the same syringes are perfect...and i always wonder why ppl have trouble with the glute inject....and using both hands....only one is necessary... i tried terumo syringes and the leverage posts are short and makes it a little difficult

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