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  1. #1
    natureboy's Avatar
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    need an estrogen blocker

    I need to know the name of a good estrogen blocker, I can ask my Dr to prescribe?
    I had elevated estodiol on my last bloodwork. I have an appt Monday and would like to go in with info ready.

  2. #2
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by natureboy View Post
    I need to know the name of a good estrogen blocker, I can ask my Dr to prescribe?
    I had elevated estodiol on my last bloodwork. I have an appt Monday and would like to go in with info ready.
    If your E's elevated, he should presrcibe an AI. Arimdex (Anastrozole), Aromasin (Exmestane) or Letro (Femera).

  3. #3
    natureboy's Avatar
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    Thanks I just need some names to give the Dr so she can prescribe me one.

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    like swifto said...
    and my uro wrote me a script for arimidex when my estradiol came back at 78 questions asked

  5. #5
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    like swifto said...
    and my uro wrote me a script for arimidex when my estradiol came back at 78 questions asked
    78 yuck! Did you feel like crap?

    What is now? Around 25?

  6. #6
    natureboy's Avatar
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    I got my bloods back today, after a month at 200mg e2w. My total t was 200, and estro was a 98!
    Dr is going to put me on a 100 ew now, check again in a month. I'm going in to talk to her about the E.

  7. #7
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    78 yuck! Did you feel like crap?

    What is now? Around 25?
    was right in the beggining of my trt i had went from 5mg androgel to 10mg and even 15mg ED and was feeling pretty good actually maybe not as good as at one point but caught the numbere on the bloodwork and figured it was time to dial it in b4 the trouble i was lucky....never saw/felt the sides like bloat or anything

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by natureboy View Post
    I got my bloods back today, after a month at 200mg e2w. My total t was 200, and estro was a 98!
    Dr is going to put me on a 100 ew now, check again in a month. I'm going in to talk to her about the E.
    wow....only 200 total on that dose? and way up on estro...98 is estradiol?

  9. #9
    natureboy's Avatar
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    Yes, I figure if I get an AI my test will come up more.

  10. #10
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by natureboy View Post
    Yes, I figure if I get an AI my test will come up more.
    yeh, bro....that is so unusual....most of your test is being converted to the wrong shiat....goes to show....TRT IS INDIVIDUAL

  11. #11
    natureboy's Avatar
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    I'm not mad about the 100 ew though, I hope it will be enough. I know on the 200 on the 2nd week it was nasty, I would be so tired and mental, emotional.
    Answer me this at 100 ew I should max out at 200 in my system eventually, if I'm doing my math right.

  12. #12
    Philly Grappler is offline Associate Member
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    My doctor prescribed Arimidex without even having to be asked and it works great.

  13. #13
    natureboy's Avatar
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    Thanks I will ask for it Monday when I go to her office.

  14. #14
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
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    Going ew will help quite a bit.

  15. #15
    natureboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    Going ew will help quite a bit.
    Man I hope so, you think it will help with the estro?
    I went to doc today, she was at a loss. She is sending me back to my week. She wants his opinion on what we are doing, about AI and doseage. Maybe since estro was 98 and test was 200 he may advise to do an AI and up the dose!

  16. #16
    danno39 is offline Junior Member
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    How long have you been on? Are you using HGC? That has a pretty big impact on the E as well.

  17. #17
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danno39 View Post
    How long have you been on? Are you using HGC? That has a pretty big impact on the E as well.
    what kind of impact? raise?

  18. #18
    natureboy's Avatar
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    not using hcg , been on for 6 week, haven't had bloodwork since started 100 ew, estro level at 98! original e level was 89.

  19. #19
    danno39 is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry,,, My E went up over 25 points. I think it was around 100. The E, and T were all flagged (super high) on my labs. (T levels were around 1100) If my doc wasn't 80 and about to retire I would have been in some trouble. The labs showed I was basically on a cycle. To get the E down I started Adex at 10iu's a day and the E went down 20 points.

    At the time of this I was doing
    M - 150mg Cyp
    W- 150mg Cyp
    S - 250iu HCG
    S - 250iu HCG

    The HCG is what I feel put me so far over the top. It was Novarel and I was told it was strong but I just didn't believe it until I saw the labs..

    Sorry if I gave too much detail I just wanted to provide some context...

  20. #20
    warchild's Avatar
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    trt is awesome

  21. #21
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    trt is awesome

  22. #22
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danno39 View Post
    Sorry,,, My E went up over 25 points. I think it was around 100. The E, and T were all flagged (super high) on my labs. (T levels were around 1100) If my doc wasn't 80 and about to retire I would have been in some trouble. The labs showed I was basically on a cycle. To get the E down I started Adex at 10iu's a day and the E went down 20 points.

    At the time of this I was doing
    M - 150mg Cyp
    W- 150mg Cyp
    S - 250iu HCG
    S - 250iu HCG

    The HCG is what I feel put me so far over the top. It was Novarel and I was told it was strong but I just didn't believe it until I saw the labs..

    Sorry if I gave too much detail I just wanted to provide some context...
    never heard of adex being dosed in iu's

  23. #23
    natureboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danno39 View Post
    Sorry,,, My E went up over 25 points. I think it was around 100. The E, and T were all flagged (super high) on my labs. (T levels were around 1100) If my doc wasn't 80 and about to retire I would have been in some trouble. The labs showed I was basically on a cycle. To get the E down I started Adex at 10iu's a day and the E went down 20 points.

    At the time of this I was doing
    M - 150mg Cyp
    W- 150mg Cyp
    S - 250iu HCG
    S - 250iu HCG

    The HCG is what I feel put me so far over the top. It was Novarel and I was told it was strong but I just didn't believe it until I saw the labs..

    Sorry if I gave too much detail I just wanted to provide some context...
    You are taking 300 mg a week of test cyp? Your doc is 80, what you gonna do when he retires? You got another doc lined up?
    Are you still doing 300mg ew, that seems like a lot.

  24. #24
    danno39 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by natureboy View Post
    You are taking 300 mg a week of test cyp? Your doc is 80, what you gonna do when he retires? You got another doc lined up?
    Are you still doing 300mg ew, that seems like a lot.
    I was taking 300mg Test Cyp wk + 500iu Novarel wk and as I stated that was TOO HIGH for TRT.

    My doc was 80 and as awesome as they came. He retired 6 months after I started seeing him. That would be 3 years ago this January. Through his generosity and some other factors i was well prepared in case I didn't find another doc.

    I am on my third doc now. He has prescribed HCG to me but this last visit he informed me that he wants to get me off. I have stated that I am on .6cc of Test Cyp each week but I have not ever asked him for a script of it. (because I haven't needed any more refills). My T levels have always "tested" in the 200-300 range but we will likely have a showdown this November (at my physical)... I will likely only get labs from him in the future or find a new doc for labs...

  25. #25
    natureboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danno39 View Post
    I was taking 300mg Test Cyp wk + 500iu Novarel wk and as I stated that was TOO HIGH for TRT.

    My doc was 80 and as awesome as they came. He retired 6 months after I started seeing him. That would be 3 years ago this January. Through his generosity and some other factors i was well prepared in case I didn't find another doc.

    I am on my third doc now. He has prescribed HCG to me but this last visit he informed me that he wants to get me off. I have stated that I am on .6cc of Test Cyp each week but I have not ever asked him for a script of it. (because I haven't needed any more refills). My T levels have always "tested" in the 200-300 range but we will likely have a showdown this November (at my physical)... I will likely only get labs from him in the future or find a new doc for labs...
    Just get a new doc, how long have you been seeing him, fvck it just get a new doc.
    He wants you to get off the trt, then he doesn't know what he is dealing with. I wouldn't waste anymore time, I think I would begin my search first thing Monday morning!
    So how much are you taking now, more than .6 cc?

  26. #26
    danno39 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm not on "TRT" now because my levels are too high. I was on it for 2 years with T in the 800 range and will likely be back there again.

    Because I have no need to obtain additional Test or HCG at the moment and can go to almost any doc to get the labs I am not in a hurry to find a replacement.

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