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  1. #1
    WDMF is offline Associate Member
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    HRT Dosage Increase

    Has anyone ever asked their Dr. to increase their dosage? I currently run 200mg test cyp eow. I would like to increase to 200mg every week for about 3 months and then go back to the regular dosage. I'm just worried about ruining a good thing that I have about asking for an increase.

    I've also been thinking about going to another Dr. online as well. Any feedback would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    natureboy's Avatar
    natureboy is offline Member
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    What are your test levels at 200 eow? How long have you been on?

  3. #3
    WDMF is offline Associate Member
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    They are 600-700 range 1 week after the injection. I've currently been on about 3 years.

  4. #4
    natureboy's Avatar
    natureboy is offline Member
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    Wow you do blood work one week after inject. My doc does mine two weeks after. Right before I do my next shot. I'm about to go to 100 ew. Haven't got my t level that high yet.
    So you want more, to do a bulk?

  5. #5
    natureboy's Avatar
    natureboy is offline Member
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    Do you inject at home, or do you go into Dr office to do it? And how long before next bloodwork?

  6. #6
    WDMF is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by natureboy View Post
    Wow you do blood work one week after inject. My doc does mine two weeks after. Right before I do my next shot. I'm about to go to 100 ew. Haven't got my t level that high yet.
    So you want more, to do a bulk?
    The Doc wants to see my mid level test range. Before starting HRT my test was about 60. 4days after my shot my test in the 800 range. 1 week it's about 600-700 and two weeks its at 200. Yes I would like to do a little bulk.

    Quote Originally Posted by natureboy View Post
    Do you inject at home, or do you go into Dr office to do it? And how long before next bloodwork?
    Always at home. I'll do my bloodwork sometime in Oct.

  7. #7
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    600-700 is a nice range ever think of just adding a moderate dose of a different mild compound like deca instead of large(r) doses of test...maybe more affective?

  8. #8
    Mighty Joe's Avatar
    Mighty Joe is offline Anabolic Member
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    I do 200mgs/every 10 days! That seems to be a sweet spot for me. Might want to ask him about that first. Tell him you have a friend that does every 10 days or once a week, I don't think he will balk at that. but if he does you could always try that on your own and see how you feel.

  9. #9
    WDMF is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    600-700 is a nice range ever think of just adding a moderate dose of a different mild compound like deca instead of large(r) doses of test...maybe more affective?

    I've thought of other compounds, but it's more about availability than anything. Test is what I have access to.

  10. #10
    natureboy's Avatar
    natureboy is offline Member
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    My last bloodwork I was at 200, I also do 200eow. That is when my doc switched me to 100ew.
    Do you start to feel bad going into the last week before next inject?
    My Dr put me to ew, she will check me in a month, if not where I need to be she will increase then.
    Since you've been on for 3 yrs, has your level always been stable at each test, meaning you have always come in with a 600-700, if so you can't really manipulate test levels.

  11. #11
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by WDMF View Post
    I've thought of other compounds, but it's more about availability than anything. Test is what I have access to.
    absolutely feel ya bro

  12. #12
    THORSZ's Avatar
    THORSZ is offline Member
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    Your doc would have to be really cool to do that. He would be basically putting you on a mini cycle.
    Do you feel that you crash at all going from 800 to 200 every two weeks? Have you ever tried injecting every week?

  13. #13
    WDMF is offline Associate Member
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    I can feel a difference in the week that I get a shot vs. the week that I don't and that's about it. Its nothing like a crash at all.

    I thought about doing 100mg every week and see how that goes, but I just get tired of the sticks's a pain in the!

  14. #14
    WDMF is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    absolutely feel ya bro


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