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  1. #1
    halobolic's Avatar
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    Will having like 100cals hurt my fasting for trt?

    IM fasting for 24hrs and not sleeping before a blood test to try to get hrt but will 100 cals of diet redbull raise my test?

    Also after they see testo is low in 1st test what happens after?
    Last edited by halobolic; 09-11-2008 at 03:20 PM.

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by halobolic View Post
    IM fasting for 24hrs and not sleeping before a blood test to try to get hrt but will 100 cals of diet redbull raise my test?

    Also after they see testo is low in 1st test what happens after?
    Once I tried to fool my doc and fasted and had 1 diet red bull...when the test came back the doc said, " you mutha fvckin slimy cheatin mutha fvker who the fvck r u tryin to fool" so next time I skipped the red bull and all was good

  3. #3
    natureboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    Once I tried to fool my doc and fasted and had 1 diet red bull...when the test came back the doc said, " you mutha fvckin slimy cheatin mutha fvker who the fvck r u tryin to fool" so next time I skipped the red bull and all was good
    I almost fell out my chair when I read that!

  4. #4
    natureboy's Avatar
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    Halobolic, did you seriously drink a diet red bull while you were fasting? Man you screwed up big time! I heard the only way for you to clean your system out is to take laxatives, and also an enema, the laxative will get your system working to get out the toxins from the bull, and the enema will create a vaccum and help exhaust all the poisons from your system! Good luck!

  5. #5
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    yeah, you need to clean out your system. Energy drinks will really screw with results. I would absolutely do an enema and take a good laxative to get your system moving. You might want to ejaculate too a few times just to be on the safe side. Good luck on your test.

  6. #6
    binder's Avatar
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    you DO realize that "tricking" your doctor won't get you on a high enough dosage of testosterone for you to use and gain muscle, don't you?

    If you're slightly low they will probably have you do a fasting blood test and see how that goes, then if it's low again and your doctor isn't against HRT (not fn TRT) then he'll probably start you on a dosage like 100mg biweekly (every other week) and then check your blood levels again in 6-8 weeks. If your test is actually normal once he puts you on this your levels will shoot up and he'll see they are normal and probably back down the levels.

    What is wrong with people? Also, there isn't even a chance that he'll let you keep the chemical. I know the doctor i work with keeps all his patients HRT medications at the office and they come in for their shots every 2 weeks or every week (depending on when they need it). They aren't going to give you 10mL of it and say "here you go"

  7. #7
    TranscriptionFactor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    Once I tried to fool my doc and fasted and had 1 diet red bull...when the test came back the doc said, " you mutha fvckin slimy cheatin mutha fvker who the fvck r u tryin to fool" so next time I skipped the red bull and all was good

  8. #8
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    you DO realize that "tricking" your doctor won't get you on a high enough dosage of testosterone for you to use and gain muscle, don't you?

    If you're slightly low they will probably have you do a fasting blood test and see how that goes, then if it's low again and your doctor isn't against HRT (not fn TRT) then he'll probably start you on a dosage like 100mg biweekly (every other week) and then check your blood levels again in 6-8 weeks. If your test is actually normal once he puts you on this your levels will shoot up and he'll see they are normal and probably back down the levels.

    What is wrong with people? Also, there isn't even a chance that he'll let you keep the chemical. I know the doctor i work with keeps all his patients HRT medications at the office and they come in for their shots every 2 weeks or every week (depending on when they need it). They aren't going to give you 10mL of it and say "here you go"
    Binder brings up some good points! Most docs aren’t stupid and will eventually figure it out if you are tricking them and if they suspect foul play they aren’t going to treat you. They work extremely hard to become docs and they don’t want to flush their careers away to give someone test when they don’t really need it.

    Next from first hand experience I can attest that my doc had me fast for 12 hours before my blood tests. After my results came back low, my doc put me on Test Cyp 100 mgs biweekly and rescheduled me for blood testing in 8 weeks, just as Binders states. My doc is hoping and so am I that my levels we normalize and I won’t need to be on test any longer, but we will do further testing to see and then go from there.

    Now about gaining muscle, I disagree because any added amount of test is going to help build muscle as long as you are properly training, eating, and sleeping. The point perhaps Binder is trying to make and he can correct me if I’m off base is that the dosage he describes isn’t going to give you superman results (meaning 400-2000mgs per week results) or look like Jay Cutler anytime soon, the latter being a joke!

    Another thing is that there are a lot of things that are wrong with people and it’s pretty sad. I understand why docs and others get aggravated by people that don’t want to put in the time and effort to build muscle. Even more of a problem is that things only gets worse due to TV commercials, movies, movie stars, Hollywood magic, magazines, professional athletes, peer pressure, and the mindset of instant results to name some of today’s problems. Bottom line is there is no magic in a needle or pill!

    Last I walked out of my docs off with my script, filled it, (10ml 200mg/ml) and have it at home. I believe this comes from a trust factor that I have with my doc. Also, to my surprise my insurance company mailed me an additional bottle and all the supplies needed for home treatment.
    Last edited by FullMoonHowlingWolf; 09-17-2008 at 10:01 AM. Reason: spelling error

  9. #9
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FullMoonHowlingWolf View Post
    Binder brings up some good points! Most docs aren’t stupid and will eventually figure it out if you are tricking them and if they suspect foul play they aren’t going to treat you. They work extremely hard to become docs and they don’t want to flush their careers away to give someone test when they don’t really need it.

    Next from first hand experience I can attest that my doc had me fast for 12 hours before my blood tests. After my results came back low, my doc put me on Test Cyp 100 mgs biweekly and rescheduled me for blood testing in 8 weeks, just as Binders states. My doc is hoping and so am I that my levels we normalize and I won’t need to be on test any longer, but we will do further testing to see and then go from there.

    Now about gaining muscle, I disagree because any added amount of test is going to help build muscle as long as you are properly training, eat, and sleeping. The point perhaps Binder is trying to make and he can correct me if I’m off base is that the dosage he describes isn’t going to give you superman results (meaning 400-2000mgs per week results) or look like Jay Cutler anytime soon, the latter being a joke!

    Another thing is that there are a lot of things that are wrong with people and it’s pretty sad. I understand why docs and others get aggravated by people that don’t want to put in the time and effort to build muscle. Even more of a problem is that things only gets worse due to TV commercials, movies, movie stars, Hollywood magic, magazines, professional athletes, peer pressure, and the mindset of instant results to name some of today’s problems. Bottom line is there is no magic in a needle or pill!

    Last I walked out of my docs off with my script, filled it, (10ml 200mg/ml) and have it at home. I believe this comes from a trust factor that I have with my doc. Also, to my surprise my insurance company mailed me an additional bottle and all the supplies needed for home treatment.
    yes, me too....that's what i want to prevent from not being alowed....i dont want to go in every week to get the shot when i can add it to my 3-S routine making it the 4-S routine
    Last edited by zaggahamma; 09-17-2008 at 10:08 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by FullMoonHowlingWolf View Post

    Now about gaining muscle, I disagree because any added amount of test is going to help build muscle as long as you are properly training, eat, and sleeping. The point perhaps Binder is trying to make and he can correct me if I’m off base is that the dosage he describes isn’t going to give you superman results (meaning 400-2000mgs per week results) or look like Jay Cutler anytime soon, the latter being a joke!

    Last I walked out of my docs off with my script, filled it, (10ml 200mg/ml) and have it at home. I believe this comes from a trust factor that I have with my doc. Also, to my surprise my insurance company mailed me an additional bottle and all the supplies needed for home treatment.
    yes, i'm sorry i didn't make that clear. Any raise in test level will increase the body's production of muscle (or ability to produce). You stated how I meant to put it. The levels he will give you won't be like doing a "cycle" of steroids .

    The trust factor is a possibility. If you've been a long time patient I could see them doing that. The internal med doctor I work with has quite a few patients so I think it's his common practice just to have them come in. Most of the patients are here in town and it's only 1 trip by every 2 weeks. Each trip they are in fast, nurse injects them and they are on their way. I haven't seen a patient in the office more than 10 minutes.

  11. #11
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    I know that a low dose will help thats why i need all the help possible because ive lifted since i was 15 and i workout more frequently and intensly than anyone can off juice but im still smaller and i know EVERYTHING about gaining muscle (diet,training,overtraining,sleep,etc)thats the only way im smaller!!!!!!!!

  12. #12
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    so out of curiousity, how low do you think you are before the sleep deprivation, etc. and how low will the trick take your level?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by halobolic View Post
    I know that a low dose will help thats why i need all the help possible because ive lifted since i was 15 and i workout more frequently and intensly than anyone can off juice but im still smaller and i know EVERYTHING about gaining muscle (diet,training,overtraining,sleep,etc)thats the only way im smaller!!!!!!!!

    Well its funny, you know "EVERYTHING", yet you are here asking questions!
    An attitude like this will get you nowhere!
    Get your know-it-all attitude in check, then ask a question like you dont already know the answer.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    yes, me too....that's what i want to prevent from not being aloud....i dont want to go in every week to get the shot when i can add it to my 3-S routine making it the 4-S routine

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by halobolic View Post
    I know that a low dose will help thats why i need all the help possible because ive lifted since i was 15 and i workout more frequently and intensly than anyone can off juice but im still smaller and i know EVERYTHING about gaining muscle (diet,training,overtraining,sleep,etc)thats the only way im smaller!!!!!!!!
    How old are you?

  16. #16
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    im 22

  17. #17
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    I knew everything at 22 myself...sometimes I wish I was as smart now as I used to be.

    Have you had your test levels checked? If not why do you want to fool the Dr, why dont you try and find out whats really going on before you try and trick the doc.

    I would think at 22 you would have a hard time getting any test prescribed. I would think your diet may be what is holding you back.

    Or you say "i workout more frequently and intensly than anyone can off juice" perhaps your overtraining.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by SWOLLL View Post
    Or you say "i workout more frequently and intensly than anyone can off juice" perhaps your overtraining.

    Eh, i doubt this. Since he knows everything he's probably just not doing it right.....i know if I knew everything about how to be the biggest i would probably do all that shit and not just talk about how smart i am on a message forum (yet complain about how i can't grow).

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    Eh, i doubt this. Since he knows everything he's probably just not doing it right.....i know if I knew everything about how to be the biggest i would probably do all that shit and not just talk about how smart i am on a message forum (yet complain about how i can't grow).
    Yeah I wish he would write a book! Everything you need to know about BodyBuilding! By a 22 yr old skinny guy! I think I would buy it!

  20. #20
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  21. #21
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    Ive read every article on and arnolds book so shut the **** up you ****ing dumb as5es

  22. #22
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    Click image for larger version. 

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  23. #23
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    ah got the first copy?

    is there a section in that book on how high your test level will get from drinking red bull?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by halobolic View Post
    Ive read every article on and arnolds book so shut the **** up you ****ing dumb as5es
    Whoa, calm down bro, everyone here is hopped up on test.

  25. #25
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    everyone here is hopped up on test.[/QUOTE]

    Its for your own good that we don't give you the "Everything you need to know, to trick your Dr into scripting you Test." Book.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by halobolic View Post
    Ive read every article on and arnolds book so shut the **** up you ****ing dumb as5es
    Calm down young man. Do you want help? Have you posted your diet and training routine? What are your goals? What are your current stats? What kinds of supplements do you use?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FullMoonHowlingWolf View Post
    Calm down young man. Do you want help? Have you posted your diet and training routine? What are your goals? What are your current stats? What kinds of supplements do you use?
    He has started a couple other very similar threads where he gives his stats. Unfortunalty, his threads all seem to end the same way. Bad....

    Do i need HCG?

    How should i take halotestin?

  28. #28
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    Thanks Thorsz! No more time needed on this one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by halobolic View Post
    Ive read every article on and arnolds book so shut the **** up you ****ing dumb as5es
    This is not the way to get help from anyone

    Why don't you put that wealth of information to use or read it all again because you missed something

    I just don't understand how you know everything and train harder than anyone and your still 5' nothing and 100 and nothing lbs, lifes just not fair

  30. #30
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    you dont get taller from lifting you ****in idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by halobolic;4216***
    you dont get taller from lifting you ****in idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Oh be sure an put that in the book!

  32. #32
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    Do you think steroids will make you taller???

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    Do you think steroids will make you taller???
    Now don't confuse him he knows he needs growth hormone for that...

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