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  1. #1
    TheOneWithout is offline New Member
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    HELP me, what shall I take?

    I am 25 years old and suffer from all of these symptoms of hypogonadism:

    Low physical and mental energy, hard to gain muscle mass and strength, feeling inadequate and low, almost no sexual interest. I also had a fracture very recently in a very weak fall.

    Here are a few more that I suffer from:
    • Very little body hair and facial hair and the grow of it is also slow.
    • Sweating a lot in normal temperatures.
    • Low energy and motivation.
    • Often depressed (no reasons).
    • Bad concentration ability and working capacity physically and mentally.
    • Extremely addicted to sleep (need at least 10 hours)
    • Easily put on subcutaneous fat instead of muscle, aswell as burning muscle before fat no matter how good my diet is.

    I have never used any AS so that cannot be the issue. I've been to the doc and he just babble about exercising more and things like that even though my diet is near flawless as well as my exercise schedule. He says he can do blood works but he won't prescribe any form of hormones. If I want to check my testosteron levels, I'll have to wait about three months, and I aint got that time, I really suffer!

    So you guys are my last hope, but I have no clue what to take even though I've googled the internet for about 100 hours now and read up on all different drugs kind of drugs.

    So lets say the reason is low testosteron level, which one? DHT? Regular Androgen ones? I know very little, thats why I'm begging for help here!
    I've read up some and I am willing to try any of these: Arimidex , Proviron and Aromasin . Which one(s) do you guys prefer? Maybe other?

    All advice is extremely appreciated!
    Last edited by TheOneWithout; 09-18-2008 at 08:41 AM.

  2. #2
    "Maximus"'s Avatar
    "Maximus" is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sorry to hear this bro! I suggest you that you go to your doctor and request a blood count. Maybe you can request for a trt treatment. You seem to be experiencing a lot of stress man. Are you actively exercising at the moment? That helps combat the depression/feeling like a worm feelings.

    About your questions, I don't suggest you to take anything related to AAS to suppress or augment any of your behavioral feelings. First pay your doc a visit and go from there.

  3. #3
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    I'm sorry to hear how you are feeling as well and I'm inclined to agree with Maximus. Why do you have to wait three months to be tested?

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    doctor works for you....if he says if your problem is hormonal and wont help and not even refer you then i dont believe he carried out his oath and am not surprised....ask around or let your fingers do the walking and good luck but i wouldnt take anything without extensive bloodwork, etc. ....just my .02

  5. #5
    TheOneWithout is offline New Member
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    Thanks a bunch for the answers guys so far but lets just say I couldn't get the blood test for some reason, which supplement would you recommend of the ones I listed? Just curious. I will see the doc in 1 month (called in and said it was a little emergency).

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    sorry 1...i cant in good conscience reccommend anything without the bloodwork/doc...keep reading and researching here and anywhere you can find info...i am not unsympathetic I just think the doc route is best all way around

  7. #7
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    sorry 1...i cant in good conscience reccommend anything without the bloodwork/doc...keep reading and researching here and anywhere you can find info...i am not unsympathetic I just think the doc route is best all way around
    I agree!

  8. #8
    peptide's Avatar
    peptide is offline Junior Member
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    Without tests your just guessing what could be the problem. If money is causing the delay in getting tested you can get a endo workup done yourself at If hypogonadism is truely the problem then the doc may very well try HCG to jump start your boys. Did you have a normal puberty when you were a teenager or is this something that just recently has started to occur?

  9. #9
    TheOneWithout is offline New Member
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    Ok, I'm going to do emergy blood tests today, which hormones should I look for?
    These are the ones I've read to check so far:
    IGF-1 (GH)
    DHT (necessary?)

  10. #10
    TheOneWithout is offline New Member
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    I talked to a normal doctor and we scheduled the blood test for tomorrow morning.
    I haven't felt any sex drive at all for 10 days in a row now, and I'm having serious trouble trying to study even though its quite fun. I can't really concentrate on anything at all and I sleep at least 10h per night.

    All kinds of speculations and advice are still welcome, I'm also still interested in all hormones that should be checked out.

  11. #11
    WDMF is offline Associate Member
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    Your primary care Dr. should refer you to endo. If he does not keep pressing the issue. Once you get your levels assessed you will find the real issue.

  12. #12
    TheOneWithout is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by WDMF View Post
    Your primary care Dr. should refer you to endo. If he does not keep pressing the issue. Once you get your levels assessed you will find the real issue.
    Yeah I really hope so. I did the depresseion-test and I only got low signs of depression. It really must be my hormones seriously... What else can it possibly be. I really hope it is my homornes, 'cause it would make so much sense to my life. And I would know everything is going to be alright.
    Last edited by TheOneWithout; 09-18-2008 at 11:28 AM.

  13. #13
    peptide's Avatar
    peptide is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheOneWithout View Post
    Yeah I really hope so. I did the depresseion-test and I only got low signs of depression. It really must be my hormones seriously... What else can it possibly be. I really hope it is my homornes, 'cause it would make so much sense to my life. And I would know everything is going to be alright.
    Well a large number of these symptoms you have can be attributed to adrenal fatigue so it doesn't necessarily have to be a testosterone deficiency. Odds are the doc isn't going to test cortisol levels and if he/she does it probably wont be tested properly which is several times throughout the course of a day via saliva. If your tests come back normal then definitely look into the adrenals.

  14. #14
    SWOLLL's Avatar
    SWOLLL is offline Associate Member
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    I know its hard but waiting for your labs is your best bet.

    I don't know enough to diagnose or even suggest anything but I do know treating yourself with test can mess you up for life and if its not your problem you may just end up worse off than you are now.

    Are you takin gany medications now? You know depression can cause all your symptoms as well ssri, maoi, and the like make life wonderful for people who need them.

    I am glad you are hanging in there and getting your labs done I know how hard it is especially when you are sure you have figured out the problem.

    Keep us informed.

  15. #15
    TheOneWithout is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SWOLLL View Post
    I know its hard but waiting for your labs is your best bet.

    I don't know enough to diagnose or even suggest anything but I do know treating yourself with test can mess you up for life and if its not your problem you may just end up worse off than you are now.

    Are you takin gany medications now? You know depression can cause all your symptoms as well ssri, maoi, and the like make life wonderful for people who need them.

    I am glad you are hanging in there and getting your labs done I know how hard it is especially when you are sure you have figured out the problem.

    Keep us informed.
    I'm not taking any medications at the moment no. I'm not really depressed, I'm "happy" everyday, but the symptons I've got make me depressed.

    Quote Originally Posted by peptide View Post
    Well a large number of these symptoms you have can be attributed to adrenal fatigue so it doesn't necessarily have to be a testosterone deficiency. Odds are the doc isn't going to test cortisol levels and if he/she does it probably wont be tested properly which is several times throughout the course of a day via saliva. If your tests come back normal then definitely look into the adrenals.
    Interesting, I haven't heard about that before, I will ask the doc next week.

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