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Thread: Test Causing Itching?

  1. #41
    binder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post

    thanks again guys....binder, is tramadol harsh on the bod/liver/etc.?
    Since i do not claim to be the knower of all things I looked it up in my PDR. According to the PDR there are notable side effects but for long term studies there isn't anything adverse. Dependence (with severe withdrawal symptoms) is about the only thing I can see. It apparently isn't that harsh on the liver and kidneys. There are no contraindications for people with slight renal or hepatic failure which means that it is safe to use with people that have minor kidney and liver problems. Therefore it is safe for anyone that has normal kidney and liver function too.

  2. #42
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    Since i do not claim to be the knower of all things I looked it up in my PDR. According to the PDR there are notable side effects but for long term studies there isn't anything adverse. Dependence (with severe withdrawal symptoms) is about the only thing I can see. It apparently isn't that harsh on the liver and kidneys. There are no contraindications for people with slight renal or hepatic failure which means that it is safe to use with people that have minor kidney and liver problems. Therefore it is safe for anyone that has normal kidney and liver function too.
    thanks for taking the time to look that up....kind a feel like a dummy for taking it and not really researching ....i guess i trusted a doctor after all....about the severe withdrawl symptoms i keep hearing.....what is an example of a severe withdrawl symptom?

    thanks again

  3. #43
    binder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    thanks for taking the time to look that up....kind a feel like a dummy for taking it and not really researching ....i guess i trusted a doctor after all....about the severe withdrawl symptoms i keep hearing.....what is an example of a severe withdrawl symptom?

    thanks again
    nausea, vomiting, headache, weight loss

  4. #44
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post
    nausea, vomiting, headache, weight loss
    for how long...i had all that this morn

  5. #45
    SWOLLL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    for how long...i had all that this morn
    I assume you stopped taking it? The physical will last about 3-5 days in my experience but you can get through that fine the hardest part is the psycholgical.

    I would get done with the diarhea, vomiting, sleeplessness, headache in about 4 days and then have horrible cravings.

    I talked to my Aunt who is dr and she said that ultram was not nearly as bad as say loracet or even vicodin. She didn't really elaborate on that though. Good luck just hang in there.

  6. #46
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    no sorry swoll...i was talking about hangover...still doin the drol....thanks for talking to your aunt

  7. #47
    SWOLLL's Avatar
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    Oh hell...No problem I saw my aunt earlier and just asked her what she new abou that, she helped me out when I got out of the hospital and was having problems with pain pills

    I really doubt you will have as many problems as I did I was taking 30 or more loracets a day for quite a while bedfore that I was taking about 30 percocets a day, I was in quite a bit of pain.

    So hopefully your not doing that...then stopping should be a breeze...

  8. #48
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    yeh, cool...i asked the pharm how many a day is safe and he said 8 so i keep it around that figure

  9. #49
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SWOLLL View Post
    Damn jpkman nice new avatar!!
    thanks...compliments of fallen

  10. #50
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Ditto jpk! Nice avi. As far as the itching, I get that on my shoulders and on my back sometimes. But it's not real bad. I've started using the Dawn liquid and it's seemed to help. Take care bro.

  11. #51
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coach 44 View Post
    Ditto jpk! Nice avi. As far as the itching, I get that on my shoulders and on my back sometimes. But it's not real bad. I've started using the Dawn liquid and it's seemed to help. Take care bro.
    hey bro...glad to hear from you ...where u been

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