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Thread: First Injection

  1. #1
    nwz71 is offline New Member
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    First Injection

    Hey guys. Well I'm making the switch from androgel to T Cyp. Doc told me to take it however I wanted. 100mg EW or 200mg EOW. Think I'm gonna try the 100mg EW. So the nurse gave me a crash course on injecting and I forgot to ask something. I'm a skinny guy and I was wondering where is the best/safest place to inject and how deep do I put the needle in? They gave me 25gx1.5" needles. Thanks

    Oh yeah one thing that sucks is my doc wrote a script for a 10ml bottle with 3 refills with should have been enough for 1 year but since my insurance will only cover one month they would only give me two 1ml bottles.

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwz71 View Post
    Hey guys. Well I'm making the switch from androgel to T Cyp. Doc told me to take it however I wanted. 100mg EW or 200mg EOW. Think I'm gonna try the 100mg EW. So the nurse gave me a crash course on injecting and I forgot to ask something. I'm a skinny guy and I was wondering where is the best/safest place to inject and how deep do I put the needle in? They gave me 25gx1.5" needles. Thanks

    Oh yeah one thing that sucks is my doc wrote a script for a 10ml bottle with 3 refills with should have been enough for 1 year but since my insurance will only cover one month they would only give me two 1ml bottles.
    i like glutes and i use that size presently but prefer 23 guage and so they filled 2 10ml vials in one month? thats freaky? and you have a refill left...dont let that script go to waste even if you have to pay cash? Was the nurse a skinny chick, too? U could have asked her how deep to put it in?

  3. #3
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    i like glutes and i use that size presently but prefer 23 guage and so they filled 2 10ml vials in one month? thats freaky? and you have a refill left...dont let that script go to waste even if you have to pay cash? Was the nurse a skinny chick, too? U could have asked her how deep to put it in?
    jpk you are my hero. You need an avy. I am gonna recommend one for you soon if you don't get one.

  4. #4
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    You are probably best of with glutes. I stick it all the way in until it stops. There is a really good info on injecting on the main page.

  5. #5
    keith1958 is offline Junior Member
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    I use a 1 inch syringe same gauge and use my thigh.

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    jpk you are my hero. You need an avy. I am gonna recommend one for you soon if you don't get one.
    lol...i'm working on one....LIKE YOURS!!!!!!!

  7. #7
    nwz71 is offline New Member
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    Jpkman- I wish they gave me 10ml vials. I only got two 1ml vials for a month. The nurse was a cutie w/ a booty. After the class about getting poked in the ass I should have asked her to let me practice on her. I guess I should have been payin attention more my mind was somewhere else.

    I'm still debating if I should use the rest of my androgel (2 months supply) and save the cyp for later.

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwz71 View Post
    Jpkman- I wish they gave me 10ml vials. I only got two 1ml vials for a month. The nurse was a cutie w/ a booty. After the class about getting poked in the ass I should have asked her to let me practice on her. I guess I should have been payin attention more my mind was somewhere else.

    I'm still debating if I should use the rest of my androgel(2 months supply) and save the cyp for later.
    i still have gel left over from 2 years....its like i cant part with the first dollar when you start a bizness

  9. #9
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwz71 View Post
    Hey guys. Well I'm making the switch from androgel to T Cyp. Doc told me to take it however I wanted. 100mg EW or 200mg EOW. Think I'm gonna try the 100mg EW. So the nurse gave me a crash course on injecting and I forgot to ask something. I'm a skinny guy and I was wondering where is the best/safest place to inject and how deep do I put the needle in? They gave me 25gx1.5" needles. Thanks

    Oh yeah one thing that sucks is my doc wrote a script for a 10ml bottle with 3 refills with should have been enough for 1 year but since my insurance will only cover one month they would only give me two 1ml bottles.
    The safest injection site is a muscle that you can see while you aspirate , so for me that's the thighs and then delts. The glutes are the most common injection site, but it's hard for me to see when I aspirate.

    IMO I'd go back and ask for some 23g 1.5 for the glutes as it's much easier to draw and inject vs 25g. Also, I use 23g 1 for the delts.

  10. #10
    nwz71 is offline New Member
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    thanks Fmhw. I actually got 19g needles with micron filters to draw... 25g to inject

  11. #11
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwz71 View Post
    thanks Fmhw. I actually got 19g needles with micron filters to draw... 25g to inject
    You're welcome! 19 is great to draw and 25 works.

  12. #12
    FullMoonHowlingWolf's Avatar
    FullMoonHowlingWolf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwz71 View Post
    Jpkman- I wish they gave me 10ml vials. I only got two 1ml vials for a month. The nurse was a cutie w/ a booty. After the class about getting poked in the ass I should have asked her to let me practice on her. I guess I should have been payin attention more my mind was somewhere else.

    I'm still debating if I should use the rest of my androgel(2 months supply) and save the cyp for later.
    You can always go back for injection lessons and see that cute nurse. Maybe she'll give you a shot.

  13. #13
    nwz71 is offline New Member
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    Already have an appointment begining of next month to do a growth hormone tolerance test and see if I qualify for that. Has anyone taken that test before? There's something about a hotty in scrubs that makes me...

  14. #14
    nwz71 is offline New Member
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    Hey Guys. Well I took the growth hormone test and it came back normal so I'm not gonna be getting a script for it. I did get my T script raised to 300 eow because my levels came back at 7 free test. on the 14 day of 200eow. So far so good. I haven't had any probs and I like the injections a hellavalot more then androgel .

  15. #15
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwz71 View Post
    Hey guys. Well I'm making the switch from androgel to T Cyp. Doc told me to take it however I wanted. 100mg EW or 200mg EOW. Think I'm gonna try the 100mg EW. So the nurse gave me a crash course on injecting and I forgot to ask something. I'm a skinny guy and I was wondering where is the best/safest place to inject and how deep do I put the needle in? They gave me 25gx1.5" needles. Thanks

    Oh yeah one thing that sucks is my doc wrote a script for a 10ml bottle with 3 refills with should have been enough for 1 year but since my insurance will only cover one month they would only give me two 1ml bottles.
    Read this How To Inject

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