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  1. #1
    Garbanzo Dude is offline Member
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    Feb 2008

    Normal Test range

    Not getting much love in the main I'll repost here.

    For the rest of the year when you are NOT on AAS cycle.

    This # can vary for many reasons.....but age seems to be biggest what do you guys consider normal and optimal for retaining muscle after PCT is over and you have to rely on your natural test to keep what you have gained or even grow through diet only?

    I know Doc's and blood tests have a range( but WTF ) what's normal for your age?????

    here are a few that I have seen

    "20-49 years old" 262-1593 ng/ML

    "adult males" 350-1030 ng/ML

    I know guys in the early 40's over 800 and guys in mid 20's under 400<----(which fall in that "normal range" and have NO to access to HRT)

    So again I say WTF???

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    i believe it to be an individual basis for what levels is optimum for each and everyone of us and also that other factors are included and equally important....having the right ratio of test to estradiol is key and having a good portion of your test circulating (free test) .02

  3. #3
    NEMESIS RR is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garbanzo Dude View Post
    Not getting much love in the main I'll repost here.

    For the rest of the year when you are NOT on AAS cycle.

    This # can vary for many reasons.....but age seems to be biggest what do you guys consider normal and optimal for retaining muscle after PCT is over and you have to rely on your natural test to keep what you have gained or even grow through diet only?

    I know Doc's and blood tests have a range( but WTF ) what's normal for your age?????

    here are a few that I have seen

    "20-49 years old" 262-1593 ng/ML

    "adult males" 350-1030 ng/ML

    I know guys in the early 40's over 800 and guys in mid 20's under 400<----(which fall in that "normal range" and have NO to access to HRT)

    So again I say WTF???
    Were did you find the range of 262 - 1593? Can you provide a link please.
    The biggest range I have seen is 1100.

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by NEMESIS RR View Post
    Were did you find the range of 262 - 1593? Can you provide a link please.
    The biggest range I have seen is 1100.
    yes...i've seen that high range b4 but only a few times and wondered the same

  5. #5
    T_man87 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    i believe it to be an individual basis for what levels is optimum for each and everyone of us and also that other factors are included and equally important....having the right ratio of test to estradiol is key and having a good portion of your test circulating (free test) .02

    What, in your opinion, would be good ratios/levels of each??

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    from what i've seen and test upper range 700-1000 where free test is not out of range as well and estradiol around 20-35

  7. #7
    T_man87 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    from what i've seen and test upper range 700-1000 where free test is not out of range as well and estradiol around 20-35

    Thanks. I just had bloodwork done yesterday. Hopefully my levels are near where they should be. Been doing TRT since the end of January.

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