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Thread: 2nd shot today!

  1. #1
    4347true is offline New Member
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    2nd shot today!

    Well it has been 2 weeks since my first injection of 400mgs of test cyp. After about 4 days i became extremely horny. The wife is getting a little tired of it, but i love it.I could have sex twice a day everyday. Also It feels like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders, just a over all good feeling. I had my second shot today 400mg test cyp. I hope this keeps moving in the direction it has been. I will keep posting, oh also put on 5 lbs, not good maybe water weight? I would have rather lost 5 lbs.

  2. #2
    THORSZ's Avatar
    THORSZ is offline Member
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    That is great news! When do you get your levels checked agian? You may test on the high side. Did you crash at all towards the end of the two weeks?

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    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    natureboy's Avatar
    natureboy is offline Member
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    Under a barbell!
    Do you workout?

  5. #5
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    You will gain weight on test. Watch the mirror and your belt, not the scale.

  6. #6
    4347true is offline New Member
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    to answer all ?s, No i didnt crash at the end of the 2 weeks. And yes i do work out. I am hoping to work out hard with this. just started p90x, and i bike and run. I dont feel like doing the gym thing right now. I would rather look like the cover of mens health than big. I am around 215 5'10" 23.5 % body fat. I want to be around 185 or 190. I ll put up some before and after pictures in a month or so. The doc. is going to check my levels 3 days before my next injection and write the script. for what ever the blood work comes back at. My biggest thing is diet, i eat a lot of carbs and fat, pastas, mexican food, I need to get that in check. i know what to do. i just dont .

  7. #7
    warchild's Avatar
    warchild is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    fix that diet or you wont get on the mens health cover

  8. #8
    THORSZ's Avatar
    THORSZ is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4347true View Post
    to answer all ?s, No i didnt crash at the end of the 2 weeks. And yes i do work out. I am hoping to work out hard with this. just started p90x, and i bike and run. I dont feel like doing the gym thing right now. I would rather look like the cover of mens health than big. I am around 215 5'10" 23.5 % body fat. I want to be around 185 or 190. I ll put up some before and after pictures in a month or so. The doc. is going to check my levels 3 days before my next injection and write the script. for what ever the blood work comes back at. My biggest thing is diet, i eat a lot of carbs and fat, pastas, mexican food, I need to get that in check. i know what to do. i just dont .

    Thanks for the update. Sounds like things are going good. I know what you mean, my weakness is Mexican food.
    Let us what your results look like on the next test. I go in for my 3rd tomorrow.

  9. #9
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by THORSZ View Post
    Thanks for the update. Sounds like things are going good. I know what you mean, my weakness is Mexican food.
    Let us what your results look like on the next test. I go in for my 3rd tomorrow.
    i eat mex food, pasta, pizza , fried chicken/fish...wut ever the fvck i want for other meals and snacks are tight but 5 out of 7 of my main meals a week are normal enjoyable meals and i stay around around 12/13% bf...moderation is key.
    i guess for the cover of the magazine i would have to make that 1 out of 7 meals?
    keep workin hard bro...the hard work/workouts will make you want to eat healthier

  10. #10
    SWOLLL's Avatar
    SWOLLL is offline Associate Member
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    Jp is right moderation is the key I used to eat once a week whatever I wanted as much as I wanted within reason.

    Diet is usually the hardest to get in check or for me it is anyway

  11. #11
    4347true is offline New Member
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    sorry it has been awhile, Well 2 weeks after my second injection i had blood work done, My test level was 1661 ! I felt great, My doctor looked at me funny and said are we doing the injections or are you? thankfully they were. So he dropped me down to 200mg every 2 weeks. Did blood work ( still dont know what my levels are from that lab, i need to call) but they must have been in range because they called me in a script for 200mg every 2 weeks. hell yes i made it. So get to the pharmacy and they give me a 10ml bottle of test c and ask if i have insurance, i say yes( which i called months ago to make sure it was covered and they said it was). They say that the doctor has to call the insurance company to approve it. So close! but it should only be a few more days before i get to pick up my test!!!!!! oh yea i still feel real good on the 200mg every 2 weeks, not as good as 400mg every 2 weeks, but that is probably a good thing i was about to ware my wife out!
    Ounce i get to do the injections i am going to do inject every week at 100mg. so i am level. plus i feel ggreat on day 2 3 and 4 . It feels like some one has took the weight if the world off my shoulders.

  12. #12
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    I am a diet nut.

    I would say that it is 40% diet, 30% training, 15% sups/compounds, 15% genetics.

  13. #13
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4347true View Post
    sorry it has been awhile, Well 2 weeks after my second injection i had blood work done, My test level was 1661 ! I felt great, My doctor looked at me funny and said are we doing the injections or are you? thankfully they were. So he dropped me down to 200mg every 2 weeks. Did blood work ( still dont know what my levels are from that lab, i need to call) but they must have been in range because they called me in a script for 200mg every 2 weeks. hell yes i made it. So get to the pharmacy and they give me a 10ml bottle of test c and ask if i have insurance, i say yes( which i called months ago to make sure it was covered and they said it was). They say that the doctor has to call the insurance company to approve it. So close! but it should only be a few more days before i get to pick up my test!!!!!! oh yea i still feel real good on the 200mg every 2 weeks, not as good as 400mg every 2 weeks, but that is probably a good thing i was about to ware my wife out!
    Ounce i get to do the injections i am going to do inject every week at 100mg. so i am level. plus i feel ggreat on day 2 3 and 4 . It feels like some one has took the weight if the world off my shoulders.

    Congrats, I know how you feel!

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