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  1. #1
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    May 2008

    Please review my list of supplements, critique

    41yo male, wt 235 down from 295 last July. Currently do cardio 5-6x/wk 30-40min/day. Eat clean with occasional slips. Hx of High Cholesterol (still less than ideal but making good headway due to all the changes over the past year).

    Green Drink
    Milk Thistle
    Time release niacin
    Slow release protein powder
    Whey Protein (when lifting-soon to start)
    Vitamin C
    Fish Oil
    Tongkat Ali 50x strenght (around the week or so my wife is fertile)

    I'm also talking clen right now and am wrapping up using T3 for a couple weeks. Will be running 40mg va cycle for 10 weeks as soon as I receive a cholesterol drug to manage the way var whacks your lipid panel. Will be running Nolva for PCT. Have considered having a little HCG and using low dose last 3 weeks of cycle if gonads shrink on cycle, maybe 200mcg 2x/wk. There isn't too much out there on pct for anavar only cycle's. Would the hcg be overkill even if gonads shrink? Would there be risks I shold be aware of if I took that route?

    Suggestions on supplements to consider looking at or taking away? Anything related to my pending cycle or general health/anit-aging, etc.

    My goal re: cholesterol is to get my total down under 150 and to also have top level #'s for LDL and HDL for great ratio.

    I like buying supp's in bulk powder form whenever possible and capping or mixing with H2O.

  2. #2
    THORSZ's Avatar
    THORSZ is offline Member
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    Might get a better response in the supplement forum.

    Good luck

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