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  1. #1
    mountainboy is offline New Member
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    first cyp injection

    I recieved my first cyp inj. on the 2/19 200mg. OMG!!! what a feeling of bliss,strength,happy,wellness,no aches or pains for 5 days.Day six I crashed on the couch and slept for a few hrs.Days following I feel a tad bit better than before inj.Is this normal?Is the cyp still in me or is it gone?I called Dr. officeto ask and my doc wasn`t there but was told I may need a different kind of test for HRT.Nex app. with doc is 3/16 from what I have read here seems I should be getting inj. once a week.T/F? Am I jumping the gun?

  2. #2
    CrazyCrew is offline Junior Member
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    Normal startin TRT is 100mg a week, then dosed up accordingly. Need to post your stats and labs results with ranges.

    Heres a good primer to read and/or take with to Dr.

  3. #3
    mountainboy is offline New Member
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    Any reason he inj. me with 200mg. right off the bat?

  4. #4
    mountainboy is offline New Member
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    BTW thanks for that info I may have to take it to him.Or point him to the website.
    I don`t have my results yet
    Last edited by mountainboy; 02-28-2009 at 02:18 PM.

  5. #5
    Silver-Bolt is offline Associate Member
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    Smaller weekly injections will keep you much more stable. You won't likely get the big highs but you also won't crash either. The goal of TRT is stabilize your T levels. Work with your doc and see if he will split your shots. If you are self administering cut the dose and do weekly injections.

    I am doing 100mg of Test-E once a week. Day 6 I start to feel just a little low but nothing like pre-TRT. I do my shot the morning of day 7 and by late morning I feel great.

  6. #6
    CrazyCrew is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mountainboy View Post
    Any reason he inj. me with 200mg. right off the bat?
    When you first start with trt most mds will give an initial higher dose. But you need a the very least 200 every other week, but 100mg once a week is best. When your follow up labs are done then you can adjust your dosage to levels best for you.
    Last edited by CrazyCrew; 02-28-2009 at 06:34 PM.

  7. #7
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    my doc started me at 200mgs once a month too. I crashed and took more. I told him when I went back in a month later and he put me on weekly injections. After a week you should have about have of your dose still working for you. You will probably feel like sh*t until you take another shot. Is he running another blood test in a month?

  8. #8
    mountainboy is offline New Member
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    Hey guys thanks for all the replies and advise,HUGE help!!!!! I don`t know what his plans are for me I think he is as knew to this as I am.Guys does this trt make you feel like superman all the time,keep your sex drive up etc..... I guess what I want to know is will I feel like the first 5 days of my first inj. all the time once I get the right dose going,or somewhere in between?Another Q my insurance should cover bloodwork right? They covered RX for T CYP.

  9. #9
    CrazyCrew is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mountainboy View Post
    Hey guys thanks for all the replies and advise,HUGE help!!!!! I don`t know what his plans are for me I think he is as knew to this as I am.Guys does this trt make you feel like superman all the time,keep your sex drive up etc..... I guess what I want to know is will I feel like the first 5 days of my first inj. all the time once I get the right dose going,or somewhere in between?Another Q my insurance should cover bloodwork right? They covered RX for T CYP.
    Ins should cover it. I hate to tell you but you only get this feeling the first time. Soon you will return to feeling normal. But normal to those of us who need trt is a fantastic way to be.

  10. #10
    GottaGetIt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyCrew View Post
    But normal to those of us who need trt is a fantastic way to be.

  11. #11
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    The first time is the best and then you get use to it. It is still great though.

  12. #12
    mountainboy is offline New Member
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    You know, It`s nothing compaired to the first 5 days but I do feel better than pre inj.I`m a good bit more sensative down below so I know it`s working and the thoughts of sex are coming around.Before I would go for 2 weeks and not even think about sex.If any other new guys are reading this it`s TRULY AMAZING what trt will do for you!!!!!!! Just get over the pain of telling your DR. you have a limpy and do it!!

  13. #13
    CrazyCrew is offline Junior Member
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    Having a built in kick stand in bed ain't bad when ya wake up either.

  14. #14
    mountainboy is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up

    Yeah but it`s a bitch to rollover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. #15
    Silver-Bolt is offline Associate Member
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    Smaller more frequent injections should take away the big highs and bad crashes. Try to time your shots a day before the weekend. That way you are fully charged all weekend.

  16. #16
    mountainboy is offline New Member
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    That is a good idea SILVER-BOLT thanks.I`m hoping Dr. puts me on smaller more frequent injs.,seems thats what most say is best.
    Hey THORSZ I can understand now why people become addicted to drugs,man that first week!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. #17
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    unfortunately most doctors dont know what proper trt protocol/doseage should be...yours start you at 200mg then you gotta call and ask questions....mine prescribes me me 200mg every 3 weeks? good thing i keep the vial

  18. #18
    mountainboy is offline New Member
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    My buddy told me I should go see his ENDO. and he will get me on track so I am going to do that,does`t sound like he has issues with a good size RX!!

  19. #19
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by mountainboy View Post
    My buddy told me I should go see his ENDO. and he will get me on track so I am going to do that,does`t sound like he has issues with a good size RX!!

  20. #20
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver-Bolt View Post
    Smaller more frequent injections should take away the big highs and bad crashes. Try to time your shots a day before the weekend. That way you are fully charged all weekend.
    Thursdays for me buddy!

    But, I just started 2x week.

  21. #21
    mountainboy is offline New Member
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    GOOD SIZED SCRIPT!!!GOOD SIZED SCRIPT!!! Don`t want DSM4LIFE to get the wrong idea!

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