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  1. #1
    Testomaster's Avatar
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    Antihypertensive therapy during Hormone Replace Therapy

    According to many scientific works, testosterone and AAS could increase blood pressure wich is the cause of several problems like stroke,heart attack,kidney failure,etc.etc.

    A good antihypertensive drug could be the answer to avoid this side effect, the question is : wich classes of drugs to take ?

    There is evidence that some classes of drugs, such as diuretics, centrally acting sympatholytic drugs, and b-blockers have a greater impact on sexual function than other classes, such as calcium antagonists and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. Present evidence on the effects of angiotensin II antagonists is limited, but some data suggest that sexual function in men receiving these drugs not only is not altered, but even improves.

    Since three months I'm taking one of these so called angiotensin II antagonist Coozar (Losartan potassium) and I have to say that despite I'm doing testo replac. therapy , my high blood pressure has been finally decresed without any sexual problems.

  2. #2
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    At what dose do the sides your talking about become apparent?

    Quote Originally Posted by Testomaster View Post
    According to many scientific works, testosterone and AAS could increase blood pressure which is the cause of several problems like stroke,heart attack,kidney failure,etc.etc.

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    interesting post...i've been meaning to monitor my bp more often than occasional doc visits as it runs a little over 120 most time usuall around 130 and this slight highness is concerning to me and wonder if it would be smart to take bp meds to prevent problems later????
    btw, my bp was this way b4 TRT no a cause of it

  4. #4
    Testomaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    At what dose do the sides your talking about become apparent?
    Most of the time HBP as LPB is a genetic factor. If you have a genetical low BP you might keep your levels in the norm using high dosage of AAS too.

    My suggestion is to monitor BP at least twice a day (morning - night).

  5. #5
    GottaGetIt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    interesting post...i've been meaning to monitor my bp more often than occasional doc visits as it runs a little over 120 most time usuall around 130 and this slight highness is concerning to me and wonder if it would be smart to take bp meds to prevent problems later????
    btw, my bp was this way b4 TRT no a cause of it
    That's nothing. Really.

    Mine was controlled with BP meds and was what yours is. Since TRT
    I'm on a higher dosage of BP med but the BP is still way higher than I'd like.

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