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  1. #1
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
    StringfellowHawke is offline Junior Member
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    Are there any online businesses that still offer trt?

    Hello all, I use to be on TRT. I got my prescription from Oasis Rejuvination Clinic, but they have been shut down for a couple of years now. Are there any other online companies that specialize in trt? If so what are they and which ones are the best? I would also like to note that I was spoiled by Oasis, because I always got what I wanted and as much of it as I wanted and they always gave me a pretty good deal for buying in bulk. They really only cared about drug sales, not patient safely, I am looking for another trt clinic that handles their business in a similar fashion, as I am well able to care for myself. My test levels are in the basement now because my body no longer produces sufficent test and has not for many years. (this is not due to steroid abuse , it just happened) So if anyone can direct me to a good place to get back on trt without all of the hastles, I would really appreciate it. Or perhaps an alternate place to safely get test without having to jump on a plane to the dominican republic buy it openly at a local pharmacy without prescription and then smuggle it back. I really am getting sick of this stupid USA nanny state in which the government feels it's job is to protect us from ourselves, Sigh...........................

  2. #2
    rctriplefresh5 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by StringfellowHawke View Post
    Hello all, I use to be on TRT. I got my prescription from Oasis Rejuvination Clinic, but they have been shut down for a couple of years now. Are there any other online companies that specialize in trt? If so what are they and which ones are the best? I would also like to note that I was spoiled by Oasis, because I always got what I wanted and as much of it as I wanted and they always gave me a pretty good deal for buying in bulk. They really only cared about drug sales, not patient safely, I am looking for another trt clinic that handles their business in a similar fashion, as I am well able to care for myself. My test levels are in the basement now because my body no longer produces sufficent test and has not for many years. (this is not due to steroid abuse, it just happened) S
    im sure the reason is due to the lack of trt in your body js.,
    lso i think you should go get a prescription from your local doctors office since you have stated your levels are low anyway. ''trt'' isnt meant to be bought in bulk or used in masses, if you want that go buy some cycle steroids . trt should rarely be used at over 250 mg / week./

  3. #3
    ZonaDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StringfellowHawke View Post
    Hello all, I use to be on TRT. I got my prescription from Oasis Rejuvination Clinic, but they have been shut down for a couple of years now. Are there any other online companies that specialize in trt? If so what are they and which ones are the best? I would also like to note that I was spoiled by Oasis, because I always got what I wanted and as much of it as I wanted and they always gave me a pretty good deal for buying in bulk. They really only cared about drug sales, not patient safely, I am looking for another trt clinic that handles their business in a similar fashion, as I am well able to care for myself. My test levels are in the basement now because my body no longer produces sufficent test and has not for many years. (this is not due to steroid abuse, it just happened) So if anyone can direct me to a good place to get back on trt without all of the hastles, I would really appreciate it. Or perhaps an alternate place to safely get test without having to jump on a plane to the dominican republic buy it openly at a local pharmacy without prescription and then smuggle it back. I really am getting sick of this stupid USA nanny state in which the government feels it's job is to protect us from ourselves, Sigh...........................
    "stupid USA nanny state"? i'm not even sure what that means but it sounds like an insult to this great country. there are alot of guys on here who spilled blood for this country so that's not a good way to start asking for help.

  4. #4
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZonaDave View Post
    "stupid USA nanny state"? i'm not even sure what that means but it sounds like an insult to this great country. there are alot of guys on here who spilled blood for this country so that's not a good way to start asking for help.
    Not insulting anyone who served, I would never do that. I have nothing but the utmost respect for anyone who serves in the military. What I mean't by "stupid USA nanny state" was that with each new regulation that passes that's designed to protect us from ourselves, more and more of the freedoms that were protected by those that served in the military go right into the toilet. And even they will agree to that. Nuff Said

  5. #5
    jc77x is offline New Member
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    no wonder Oasis got shut down

  6. #6
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rctriplefresh5 View Post
    im sure the reason is due to the lack of trt in your body js.,
    lso i think you should go get a prescription from your local doctors office since you have stated your levels are low anyway. ''trt'' isnt meant to be bought in bulk or used in masses, if you want that go buy some cycle steroids. trt should rarely be used at over 250 mg / week./
    There's no way a local doctor is going to give you a script for test, no way. Been there, tried that. They will just send you to and endoo and then the endo will just do countless tests on you all the while running up a huge bill. Which is really the whole point. Never had much luck with doctors myself. Bunch of morons if you ask me.

  7. #7
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc77x View Post
    no wonder Oasis got shut down
    Ya, it's true, they would sell you what you wanted and as much as you wanted, assuming you actually had a low natural test level, which they did verify. So what's wrong with letting a guy stock up so that he can save a little cash? HMMMM And did I ever say that I ABUSED the trt??? I didn't see anywhere in this post where I told how much I was taking or of what?? RIght? So how come everyone who posts in this topic assumes that I was taking too much? I just said that I was able to buy what I wanted and as much as I wanted at a good price. I can buy all the milk at the grocery store too without limitations and drink all I want till I die, but I usually just go though a gallon a week. Same is true when I was on trt, I just used as much as I needed to replace what my body did not make (plus a little bit extra for good measure) So what's wrong with that? Seems like everytime I post on this site I end up defending every little comment that I make on here. No wonder I don't post here much these days. You all can't wait to just start criticizing can you?

  8. #8
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
    StringfellowHawke is offline Junior Member
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    Well, I guess I should assume that there are no longer any reputable trt clinics online then??????

  9. #9
    natureboy's Avatar
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    I went through a local doc myself, it may have took a bit longer than I wanted but in the end I got the ** I needed, and my ins. pays for it! I'm pretty sure most of the guys on this forum did go through their primary. Good luck!

    I don't know of any trt online, have you searched it?

  10. #10
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  11. #11
    Mammon is offline Banned ~ Scammer
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    why dont you just go another route.. bypass the docs and find it elsewhere. probably cheaper too

  12. #12
    rctriplefresh5 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by StringfellowHawke View Post
    There's no way a local doctor is going to give you a script for test, no way. Been there, tried that. They will just send you to and endoo and then the endo will just do countless tests on you all the while running up a huge bill. Which is really the whole point. Never had much luck with doctors myself. Bunch of morons if you ask me.
    i agree 100 percent. but a urologist will probably not be a moron. i found a urologist online who ive been talking to through email he said based on my results he thinks iam a great candidate for injections. (this guy has written books, been on tv, radio etc) hes not a quack from what i can tell and he has an informational video series on youtube.

  13. #13
    rctriplefresh5 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by StringfellowHawke View Post
    Ya, it's true, they would sell you what you wanted and as much as you wanted, assuming you actually had a low natural test level, which they did verify. So what's wrong with letting a guy stock up so that he can save a little cash? HMMMM And did I ever say that I ABUSED the trt??? I didn't see anywhere in this post where I told how much I was taking or of what?? RIght? So how come everyone who posts in this topic assumes that I was taking too much? I just said that I was able to buy what I wanted and as much as I wanted at a good price. I can buy all the milk at the grocery store too without limitations and drink all I want till I die, but I usually just go though a gallon a week. Same is true when I was on trt, I just used as much as I needed to replace what my body did not make (plus a little bit extra for good measure) So what's wrong with that? Seems like everytime I post on this site I end up defending every little comment that I make on here. No wonder I don't post here much these days. You all can't wait to just start criticizing can you?
    this was my first time criticizing you

  14. #14
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    i use my family doc and he knows his stuff about trt.guess i got lucky...

  15. #15
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    You should go to a local doc if your levels are low. Save some money....

  16. #16
    ni4ni's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecsaaron View Post
    i use my family doc and he knows his stuff about trt.guess i got lucky...
    real fucing lucky

  17. #17
    kickinit's Avatar
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    PMed ya.

  18. #18
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mammon View Post
    why dont you just go another route.. bypass the docs and find it elsewhere. probably cheaper too
    Ha, I must admit, been there and done that too. Worked out for a while, till I got burned on a 600 dollar plus order. Last time i'm doin that. Plus, couldn't sleep at night. Lookin over my shoulder and all.

  19. #19
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for your replies and pm's. I appreciate all of the info and input. I would just like to add that not all doctors are the same. I live in a very rural area and here the docs just won't even consider injection scrips for trt. Also, I have went to a local doc and he said I just wanted a scrip for roids and that I had a low self esteem or I would not be wanting them and that I should consider getting a scrip from him for anti-depressants. No sh**, no lie. He said that true as my right hand on the bible telling you it. That is how all(or most) docs are now, they just want to pump you up on meds that they get kickbacks on for putting you on them in the first place. It's a real mess. So they try to treat as many conditions as they can with the kickback meds including in this case my low test. Which was verified with a blood test by him!! Which I later used the printed results of to get a scrip from an online trt clinic, he he he, so my visit to him was not a total loss.
    I really just don't trust docs anymore and don't want to mess with them at all, at least not in person. My experience in the past with online trt clinics has been most positive.
    Thanks again to everyone again and I myself consider my original topic question answered to my satisfation and therefore I also consider this thread closed. I ask now that this thread be closed by any mod reading it, as this thread has served it's original purpose. Thanks in advance, Hawke

  20. #20
    davepl is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZonaDave View Post
    "stupid USA nanny state"? i'm not even sure what that means but it sounds like an insult to this great country. there are alot of guys on here who spilled blood for this country so that's not a good way to start asking for help.
    I agree. The "stupid USA nanny state" had to step up the laws because half a million people have been eating Hydrocodone they bought online. If they didn't need a nanny, there wouldn't have been a problem.

    I think there is a country where you can buy all of this stuff over the counter. It's called Mexico.

    As for why doctors as so nervous about prescribing legitimately required meds, its because of all the crooks/quacks that prescribe those same meds illicitly, and hence they don't want to be on the radar. I don't blame them (much), I blame the guys writing D-Bol scripts for baseball players (or whatever) for messing up the system.
    Last edited by davepl; 04-05-2009 at 08:20 PM.

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