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  1. #1
    tension is offline New Member
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    Secondary Hypogonadism + Eating Disorder

    ]I had a bad eating disorder about a year ago which lasted several months. I do not know what my test. levels were before it (I think they were probably average at best since I've always been small). After the long diet, I was underweight and got bloodwork done due to feeling terrible. I've had several blood tests since then:
    The first was 11 ng/dl and the rest have been below 80ng/dl.
    So, my first question is does over dieting actually lead to real secondary hypogonadism?

    Since those months of dieting, I've been eating maintenance or above. I've gained weight slowly but still feel bad and have been retested with total testosterone below 100ng/dl. So, other than continuing to gain weight, would HCG be an option to restart my testosterone production?
    My endo doesn't want to do HRT or TRT, but I haven't asked about HCG .
    Is HCG something that could restart my testosterone and that I could slowly taper down once I'm fully functional again?

  2. #2
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Get a new endo.

    With total test below 100, your life is hell.

    1. I don't know, never heard of diet leading to hypogonadism, how old are you?
    2. You could try HCG if you are adverse to life long hormone therapy, I have not really heard fantastic reviews on this.
    3. Yes but long term HCG use can cause hypogonadism or make it worse.

    I would try TRT, you won't look back after doing it for a month.

  3. #3
    tension is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    Get a new endo.

    With total test below 100, your life is hell.

    1. I don't know, never heard of diet leading to hypogonadism, how old are you?
    2. You could try HCG if you are adverse to life long hormone therapy, I have not really heard fantastic reviews on this.
    3. Yes but long term HCG use can cause hypogonadism or make it worse.

    I would try TRT, you won't look back after doing it for a month.
    My endo is not inclined to prescribe HRT for me, but I could pursue a different one depending on what I learn here.
    My family is especially worried though. They see it has a long-term, unhealthy crutch that I'll have to use for life.
    What would my best option in terms of Testosterone treatment that would get my testosterone production going again as I continue to gain weight?
    And is it something that I could eventually stop and go back a treatment-free life?

  4. #4
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tension View Post
    My endo is not inclined to prescribe HRT for me, but I could pursue a different one depending on what I learn here.
    My family is especially worried though. They see it has a long-term, unhealthy crutch that I'll have to use for life.
    What would my best option in terms of Testosterone treatment that would get my testosterone production going again as I continue to gain weight?
    And is it something that I could eventually stop and go back a treatment-free life?

    How old are you?

  5. #5
    tension is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    How old are you?
    I'm 21. Does that matter?

  6. #6
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    It does matter. You need to be fully grown.

    I would just listen to your doctors. HCG might be a good starting place.

    If you were 30+ already had kids etc. I would just do TRT.

  7. #7
    tension is offline New Member
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    Okay. Is HCG less permanent than TRT? Meaning that if I started it and my testosterone started "working" again, could I easily taper off it?

  8. #8
    tension is offline New Member
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    And how does HCG compare in its effects to TRT?

  9. #9
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    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    First off TRT is replacement therapy. This means that you have given up on your body making its own and you are going to replace it with shots or gel. This is for the rest of your life. This also means that you are likely to be sterile and not able to have kids. Not a good thing if you are only 21.

    HCG will tell your body to make more of its own testosterone . This can't be done forever. Eventually your body will stop responding to the HCG and may actually make the problem worse. There is this idea that if you do this on a temporary basis that you can wake up the body and it will get going on it own. I don't know anyone that has done this and had enormous success. Some bodybuilders use HCG after cycles to get their natural levels going again. Some docs try to do this as well.

    I really believe that HCG only will do two things for you on a temporary basis. Make your balls larger in size and make you fertile if you are sterile now. Temporarily.

    There is also another camp that takes testosterone with HCG at the same time. This allows for a lower doses of testosterone and your balls don't shrink. The feeling with that is that it is also easier to quit the testosterone later. I don't know why you would quit if you needed to start.

    On a side note HCG is made from pregnant womens urine. Not sure if this is bioidentical natural substance that I want in my body. Not that it is horrible, I have took it in the past, all it did for me was increase my ball size. Testosterone however is a natural bioidentical substance that has been around for 70 years that is well tested and documented in many, many studies. HCG not so much.

    Anyways listen to your doctor. I am a nut that likes to do my own research before I put anything in my body, you should do the same.
    Last edited by FallenWyvern; 03-25-2009 at 01:18 AM.

  10. #10
    tension is offline New Member
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    Is there an option like TRT that is not permanent? I need something that will kickstart my testosterone now and then hopefully as I continue to gain weight and such, it could stay high after I got off the supplement.

  11. #11
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  12. #12
    XNathan's Avatar
    XNathan is offline Associate Member
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    well secondary hypogonadism can be result fo your anorexia (right?). But when you will restart your caloric intake and developed some body fat your body restart LH and your testosterone will go up to normal level.

    its simple... no calories... no food for baby... no sex... becouise sex is cuplprit for baby.

    Eat right gain weight and get some another blood test. You can also have elevated estrogenes, ist commone after realimentation.

    Dude you simply done it wrong and now you handle consequences. (Iam not telling you ist your fall! Dont take it personaly)

    Try hCG 500IU each 3th day protocol along with anastrozole 0,25mg ED for 2months and than continue anastrozole for another months than drop to 0,25mg each other day aand after months drop it all. Do blood work if you notice improvement after this treatment or earlier if you will be still suffering.

    Good luck!

  13. #13
    tension is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XNathan View Post
    well secondary hypogonadism can be result fo your anorexia (right?). But when you will restart your caloric intake and developed some body fat your body restart LH and your testosterone will go up to normal level.

    its simple... no calories... no food for baby... no sex... becouise sex is cuplprit for baby.

    Eat right gain weight and get some another blood test. You can also have elevated estrogenes, ist commone after realimentation.

    Dude you simply done it wrong and now you handle consequences. (Iam not telling you ist your fall! Dont take it personaly)

    Try hCG 500IU each 3th day protocol along with anastrozole 0,25mg ED for 2months and than continue anastrozole for another months than drop to 0,25mg each other day aand after months drop it all. Do blood work if you notice improvement after this treatment or earlier if you will be still suffering.

    Good luck!
    I understand that anorexia caused it, but its been a year and I've gained 20 lbs and eaten at or below maintenance the entire time. But, my levels are still way low. So would that HCG regimen still be best?

  14. #14
    davepl is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tension View Post
    I understand that anorexia caused it, but its been a year and I've gained 20 lbs and eaten at or below maintenance the entire time. But, my levels are still way low. So would that HCG regimen still be best?
    Congrats on gaining weight back! You say "at or below maintenance", I'm not sure what you mean there.

    My caveman theory, similar to that above, would be that you have to eat enough and healthy enough to convince your body, honed over tens of thousands of years, that there are sufficient extra calories available to your tribe that you can afford another mouth to feed. When that happens, your body will believe the famine has passed and start producing sex hormones again.

    Are you male or female (sorry, might have missed it)?

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