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Thread: Newbie on TRT

  1. #1
    oakdad is offline Junior Member
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    Newbie on TRT

    Hi I am a 38 year old guy with ED and in the start up stages of TRT. I have been having ED issues for the Past few Years and back in Oct. the Doctor had me take a blood test where he tested my T-Levels. The blood was taken around 9am and I had the following resaults.
    Total T Levels of 233, the RR is 241-827ng/dL

    My doc. then wanted to give me a T shot at which time I said I wanted a 2nd before doing so. We then went to a specialist and had the following tested for at around 2pm.
    Total T of 196, the RR is 240-950
    Free T of 7.3, the RR is 9-30
    Luteinzing Hormone of 5.2 which I was told was really good
    TSH of 2.87, the RR is .34-2.5
    T4 Free of 1.1, the RR is .7-1.8
    Prolactin of 28.2, the RR is 3-17
    Random Glucose of 96, the RR is 65-140
    PSA Total of .46, the RR is <4.00 low

    This doctor didn't like something he saw and had me take some MRIs of my pituitary gland. They didn't see anything wrong with my paturitary gland but they saw spotting and had me go to see another doc which determined that it was the cause of some head trauma which happened when I was a kid. (All in All it seemed like this specialist just wasted my time and money and currently do not desire to see him again.)

    So after all of the crap above we went back to the primary doc and from the 2 blood test
    I got put on 5 grams (one package) of androgel .

    3 weeks later we got tested again at about 9am which was about 26 hours after the last application of the androgel.
    My resaults where as follows.
    Prolactin of 116.5, the RR is < 15.1
    Free T of 2.7, the RR is 9-30
    Total T of 101, the RR is 240-950

    Well about 3 weeks after that I got my resaults and was like WTF those values are way bad and had some more test done asking to have my E2 levels tested after reading issues about them raising when on androgel.
    This test was done at about 3 P.M. or about 8 hours after my last application of the androgel.
    The resaults where as follows.
    Estradiol of 36, the RR is 10-60 pg/mL with a note that says as of 04/15/05 Estradiols have improved sensitivity which will primarlily be noticed in a 50% downward shift near the 45 pg/mL and below range.
    Free T of 17.1, the RR is 9-30
    Total T 462, the RR is 240-950

    Now I am pretty sure the reason for the jump in T levels are as follows.
    The time difference between my last application changed a great deal.
    I have grown lazy when applying the androgel and no longer wash my hands after applying it so that much more is being aborsbed.
    The first test was done at a time I was at the bottom of a rebound in my system.
    It is getting warmer and more is simply being aborbed because my cells are opening up more. (No more sub zero days)

    My current thought is we need to knock down my E levels after reading the following, using Arimidex or Aromasin .

    I am currently leaning towards the Aromasin because it appears to have the least negitive side effects from what I have read but how about the E.D. will one make more since than the other? Also how much does one start with?

    Note: I am not a fan of needles and the idea of giving myself shots every week or 2 gives me the willies. So my thought is
    to stay on Androgel or a cream/gel made up by a Compounding Pharmacy that is stronger until this comes out
    At which time I hope to visit the doc. every 3 months and get my blood drawn and dosed according to the previous times blood sample, or perhaps I should just face the facts and start the weekly shots and if so what kind and how much do you think?

    Oh and I keep reading about cycles. Does this mean I am suppose to take the gel for 8 to 12 weeks then stop it for 4 to 6 weeks or is this advise for all the body builders that are cranking these levels way high?

  2. #2
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    I am no expert by any means but you estradiol level is not far off from mine and I am going on Aromasin to help drop that down so it sounds like you are on the rite track with that idea.
    I do weekly injections which surprisingly was not that difficult you might want to give it a try its really not that bad. I go nice and slow and didn't even feel my last injection. And frankly I am not a fan of pain lol...
    As to the cycling thing I think your miss reading what the thread is pointing at, many here like to toss in other compounds and such to aid in growth or cutting. I think thats what your seeing I could be wrong.

  3. #3
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I think most guys migrate to shots - either test e or c. Although I am not sure about what you thought raised your levels, I know with a shot you can get be assured of the dose you are taking, and adjust accordingly. There are too many variables with the creams/gels imo.

    As for the amount - if you read up in this forum, you will find that most will suggest 100mg/week should resemble the ave amount of test a healthy male will produce a week. Almost all here on shots are somewhere between 100 and 200mg/week depending on how their body processes the t. The shots are not bad and you do get used to them.

    Good luck and I hope you find the right protocol whether it is creams or shots.

  4. #4
    oakdad is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks all,
    Posting this help me notice this test resault and I am now thinking I better correct this first.
    Prolactin of 116.5, the RR is < 15.1
    I now know why we did the MRI.)
    I am now thinking we need to do a blood test for "brain hormones" such as FSH, LH (ovulation), TSH (thyroid), (pituitary gland) and tests of renal function.
    An ACTH and growth hormone level should be drawn to see if the possible tumor secretes other hormones
    A chest xray and a scan of the abdomen to look for non-pituitary tumors such as in lung or kidney that may secrete prolactin
    Start treatment with Dostinex (Cabergoline) to lower the levels.

  5. #5
    THORSZ's Avatar
    THORSZ is offline Member
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    I would give the shots a try. I started on gel and moved over to shots with much better results. you get to the point where you enjoy doing it as strange as that sounds.

  6. #6
    oakdad is offline Junior Member
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    Well I just got some more blood work done.
    Had all of the Metabolic things tested. Like Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Glucose, BUN, Creatinine, Calcium and what not and they all fell into the normal range.
    Along with this had TSH levels tested which fell into the normal range.
    Total Cholesterol was 213 suppose to be less than 200.
    Triglycerides was 319 suppose to be less than 150.
    HDL Cholesterol was 33 suppose to be more than 39.
    LDL Cholesterol was 138 suppose to be less than 130.

    Prolactin was 135.8 and suppose to be less than 15.1.

    This is the 2nd time the Prolactin has been tested and the last time it was 116.5.

    Anyone have a suggestion as to where I go from here with my Prolactin at such a high level?

  7. #7
    tension is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by THORSZ View Post
    I would give the shots a try. I started on gel and moved over to shots with much better results. you get to the point where you enjoy doing it as strange as that sounds.
    Are you guys aware of any online doctors who will just look at bloodtests and prescribe HRT or HCG or other treatment? Or do doctors only prescribe hormonal treatment in person?

  8. #8
    oakdad is offline Junior Member
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    I just noticed something last night.
    Before taking the androgel my Prolactin was 28.2, with a RR of 3-17.
    After being on it the first blood sample shows my Prolactin was 116.5, with a RR of < 15.1.
    The blood sample taking after that shows my Prolactin was 135.8, with a RR of < 15.1.
    So I am thinking this Androgel is increasing my Prolactin level, but anyone have an idea as to why it might be doing so? Will being put on Arimidex or Aromasin help with this problem along with lowering my slightly elevated E levels?

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