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  1. #1
    tension is offline New Member
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    Memory/IQ with Testosterone

    I've seen studies where very low or very high testosterone levels correlated to lower IQ.
    Did you guys who suffered from low testosterone experience mental improvements after correcting your hormones?
    Do any of you on steroid cycles with super high test levels notice a decrease in cognition?

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
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    this is an interesting post to me.

    I have to do a lot of academic type work, and man when I'm on cycle I feel dumb as hell. I feel like a cave man who just wants to eat, lift and screw.

    but that's just my experience.

  3. #3
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    I have noticed a big increase in cognitive function since getting my test up to normal levels.
    My level of concentration has improved greatly as well, more importantly to me my patience has improved the most.
    I have never done anything high dose so I have no response for that aspect, perhaps someone else will chime in with their 2 cents

  4. #4
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Do you think this is from AAS? I would think it is from not drinking or using recreational drugs while on cycle. Plus if you are working out you are getting more rest and eating right. I would like to see research where they test both people who cycle and dont cycle over a few year period and both groups also live healthy life styles.

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    i would believe that normal healthy optimul hormone levels would/could be responsible for all good health including mental function

  6. #6
    kickinit's Avatar
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    My memory was one of the first signs that got me looking hard to get straightened back out. Low test effects it big time. Granted on TRT I still have times where Im tired and or memory and thought process come slow, its a bummer but over time I hope it goes back to normal.

  7. #7
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    I read somewhere (forget where) that the problem stems from more muscle tissue requiring more oxygen, leaving the brain with less...or something like that.

    That being said...I felt like a fking mongo caveman while on test. Others noticed it, as well. I'd frequently have to ask people to repeat simple statements/questions 3-4 times, either because I wasn't paying attention or it just took me longer to grasp what they were saying. Like derek7m said...while on cycle all I'm concerned with is eating, lifting and fking.

    Now (off cycle and done with PCT for some time now), I feel I'm back to my quick-witted self.

  8. #8
    ENraged's Avatar
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    Now that I re-read your question I guess my response would be a false positive as I am on test to simply get back to normal. I have an up coming cycle in a few months (Once i have longer periods between blood work!) I will have to pay close attention to this

  9. #9
    tension is offline New Member
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    Very interesting. I have super low test (I'm working on getting that fixed now) and it seems like everything takes exponentially longer to understand or memorize.
    On another note, are any of you very knowledgable about starting TRT that I could private message with?

  10. #10
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    ive always thought i was mentally quicker while ON test.

    after a few cycles and breaks in between ive come to the conclusion that my brain likes to swim in high levels of test.

  11. #11
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Memory and IQ are two different things.
    Last edited by FallenWyvern; 04-02-2009 at 11:42 AM.

  12. #12
    Silver-Bolt is offline Associate Member
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    My ability to focus and concentrate are way better now that my Test levels are getting back to "normal". Smarter, no. But less of the A-D-D feeling for sure.

  13. #13
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver-Bolt View Post
    My ability to focus and concentrate are way better now that my Test levels are getting back to "normal". Smarter, no. But less of the A-D-D feeling for sure.

    That sounds like my experience. More focus and alertness.

  14. #14
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tension View Post
    I've seen studies where very low or very high testosterone levels correlated to lower IQ.
    Did you guys who suffered from low testosterone experience mental improvements after correcting your hormones?
    Do any of you on steroid cycles with super high test levels notice a decrease in cognition?
    I am cranky, tired, stupid and dumb when low testosterone . I am constantly happy, cheerful, good spirits, sharp and quick witted when my testosterone levels are good. I find the brain improves steadily with increased higher and higher testosterone - that is until you have enough testosterone to start causing excessive estrogen to accumulate, then it seems estrogen has a stupifying effect on males and actually not the excessive testosterone. Well monitored HRT/TRT which gives you as much testosterone as you can take without causing excessive estrogen build up will result in optimal brain function.

  15. #15
    davepl is offline New Member
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    Since this is largely anonymous anyway, hopefully this won't seem like bragging: My IQ is higher than my T level. I start injections tomorrow morning.

    My brain was one of the reasons I went to see my doc in the first place: I think my IQ has to be down 30 points. I can't read a book with subbordinate clauses or I have to keep backing up and re-reading the start of the sentence. According to my wife, my memory has become horrible. I honestly wondered if I was developing Alzheimer's.

    Time will well how much (if any, but here's hoping) it improves. I can definately concur that for the last year or so my raw brain horsepower, concentration, and memory have sucked relative to even 5 years ago (I'm 40 now).

  16. #16
    rctriplefresh5 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tension View Post
    Very interesting. I have super low test (I'm working on getting that fixed now) and it seems like everything takes exponentially longer to understand or memorize.
    On another note, are any of you very knowledgable about starting TRT that I could private message with?
    same here i feel like i dont grasp anything. also ill be about to do something and while im in route to accomplish that task iwill forget what it was iwas setting out to do.

  17. #17
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    I'm feel smarter on cycle, quicker thought process, less cloudy, etc.

  18. #18
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    I'm feel smarter on cycle, quicker thought process, less cloudy, etc.
    iron...where you been bro?

  19. #19
    tyward's Avatar
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    I also feel sharper when my test levels and my e levels are close to being correct. I feel more aware, happier and I just get this feeling that everything is right with the world. I think it's interesting that hormones could bring about such a change, I never really thought about it when I was doing cycles when I was younger (I'm in my 50's), I just wanted to get bigger.

  20. #20
    Pac Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    iron...where you been bro?
    In the Army again. The last few months I've been working on getting in processed and moving. Just got internet last week. Next week I'm in the field for 3 weeks. Fun stuff.
    Since I'm in I'm trying to stay away from test, I still feel low but I'm working with it. I'm gonna give SARM a shot and see if it does anything for me.

  21. #21
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    In the Army again. The last few months I've been working on getting in processed and moving. Just got internet last week. Next week I'm in the field for 3 weeks. Fun stuff.
    Since I'm in I'm trying to stay away from test, I still feel low but I'm working with it. I'm gonna give SARM a shot and see if it does anything for me.
    well...glad to hear from you one of the other fellas was askin bout ya of luck

  22. #22
    ZonaDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    In the Army again. The last few months I've been working on getting in processed and moving. Just got internet last week. Next week I'm in the field for 3 weeks. Fun stuff.
    Since I'm in I'm trying to stay away from test, I still feel low but I'm working with it. I'm gonna give SARM a shot and see if it does anything for me.
    why are you trying to stay away from Test? can you be on TRT in the military? when i was in the marines they had some strange rules about stuff like that because we had to be deployable at short notice. they even pull your wisdom teeth in boot camp whether they are causing problems or not.

    so i wasn't sure if the army was the same way.

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