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  1. #1
    Bender45's Avatar
    Bender45 is offline New Member
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    Anyone had great results using gel?

    It seems like 90% of the posts I read by HRT recipients claim that they started on gel or cream and switched to injections with much better results.

    Is there anyone here who started on gel and saw a significant increase in their testosterone levels and felt great? I'm starting to think it's silly to start patients on gels when they always seem to get better results with an injection. Especially the "younger" patients who still lift weights and have an active lifestyle. It seems like gels might be better for the 60 year-old who wants to feel 50 again.

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    your last statement answered your question and summed up the whole post, imo

  3. #3
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bender45 View Post
    It seems like 90% of the posts I read by HRT recipients claim that they started on gel or cream and switched to injections with much better results.

    Is there anyone here who started on gel and saw a significant increase in their testosterone levels and felt great? I'm starting to think it's silly to start patients on gels when they always seem to get better results with an injection. Especially the "younger" patients who still lift weights and have an active lifestyle. It seems like gels might be better for the 60 year-old who wants to feel 50 again.
    Lets say I felt better doing the gel compared to doing nothing at all but to be honest its a terrible delivery method. In rather dry humidity it dries quickly but here in Florida it can take 20 minutes before you can get a shirt on - takes forever to dry. Not only that I read once that testosterone absorbed thru the skin has a much higher likelihood to convert to DHT then injectables, so for me I dont beleive DHT improves either my sex drive or muscle maintenance, in fact I think it can slightly hurt the sex drive if you get too much. Injectables on the other hand are the opposite, they are less likely to convert to DHT then natural produced testosterone, which seems more favorable to sex drive, doesnt loose as much hair, and you are in a happier mood as DHT can make you sometimes more hot headed and emotional.

    I went from decent muscle maintenance if not even some increased muscle mass on the gel as compared to being on "nothing", but upon switching to 100 mg, the sex drive rapidly improved a lot for at least the first week after a shot, the doctor wants me to increase to 75 mg of test cyp per week instead of 100 mg every other week, a 50 mg gain per 2 weeks. I am gaining an excellent muscle memory response with an 8 lbs gain since going back on the shots about 5 weeks ago at 100 mg every 2 weeks and muscle development is much more improved on the shots over the gel. As for sex drive, I had a problem of not being able to get fully hard even WITH cialis or levitra on the AndroGel and I was on it 6 months, since going the shots, I dont need cialis or levitra at all at least for the first week after shot and but during that week I never been harder or sex more enjoyable!

  4. #4
    StairRoyd's Avatar
    StairRoyd is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    your last statement answered your question and summed up the whole post, imo
    Saw this site and thought of this post . Anyone have any experience with Andromen Forte?
    Last edited by StairRoyd; 04-06-2009 at 09:08 AM.

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