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  1. #1
    edgarr is offline Member
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    Got my bloodwork back???

    I was on HRT taking 100 test ew and HGH. After getting bloodwork done my doc told me to stop because my prostate levels were high. So it's been 60 days. Quitting cold turkey has made me feel like crap to say the least.

    So I just got my latest bloodwork and waiting to hear back from the doc but here are the results, what do you think?

    estradiol 17.9 the reference is 7.6-42.6
    PSA 3.23 " 0.00-2
    Test Total 447 " 250-1100
    Percent Free 1.75 " 1.5-2.2
    Test Free 78.1 " 35.155

    It says total test was measured by LCMSMS method.

  2. #2
    Testomaster's Avatar
    Testomaster is offline Junior Member
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    Have you been 2 days without sex before PSA test ? Ejaculation within the past two days may artificially raise PSA levels.

  3. #3
    edgarr is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Testomaster View Post
    Have you been 2 days without sex before PSA test ? Ejaculation within the past two days may artificially raise PSA levels.
    This time around I think I had sex the night before and I drank a lot of alcohol.

  4. #4
    XNathan's Avatar
    XNathan is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by edgarr View Post
    I was on HRT taking 100 test ew and HGH. After getting bloodwork done my doc told me to stop because my prostate levels were high. So it's been 60 days. Quitting cold turkey has made me feel like crap to say the least.

    So I just got my latest bloodwork and waiting to hear back from the doc but here are the results, what do you think?

    estradiol 17.9 the reference is 7.6-42.6
    PSA 3.23 " 0.00-2
    Test Total 447 " 250-1100
    Percent Free 1.75 " 1.5-2.2
    Test Free 78.1 " 35.155

    It says total test was measured by LCMSMS method.
    Your test is fine. IMO no need for HRT.

  5. #5
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XNathan View Post
    Your test is fine. IMO no need for HRT.
    Most important question is how do you feel?

    less then 500 in my book isn't all that impressive but if you feel good then why bother.
    If your having problems then maybe seeing an endo for a more comprehensive work up would be advised.

  6. #6
    stangmatt06 is offline Associate Member
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    How old are you?

    and is prostate cancer a risk that runs in your family?
    Last edited by stangmatt06; 04-08-2009 at 03:26 PM.

  7. #7
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    All the PSA ranges I have seen are 0-4.0. Interesting they have the upper threshhold at 2.0

  8. #8
    edgarr is offline Member
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    I will be 39 in 3 months. I feel like crap!!! No prostate cancer in the family.

  9. #9
    stangmatt06 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    All the PSA ranges I have seen are 0-4.0. Interesting they have the upper threshhold at 2.0
    From what the docs tell my father, after you hit 2.0 or above they start watching you more closely. But the ranges for everyone vary. some people naturally have a large prostate so their levels are naturally higher (3-4). From what they have told my father, they look mostly at a drastic change in the numbers rather than the number itself.

  10. #10
    stangmatt06 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by edgarr View Post
    I was on HRT taking 100 test ew and HGH. After getting bloodwork done my doc told me to stop because my prostate levels were high. So it's been 60 days. Quitting cold turkey has made me feel like crap to say the least.

    estradiol 17.9 the reference is 7.6-42.6
    PSA 3.23 " 0.00-2
    Test Total 447 " 250-1100
    Percent Free 1.75 " 1.5-2.2
    Test Free 78.1 " 35.155

    It says total test was measured by LCMSMS method.

    Back to your original post... When I had my Test levels checked, mine read Testosterone , Free, Bio and Total, LC/MS/MS ... I see you said yours states LCMSMS as well, this must be their test name for it.

    Your estradiol is good
    PSA is iffy, it could be higher from the test, might not be. Have you ever been check for it before?
    Test Total is about right for your age
    Percent Free looks good
    Test Free seems borderline low imo.

    When my test levels were low (200 range) at age 19, I became very depressed, no appetite, I lost 15 pounds (Mind you I was 160 before the loss). They haven't a clue why it got so low but it slowly came up to 600 after 1 year of constant weight-lifting and taking no supplements.

    When you were taking the test you could have been in the upper range for your test and quitting cold turkey causes a drastic decline in your test levels which could make you feel really shitty. Your body is probably just in a rebound and needs some time to recover.

  11. #11
    XNathan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENraged View Post
    Most important question is how do you feel?

    less then 500 in my book isn't all that impressive but if you feel good then why bother.
    If your having problems then maybe seeing an endo for a more comprehensive work up would be advised.
    500 is completly normal healthy level. HRT is for hormone deficiency not for normal average levels. With this results and with problems you need psychologist not physician.

  12. #12
    XNathan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edgarr View Post
    I will be 39 in 3 months. I feel like crap!!! No prostate cancer in the family.

    Your PSA levels dont indicate prostate cancer!!!! From 4-10ng/dl ist 25% chance for prostate cancer. Dotn worry ask for digital exam, USG and biopsy. But stay calm.

  13. #13
    stangmatt06 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XNathan View Post
    Your PSA levels dont indicate prostate cancer!!!! From 4-10ng/dl ist 25% chance for prostate cancer. Dotn worry ask for digital exam, USG and biopsy. But stay calm.
    That is actually not true. The size of the prostate varies amongst men and some men who have smaller prostates show numbers under the range of 1. If their number increases to 2 or 3, that is a sign something is wrong. However, if the OP has a larger prostate, his numbers will be higher (2,3, etc...). It is the large increase in your PSA number that determines if they need to go in and test your prostate for cancer.

  14. #14
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XNathan View Post
    500 is completly normal healthy level. HRT is for hormone deficiency not for normal average levels. With this results and with problems you need psychologist not physician.
    well I believe they have a sliding scale indicating anywhere from 300 to 1200 is "Normal" depending upon the doctor your talking to.
    If this person's prior test levels were in the upper end of this scale prior to the fall off then it is very much possible that his body would prefer him back up around those numbers.
    While I do not disagree with you entirely I am pointing out that what is "normal" for your body doesn't mean it is for his.
    my first blood work showed me at 600+ and I still felt like crap. the next one was 770 and I still felt like crap due to E2 being elevated. Now I take Aromasin and feel great with a test level of 700+.
    His problems my very well be environmental which is something that test might not cure. It could even be GH related more testing with an ENDO would be my suggestion.

  15. #15
    edgarr is offline Member
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    So what should I ask my doctor to look for. He says my PSA is still high.

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