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  1. #1
    testmess is offline New Member
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    Mar 2009

    Gel absorption behavior

    Im on androgel 10grams.

    Does anyone know if you would absorb more or less test by spreading the gel over a larger area of skin, or by concentrating it in a smaller area?

    What are your theories?

    If anyone has done an experiment with before and after blood tests that proves a correlation between large vs small area of application, I would love to know.

    Right now I suspect that 2 packets is just a little bit too much for me. But will wait for my next blood tests to be sure.

    Im thinking about applying it to a smaller area to reduce the dosage in effect.
    Right now im spreading it over a very large area. Shoulder, biceps, upper back and lats.

    Actually, going to the pump would probably be the best method, eh?

  2. #2
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    i wasn't on gels long before my doc switched me over to shots but from what i hear, spreading it over a larger area increases E2.

    have you looked into compounded gels? they are alot cheaper and you don't have to use as much gel.

  3. #3
    testmess is offline New Member
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    Mar 2009
    Yes - im starting my research on compounded creams/gel.
    Gonna start shopping around. I need to find the cheapest source I can before I lose my insurance. I want to be on it for at least a month on the new stuff, then get my blood tested again before I go off my insurance.

    Hmmmm strange that using a larger area would increase E.
    My guess would be that it would increase DHT.

  4. #4
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    Nov 2008
    i'm not 100% on the area affecting E but that's what i read.

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