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  1. #1
    Firedude is offline New Member
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    Apr 2009

    Newbie question.

    Hello all,
    I just started Testosterone Replacement Therapy 3 days ago. I was prescribed 4 pumps a day of Androgel . I got a compounded mix from a pharmacy so I would'nt need as much gel for the same dose. It was recommended to rub it on the inside of my biceps. I want to maximize my absorption. I guess after you rub it on, you absorb it until it dries. They tell me the the alcohol in the mixture opens the pores to let it in. My question is this:
    Since you probably don't absorb it all on initial application, if you applied rubbing alcohol to the application site about an hour or so after the initial application would you then absorb some more? Like I said, I just want to maximize my absorption.

  2. #2
    tyward's Avatar
    tyward is offline Associate Member
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    Welcome! Although I've never done the gel, I was on patches for awhile and it is my understanding that the alcohol goes away, but the test keeps absorbing in for a length of time. I assumed that the length of time was, hopefully, until you put on new stuff. It was sort of a guess that the absorption was stalled somewhat to cause the test to average out in the body and not cause spikes. Do you want it to spike?

  3. #3
    Firedude is offline New Member
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    Well, I was thinking once it dries after the initial application it is no longer "soaking in". Maybe just sitting dormant on your arm. Then I thought maybe by rubbing some more alcohol on it, it would get things "flowing again".
    From what I've read, it doesn't sound like it's soaking in all day. Only for a short time after application. So if there is any action I can take to maximize absorption, I'd like to know what it is.

  4. #4
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I dont know if that would speed it up too much. the gel uses the skin as its "depo" and levels are already higher in the morning when you put it on and drop through the day. you might release too much of it and have more of a dive later in the day.........or, i dunno, maybe you willl just increase the overal amount. Its hard to say. Try it and see how you feel. Use libido and overall energy as a measure.

  5. #5
    Firedude is offline New Member
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    So if the skin acts as a "depot", then that implies there is an initial lg volume absorption followed by a slow feed occuring for a good part of the day. If there is a slow feed occuring then I don't really see the need to rush things. But if it's just sitting there doing nothing because it absorbed all it's going to in the first ten minutes, then perhaps applying some rubbing alcohol later in the day would result in my getting a larger share of the dose than if I just let it sit there, right??

    So, one question is:
    Is there a slow feed occuring throughout the day? If so, great.
    Does all the absorption occur in the ten or so minutes after application with viable T. still left on the skins surface after initial absorption?
    If that's the case, then there is a spike that tapers off as the day goes on, but some viable T. is on the surface than can be accessed via rubbing alcohol or somethin similar?

    Does anybody know for sure?

  6. #6
    Silver-Bolt is offline Associate Member
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    Have you talked to your Doc about shots? They are far more stable than gel and no mess. Once you get the dose dialed it there are very few highs & lows. A nice stable level 24/7. The shots are really not bad.

  7. #7
    oakdad is offline Junior Member
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    I have read enough here that it sounds like shots rule but I have to wonder how does one get on a plane for a 2 week trip with his test?

  8. #8
    tyward's Avatar
    tyward is offline Associate Member
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    If you have a script, no problem...

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