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Thread: e2 Levels?

  1. #1
    StayFit1 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    e2 Levels?

    i took trenadrol a year ago and got slight puffy nipple and gyno. Didnt do a proper PCT. Also have dry eyes and hot flashes as well. I did bloodk work 6 months ago and e2 was elevated. Test was great, everything else in check except for SHBG. I did letro to try and get rid of gyno and then i tapered off i thought. However, i did blood work on e2 levels and it was 53 pg/nl. Is this high enough to cause sides? I get hot in the face very easy. No skin disorder or anything. Soft left nipple as well. I always seem to get hot after eating lunch andg oing back to work or talking with clients. LIke a bp shoots up> however, i dont blush or do that easily. My armputs also sweat easy. I think this has to do with e2 levels going up and down. Any thought on how in the world to get e2 levels down permanent. I thought letro would have done that but i geuss it went back up? What alternatives do i need. Just simply do an AI to relive some of this estrogen. Arimidex ?
    Also, i take proscar as well. This might cause e2 to go up? If so, what can i take to get e2 to go down forever? Thanks..

  2. #2
    testmess is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Ive known people who have had bad sides at a 53-ish level, so yes.

    Proscar is blocking T to DHT conversion, so more of your T will get converted to E instead.

    I bet in a few more years a lot of bad stuff is going to come out about proscar/propecia and how it wrecks your hormonal system. I wouldnt be surprised if it ends up causing low T.

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