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  1. #1
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Guess I am stopping trt for now

    Can't afford the second round of t, hcg and a-dex for now. Price isn't that bad - just can't spare the dough. I am out of t and will finish the hcg (two weeks worth) and continue taking the .5 adex once a week for another 5 weeks.

    I am going to try and lose some more bf before I start again. I know it has made my trt less effective and also effected my bp. I have been up and down these past 5-6 months felt alot better for the most part, but getting that perfect dose nailed down never happened. This really sucks because my next protocol was going to be 260mg/week (160 day 1 and 100 day 4) with 500iu's hcg on shot day (I was going to stockpile the extra for a rainy day).

    I have read many times where a low bf is neccesary before one starts a cycle. Although I was on trt I think the same applies here when possible. High body fat = trouble with E2 to start with most times. Add t and you have more trouble, add HCG and you have even more trouble. And then you try to get the a-dex dose right to control your E2 and/or sides of high E2. Play around with your dosing of any of these three and now you have your rollercoaster ride starting.

    I plan on getting a full panel done again after I lose the bf and go from there. I will do things a little different next time - will start off on a low dose - maybe 100/week - instead of 200.

    Anyways I will still be checking in and I will let you know how it is going. I appreciate all of the advise you have given me.

    I would just tell anyone who is starting trt with high bf (which is probably a high percentage of us over 40) the most important thing you can do is trim down before you start, or if you can't wait, as soon as possible afterwards.

  2. #2
    Bender45's Avatar
    Bender45 is offline New Member
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    Have you considered purchasing your testosterone through an online source until you can afford monitored HRT again? It's obviously not the ideal situation, but if it can keep you 'in the game' and keep you from sinking back into an andropause state, it might be worth considering.

  3. #3
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Dec 2008
    wouldnt even know where to start

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