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  1. #1
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    Going to be starting TRT How is this going to work??

    Just got referral to a Urologist for my TRT

    What can I expect?? I already obviously have current blood work showing my test level is 251. Will the doctor start me on my first appointment?

    What can I do to get Cyp or Enanthate . and be able to self inject?

    Should I tell him that I have done "gear" and I am comfortable doing self injections?

    I do not think my insurance will cover the Androgel I heard it is like $400-$600mo(is this correct)

    I am guesing that only leaves me with transdermal patches and injections correct?

    Looking for good advice from anyone who has been through this?

    I really want to self inject so I can inject 50% of my dose and then when I get my levels checked they wiull still be low in his eyes and I will get my dosage upped again. That way somewhere down the road I can rip a 6-10week cycle of like 450mg wk and have enough extr!

    Is this a possibility or am I dreaming?

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    you tell the doctor what you want except that you want to stock pile but tell him/her that you want injectable because it is the most efficient in every way form of test and you want to self inject for convenience finacially and time wise and if not you will find a doctor that will word it how you see fit but that is the point that needs to be made

  3. #3
    ruffcute is offline Associate Member
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    after injecting how long is it before you can get accurate blood results

  4. #4
    ni4ni's Avatar
    ni4ni is offline Pharmaceutically Enhanced
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    ~ 1 month. Another reason 4 the inj is that u want to maintain a steady plateau of test.
    w/ the patches/creams- no way
    U go to the gym and the patches WILL fall off. Creams- fck that.

  5. #5
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    that is exactly to the "T" what I want! I have a feeling its going to go like this.... They will try to give me the Androgel and find out that my Ins. will not cover it, Then they will want to give the those stupid patches. I will definately be trying for what you said JPKMAN!

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