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  1. #1
    bowers32 is offline Junior Member
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    Go blood tests back.... what do you think?

    I am 46... I weight 240... 5"10... BF is about 27%.. so yea a fatass...

    Basically my work in the gym just isn't giving me results and it is frustrating... I don't mind working out and eating clean... but where this effort would result in good weight loss etc... now almost gets me no where...

    I can hear you now... YOU ARE GETTING OLD...

    Anyway, after hearing so many good things about HGH and trt I decided to go to a local anti-aging clinic.

    My blood tests came back.... dr. said my test level was 445 and free test was 13

    I don't really know what that means... although some research I found said that at 46 I should be in the 600 rangs...

    He isn't talking HGH yet... which surprises me... but is talking about trt via the sottopella test pellets. Will cost about $600 (lasts 5-6 months for men)

    They tell me that HGH is like $800 a month !!!!

    Now here is the deal....I will pay the $$$ if it really gets me results in the area of weight loss and increased muscle (understanding a commitment of plenty of exercise and clean diet).... my libido is fine... don't sleep as well as I should though.

    So here is the question to you guys.... is the trt worth the costs or should I just try and get them to get me on the HGH to begin with... I feel like they may be milking me for the dollars on trt then roll me to hgh....


  2. #2
    kickinit's Avatar
    kickinit is offline Member
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    Testostrone will be the first thing I think any doctor will prescribe over HGH, all the news about it makes doctors worry too much. For HGH to get legit wise you will need to be tested for that as well.

    Your free test is a little low but not horrible and your total is a little low too but not terrible (depending on what scale was used)

    Im against any orals of TEST or basically any steroid , it's bad enough on the liver as it is why make it worse. $600 --- is expensive my 10 week supply of test is $10. besides pins, alcohol swaps etc... another $10. INSURANCE?

    I would research a little more on the subject too, to see if you can find out more about TRT and HRT, alot of good info here.

    I hear HGH is some coin, but since I have Osteoarthritis in my back and joint pain I was going to look into it more myself also weight loss would be nice as well. Im getting there slowly but a few months of it should help alot.
    Last edited by kickinit; 04-27-2009 at 10:06 PM.

  3. #3
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    He talking about the pellets that they put under your skin. My understanding is that it is expensive and there is down time from the surgery every time they install them.

    Testosterone by weekly self injection is going to be very, very inexpensive and probably the most effective. The amount you quoted for 6 months, I can almost get 3 years supply of injections.

    Remember there is no money for doctors or pharma to make selling a generic drug, they have to get all fancy with patches, cremes or injectable pellets. They often will misuse the bioidentical word and will claim that injections aren't bioidentical, this is just not true.

    HGH is just expensive, right now. I am waiting for the cost to drop by about a third. I can't understand why pharma grade is way, way more expensive than the underground Chinese kind.

  4. #4
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    Oh, Test only is more effective than HGH only.

    The cost to effectiveness ratio is heavily slanted to Testosterone , even if they were the same price.

  5. #5
    bowers32 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FallenWyvern View Post
    Oh, Test only is more effective than HGH only.

    The cost to effectiveness ratio is heavily slanted to Testosterone, even if they were the same price.
    Wow.. that is interesting... that test alone is more effective used alone then if I dropped test and went to HGH alone....

    I have researched this a ton.. thanks to you guys and this board... it seems that the results from HGH are more powerful than just trt... with HGH i read things like more energy, better sleep, better libido, faster weight loss, even better skin etc...

    On the test side I read about the energy and libido but not a lot about helping with weight loss and muscle building...sounds like this thinking is perhaps wrong on my part.

    the only thing I kept seeing in all my research on the pellets versus injections was that the injections had a quick peak then a quick "down" whereas the pellets were supposed to maintain a more consistent stream of test instead of up and down...

    I am willing to pay the $600 for the 6 month supply of test... not big on needles etc... plus the doc isn't even making the injectables an option.. it is either pellets or cream...but... if I am going to fork out some big bucks, my thought was (and now I see it might be wrong) to put the money NOT on test but on hgh.

    Sounds like though if I were to chose to use only one of the two, test is the way to go.

    Someone in another post asked me what I was really after... it is simple... I want something that will help me get to a place of "fitness" that I am simply unable to get to at 46...losing weight for me is almost impossible... my family are made up of a lot of huge fat people... really... I have two people in my family right now that got so big so quick they had the stomach surgery... so this is what I am fighting and by god I am not going out without a fight.

    So I go to the gym 4-5 times a week, lift heavy weights, do cardio etc... but my body just wants to be fat so in order to drop weight I have to go really extreme dieting.. which works.. but I can't maintain it long enough to drop the weight I need to in order to be fit and healthy.

    So I am looking for something that will help me.. that will assist the hard work I am willing to put into it... I just feel if I can get fit and healthy.. finally.. then I can maintain it... it's getting there that is so difficult. Frankly I had about given up until I ran across this board and then found an anti-aging clnic.

    So that is my story... thanks again for all of your advice....

  6. #6
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    You are correct about injections. I do mine twice a week now. I shudder at the docs who recommend 3 weeks between injections, I am sure that has something to do with the bad reputation as far as spikes and valleys.

    I asked about HGH here.
    Questions about prescribed HGH.

  7. #7
    FallenWyvern's Avatar
    FallenWyvern is offline Senior Member
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    I can say that Test helped me gain weight and lose fat drastically. I don't know how much you will get out of the pellets. My dose is higher than most mainstream docs prescribe. Check post #31.
    4 Months 200mgs CYP/week results.

    Two people that I work with did the test with HGH eventually dropped the HGH and just kept the test.
    Last edited by FallenWyvern; 04-28-2009 at 08:02 AM.

  8. #8
    bowers32 is offline Junior Member
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    Dude those photos you had on the other posts is freaking awesome..... when I try and tell people that I want to my musclar they think I am talking about the bodybuilders in the mags... but your look is what I am talking about...

    Your response has helped a great deal... I am a little worries about the ball shrinkage and will ask about that... I wondering at 46 how my body will respond to a high test level as far as the side affects are concerned.. not sure if it worse or better to be on it while a little older.

    I can build muscle fairly easy... but man the bodyfat issue is so bad that I have to extreme diet so hard to lose any weight that I can't put on any muscle cause I have to so low in calories and carbs...

    Anyway, I am inclined to try the pellets for 6 months and see what happens.... I am just praying for some very noticable "body compensation" changes by using it... with hard work and diet of course...

    thanks again

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