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  1. #1
    nosideZ is offline New Member
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    Feb 2009

    DHT levels, and TRT doctors in Vegas area

    thanks for all the info and knowledge i have recieved here first of all.. Most know way more than any doctor Ive been able to see thus far.

    1) My DHT levels are triple the normal level.. I am currently on TRT and think that my low levels of test are possibley due to my test being converted to dht. WOndering why would my body be converting it to DHT when I have low levels of test. Im 34 take good care of myself and have older brothers that both have low levels.. One of them have low thyroid, which I do as well, and sleep apnea which a Doc told him would casue Low test levels. SO I guess any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Im tired of feeling like CHIT!

    2) anyone know of a good TRT doc in Vegas. I mostly am concerned with Doc that dont offer HCG with TRT becasue that will lead right to hypogonadism soi i feel that that should be part of the treatment.. in which I have been self medicating. I want to stop the MEDS if I can get a good doc to tell me why IF jacked up.. T


  2. #2
    nosideZ is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    NO TAKERs?? bump

  3. #3
    nosideZ is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Did I post this on the wrong board?

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