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  1. #1
    gabuilder is offline New Member
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    blood work came back as low test and ive got questions

    ok guys needing some of your expertise please: quick run-down 31yr old
    215lbs 5'10 --last month had blood work done and my test should to be low 223L suppose to be in the range of 262-1593L - i was given a shot last month of 1.5cc -to be honest never felt any diffrent- until the past 2 weeks very tired un-focused .so i went to the doc yesterday she boosted my shots to 2cc and gave me testi cream 5mg per tube -she told me to use it the last 2 weeks before my next visit for injection if i feel fatigue. this is all so new to me im doing research but reading only gets you so far and who better to ask than someone who has experince. first question: with the shot and the cream will this spike my test. were i should worry about my estrogen level?
    sec. question: reading alot of threads it looks as if most ppl give themselves shots weekly-i did ask her about a weekly injection but she said that wouldnt be necessary with the dosage she is giving me. i trust my doctor just wasnt sure if i should get a second opinon on my treatment. and last quest: i was wanting to start a sstack. i just wasnt sure if it could make my test. levels lowr? if you recommend one what exactly?

  2. #2
    XNathan's Avatar
    XNathan is offline Associate Member
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    Your doctor should return her diplom.

    One shot per months?!?! Well thats huge mistake from her. Cypionate or enanthate last in your body 2wks but hold good blood testosterone level just one week!!! Second week is not adequate and aplication schedule should be one shot per week or idealy divided to two shots per week.

    Find another doctor!

    TRT 100-150mg cyp/enanthate per week divided to two shots (or Nebido 1000mg each 2-3 months but only if you are in Europe) plus low dose AI like arimidex (0,25mg EOD) or aromasin (12,5mg each other day). And to your stack you can during your cycle just add test and another compound and after cycle you will return to your TRT regime.

  3. #3
    ENraged's Avatar
    ENraged is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XNathan View Post
    Your doctor should return her diplom.

    One shot per months?!?! Well thats huge mistake from her. Cypionate or enanthate last in your body 2wks but hold good blood testosterone level just one week!!! Second week is not adequate and aplication schedule should be one shot per week or idealy divided to two shots per week.

    Find another doctor!

    TRT 100-150mg cyp/enanthate per week divided to two shots (or Nebido 1000mg each 2-3 months but only if you are in Europe) plus low dose AI like arimidex (0,25mg EOD) or aromasin (12,5mg each other day). And to your stack you can during your cycle just add test and another compound and after cycle you will return to your TRT regime.
    What he said ^^^

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