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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    T therapy folks over 40...

    just curious about the most amount of test one takes in a week. just started on 250 and wondering if that should do the trick or do i need more for "antiaging".

  2. #2
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    are you talking doctor prescribed or self medicated?

    200/week is a decent TRT dose, more then enough for just TRT

  3. #3
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    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    are you talking doctor prescribed or self medicated?

    200/week is a decent TRT dose, more then enough for just TRT
    reading on the board and dosages of test cyp where at 300-2000mg a week for men..kind of makes 250 sound small, but thanx for your answer

  4. #4
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Quote Originally Posted by therecanonlybe1 View Post
    reading on the board and dosages of test cyp where at 300-2000mg a week for men..kind of makes 250 sound small, but thanx for your answer
    not sure what boards you are reading, BUT there is a BIG difference in doing TRT and doing a full steroid cylce for bodybuilding.

    The average male produces approximately 40-70 mgs of Test per week, therefore adding 200mgs a week is MORE than enough for TRT (key word here is TRT)

    2000mgs/week is way OVERKILL even for bodybuilders . If they are using that much, then they are trying to use MORE gear to compensate for poor diet

    What exactly are your goals here? Do you want TRT or do you want a bodybuilding steroid cycle????

  5. #5
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    by no means am i looking to be on stage for the next olympia...
    just turning 40 and the ol body aint the same as it use to be..regarding recovery, pain, energy..basically looking for the fountain of youth.

  6. #6
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by therecanonlybe1 View Post
    by no means am i looking to be on stage for the next olympia...
    just turning 40 and the ol body aint the same as it use to be..regarding recovery, pain, energy..basically looking for the fountain of youth.
    well, i am 44. The fountain of youth is expensive and would be considered HGH (Human Growth Hormone ) more so than Test. But HGH is expensive and needs to be run for long term, 6 months or more

    IF you are just looking to "FEEL" better, low dose test will do that. 200 mgs/week would be plenty. But there are other things you need to do and monitor to go along with that

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    well, i am 44. The fountain of youth is expensive and would be considered HGH (Human Growth Hormone ) more so than Test. But HGH is expensive and needs to be run for long term, 6 months or more

    IF you are just looking to "FEEL" better, low dose test will do that. 200 mgs/week would be plenty. But there are other things you need to do and monitor to go along with that
    yes hgh would be the fountain of youth and even as far as finance, have no desire for eod injects. yes i want to "feel" better but lets just say some extra perks of decreased body fat and increased strenght would not hurt either.. so stick on 250 a week or bump up to 375 a week. i am 6 foot 1 265 age 39..thanx,

  8. #8
    n2ojones's Avatar
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    265 @ 6'1"? Don't take this the wrong way but "the fountain of youth" starts with pushing yourself away from the dinner table. Unless you're a freak at 10% body fat, 265 is too heavy and looking to remedy that fact with drugs is just a bad idea (IMO).

    If you drink alcohol, stop or slow down.

    If you eat donuts and shit, stop that too.

    Get off the couch. Go for walks and then increase the intensity (run) when you can.

    Start lifting light weights. Put pride aside and forget about max- poundages, you'll get hurt and suffer setbacks. The tortoise really does win the race. Don't lift anything that you can't lift 20 times. Then lift that weight until you can't lift it anymore. Repeat.

    Swim and engage in other low impact activities.

    Stretch then stretch some more. Yoga USED to be for women...women were always smarter than us.

    Get down to about 220 then start getting a bit more serious in your workouts.

    The above are the first steps towards the fountain of youth, IMO. There is no substitute for a disciplined lifestyle (but HGH is a nice luxury to add to the mix) but you've heard all of this before.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by n2ojones View Post
    265 @ 6'1"? Don't take this the wrong way but "the fountain of youth" starts with pushing yourself away from the dinner table. Unless you're a freak at 10% body fat, 265 is too heavy and looking to remedy that fact with drugs is just a bad idea (IMO).

    If you drink alcohol, stop or slow down.

    If you eat donuts and shit, stop that too.

    Get off the couch. Go for walks and then increase the intensity (run) when you can.

    Start lifting light weights. Put pride aside and forget about max- poundages, you'll get hurt and suffer setbacks. The tortoise really does win the race. Don't lift anything that you can't lift 20 times. Then lift that weight until you can't lift it anymore. Repeat.

    Swim and engage in other low impact activities.

    Stretch then stretch some more. Yoga USED to be for women...women were always smarter than us.

    Get down to about 220 then start getting a bit more serious in your workouts.

    The above are the first steps towards the fountain of youth, IMO. There is no substitute for a disciplined lifestyle (but HGH is a nice luxury to add to the mix) but you've heard all of this before.
    a freak no, but ex bodybuilder and actually 245 is perfect for me..regardless you are accurate on my diet...working on low carb off and on for years..seem the older i get..the low carb theory works less..hoping the test would help in the thermal..glucose areas

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