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  1. #1
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Hrt Update + a little help please

    Recently my doc diagnosed me with low testosterone . I had 3 different blood tests ran over the past year to confirm. My last test came back total test 235 and free test of 44. Initially the doc gave me 100 mg injection of test enanthate and then was going to give me 50 mg per week which ia way to low! Doc was going to run tests again in 4-6 weeks and adjust the dose. After my initial injection i felt like superman for about 3 days and then crashed miserably! The following week I went in and got my next injection 6 days later. I was still crashed but about 2 days after the second injection i started feeling a little better but not as good as before i started hrt. At about the 4th day i crashed hard again and my nipples were on fire! I called my doc again and told her my symptoms. She said that my body was just getting used to the testosterone and i would have to ride it out. I waited until 8 days from when my 3 rd injection was scheduled and asked my doc for a referral to an Endo doc Which the doc did for me. At that point I told the doc I was not going to continue the injections until i had met with the endo doc. It has been 10 days now since my last Injection and I feel back to normal. My workouts are great, No more nipple sensativity and i am not crashing any more. So my question is Do you think i am feeling better because the drug is out of my system and my body is producing test again? I no the initial injection obliviously shut me down. Or do you think i am feeling better because the drug is starting to work? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    NEMESIS RR is offline Associate Member
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    you are feeling better because your estrogen is now going down. You felt great until your estrogen went up and you started to grow breast (my nipples were on fire!). Switch docs NOW. Go low dose of arimidex 1/4 pill 2x a week and adjust from there. Also try 50mg 2x a week (tues morning fri night taking 1/4 pill of arimidex 24 hours later after shot) to even you out. Adjust test dosage if needed. Only adjust one item at a time so that you don't confuse yourself.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by NEMESIS RR View Post
    you are feeling better because your estrogen is now going down. You felt great until your estrogen went up and you started to grow breast (my nipples were on fire!). Switch docs NOW. Go low dose of arimidex 1/4 pill 2x a week and adjust from there. Also try 50mg 2x a week (tues morning fri night taking 1/4 pill of arimidex 24 hours later after shot) to even you out. Adjust test dosage if needed. Only adjust one item at a time so that you don't confuse yourself.
    I will be setting up my appointment with my endo doc but it may take a couple of weeks to get in. I was not self injecting. I was going in to my Dr office to get my weekly injections. With only doing a couple of injections I am hoping its not going to be to big of a deal? My testosterone levels should be dropping big time by now too? will I crash pretty hard again?
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 05-09-2009 at 05:37 PM.

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    I would think you would have already started the crash by now if you were going to have one - but my crash peaked and leveled off about week three after about 5 months of trt. Everyone is different though. Does sound like you had a surge of E2.

    When you get on your next protocol and after another round of blood work, if your E2 is elevated I suggest lowering that before you start your t. Won't take long and it is possible the ai may be all you need. But at least it will be somewhat in check before you boost your t levels.

    I think sometimes this is why it takes some guys 4-6 weeks to really feel better. JMO though.

  6. #6
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flatscat View Post
    I would think you would have already started the crash by now if you were going to have one - but my crash peaked and leveled off about week three after about 5 months of trt. Everyone is different though. Does sound like you had a surge of E2.

    When you get on your next protocol and after another round of blood work, if your E2 is elevated I suggest lowering that before you start your t. Won't take long and it is possible the ai may be all you need. But at least it will be somewhat in check before you boost your t levels.

    I think sometimes this is why it takes some guys 4-6 weeks to really feel better. JMO though.
    Thanks Bro,

    makes me feel a bit better! Do you think since I haven't crashed that my body is probably producing some test then?

  7. #7
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    I have no idea. You said you are feeling normal again and having good workouts. Does this mean you are feeling like you did before your first t shot?

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    Quote Originally Posted by flatscat View Post
    I have no idea. You said you are feeling normal again and having good workouts. Does this mean you are feeling like you did before your first t shot?
    Yes I feel like I did before my first injection. I have good energy in the morning and by the time I get off work I am Pretty run down. I work from 6 am to 5 pm. So I get up at 4:30. I go to bed at about 8 or 9.

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    Ok today is May 11th 2009. I have not had an injection since Thursday April 30th. My last Injection was only 50 mg of testosterone enanthate . I had only 1 injection 6 days prior to that one of 100 mg test enanthate . So now its gonna be a while before i can even consider starting treatment. Its been 11 days since my last injection and i feel like i did before starting hrt. My point is i dont feel to bad. Should i do Pct or not. With only a couple of injections it seems that i would recover pretty easy without pct but what do you guys think? I am a bit paranoid because i have worked so hard to stay lean below 10 % body fat.
    any thoughts?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    After my initial injection i felt like superman for about 3 days and then crashed miserably! .
    Are you saying you felt the effect of the product immediately after the injection ? This is very strange....The only stuff able to do this with me is propionate ...
    Enanthate starts working after 2/3 days .

    You might be prone to estrogen conversion, in this case I suggest you a TRT with Androgel or Andriol , both products tend to aromatize less than vials.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Testomaster View Post
    Are you saying you felt the effect of the product immediately after the injection ? This is very strange....The only stuff able to do this with me is propionate ...
    Enanthate starts working after 2/3 days .

    You might be prone to estrogen conversion, in this case I suggest you a TRT with Androgel or Andriol, both products tend to aromatize less than vials.
    No it took a couple of days then i felt like superman for a couple of days then crashed. At any rate i am off now and have an appointment scheduled with the endo doc later in the month. Should i do pct after 2 injections?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    No it took a couple of days then i felt like superman for a couple of days then crashed. At any rate i am off now and have an appointment scheduled with the endo doc later in the month. Should i do pct after 2 injections?

    And you "crashed" back down to feeling normal - which sounds like is not too bad. I am confused. Not hacking on you bro - just don't understand.

    I would not think you need to do pct after 2 injections especially if you are going to get back on the t for life after your endo appointment. Do you know if the endo regularly prescribes t for guys with your levels? If not a quick phone call will give you the answer.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by flatscat View Post
    And you "crashed" back down to feeling normal - which sounds like is not too bad. I am confused. Not hacking on you bro - just don't understand.

    I would not think you need to do pct after 2 injections especially if you are going to get back on the t for life after your endo appointment. Do you know if the endo regularly prescribes t for guys with your levels? If not a quick phone call will give you the answer.
    Well here is the deal. I dont really want to be on this for life unless I have to be! If there is no other alternative then I will opt to go back on injectable testosterone . Something just doesnt add up though. I am below 10 % body fat. Probably around 8 %. I have been body building for 7 years. I weigh in at 125. I used to weigh 170 until i learned how to eat right. Took me about 1 year to get the weight off but i can still bench 205 for 8-10 reps and squat 225 for sets of 15. That doesnt seem to bad for a guy that weighs 125? Good call on the endo doc! I will give a call and find out if he prescribes trt. I mean really the only reason I started having my testosterone checked was because of lack of sex drive. Really other than that i feel fine. I never miss workouts and never miss work.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    Well here is the deal. I dont really want to be on this for life unless I have to be! If there is no other alternative then I will opt to go back on injectable testosterone. Something just doesnt add up though. I am below 10 % body fat. Probably around 8 %. I have been body building for 7 years. I weigh in at 125. I used to weigh 170 until i learned how to eat right. Took me about 1 year to get the weight off but i can still bench 205 for 8-10 reps and squat 225 for sets of 15. That doesnt seem to bad for a guy that weighs 125? Good call on the endo doc! I will give a call and find out if he prescribes trt. I mean really the only reason I started having my testosterone checked was because of lack of sex drive. Really other than that i feel fine. I never miss workouts and never miss work.
    Sometime having low testo doesn't mean anything. I know people having a normal life with low testo. Lack of sex drive could be also a psychological issue.If your problem is libido and you really don't want to be on this for life I stronlgy suggest to use a milder product like Andriol .
    Take 4 andriol a day (2 morning - 2 night ) , you won't suppress your HPTA but you'll improve your sex drive.
    Two shots of enanthate are not enough to suppress the axis so IMO you don't need any PCT.If you really want to see benefits from any inject.testosterone you need to wait 3 weeks at least.

  15. #15
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    I went in and saw the endo doc today. He is having me do one more blood test. He is checking total T, Free T, Prolactine and LH. He scheduled me to start 200 mg test cyp every other week. They are going to do the first inject and then let me loose to do them. I will adjust to 100 every week. I am still concerned about the sides and the endo doc doesnt want to give me anything. He said that if my nipples get sensitive again that the only thing thatt would help would be more test. What do you guys think? I am concerned because i do seem to be gyno prone. Any thoughts?

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