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  1. #1
    DallasCountry's Avatar
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    Do you have to take TRT forever?

    I am confused. If I get on TRT or HRT, must I stay on them forever to receive the benefits? Or is it once I am balanced out I can come off of them and be fine?


  2. #2
    amcon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DallasCountry View Post
    I am confused. If I get on TRT or HRT, must I stay on them forever to receive the benefits? Or is it once I am balanced out I can come off of them and be fine?

    nope i think if you go on 90% chance it is for life...

  3. #3
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DallasCountry View Post
    I am confused. If I get on TRT or HRT, must I stay on them forever to receive the benefits? Or is it once I am balanced out I can come off of them and be fine?

    HRT/TRT is for life. If you have a low test level, your body is not gonna fix that on its own. Why are you considering HRT? Any symptoms? Had blood work done yet?

  4. #4
    StevePJC's Avatar
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    Why are you going on HRT? What is your age? Symptoms? Did you screw up a cycle causing your symptoms? Lotsa questions.

  5. #5
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
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    Steve: RU closer to the NC beach or mountains? Im in the foothills

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    I'm right outside of Fort Bragg.

  7. #7
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    Originally Posted by FallenWyvern Symptoms of low testosterone can include:

    A lack of energy;
    Low libido (sex drive);
    Postural problems;
    Increased blood pressure;
    Loss of muscle;
    You exercise consistently but can't add any lean muscle;
    Loss of muscular strength;
    Loss of muscular endurance;
    Physical height reduction;
    Your erections are not "rock hard";
    Sleep disorders.

    That is why you do testosterone replacement therapy.

  8. #8
    StevePJC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    Originally Posted by FallenWyvern Symptoms of low testosterone can include:

    A lack of energy;
    Low libido (sex drive);
    Postural problems;
    Increased blood pressure;
    Loss of muscle;
    You exercise consistently but can't add any lean muscle;
    Loss of muscular strength;
    Loss of muscular endurance;
    Physical height reduction;
    Your erections are not "rock hard";
    Sleep disorders.

    That is why you do testosterone replacement therapy.
    I have 11 of them even on the cream. Looking forward to comparing notes after a few more shots.

  9. #9
    DallasCountry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StevePJC View Post
    Why are you going on HRT? What is your age? Symptoms? Did you screw up a cycle causing your symptoms? Lotsa questions.
    Well Im 27/M / 6'2" / 235
    Symptoms: low sex drive mostly and almost all of the above listed symptoms

    -I took like 1/2 a cycle of Winstrol and was great, great sex drive everything.

    -Was off the winstrol for about 2-3 months and doing great.
    -One night I took a OVC sex pill called Zia Pro.
    -After that night my sex drive plummetted almost to where it is now and has been that way for like 5 months.
    -my penis shrunk dramatically and my balls did too.
    -all after that one night I took the sex pill. It's like it overcharged and blew out my battery

    It has slowly gotten slightly better but I mean is no where near what it should be or was.

    I took a couple of site injections of Equipoise recently that my friend gave me but thats it. Probably 1.75 cc in the ass and .5cc in each arm throughout 3 weeks. It boosted me up for a couple weeks and I feel a lil better but I want to be totally regular again.

    So I am running and eating healthy hoping that everything will return back to normal.

    So thats the story, I am planning on getting a prostate exam and maybe bloodwork but it just costs me so much without insurance. I wont get on TRT if you must continue to do it for the rest of your life right now. Are there any other options that could basically level me out and keep me there without constant medication like TRT.
    Last edited by DallasCountry; 05-22-2009 at 04:13 PM.

  10. #10
    warchild's Avatar
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    trt is not for life sometimes, some docs will give pt test and hcg and in rare cases it does kick-start your natural levels.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by DallasCountry View Post
    Well Im 27/M / 6'2" / 235
    Symptoms: low sex drive mostly and almost all of the above listed symptoms

    -I took like 1/2 a cycle of Winstrol and was great, great sex drive everything.

    -Was off the winstrol for about 2-3 months and doing great.
    -One night I took a OVC sex pill called Zia Pro.
    -After that night my sex drive plummetted almost to where it is now and has been that way for like 5 months.
    -my penis shrunk dramatically and my balls did too.
    -all after that one night I took the sex pill. It's like it overcharged and blew out my battery

    It has slowly gotten slightly better but I mean is no where near what it should be or was.

    I took a couple of site injections of Equipoise recently that my friend gave me but thats it. Probably 1.75 cc in the ass and .5cc in each arm throughout 3 weeks. It boosted me up for a couple weeks and I feel a lil better but I want to be totally regular again.

    So I am running and eating healthy hoping that everything will return back to normal.

    So thats the story, I am planning on getting a prostate exam and maybe bloodwork but it just costs me so much without insurance. I wont get on TRT if you must continue to do it for the rest of your life right now. Are there any other options that could basically level me out and keep me there without constant medication like TRT.
    I have no clue what Zia Pro is but it sounds like it shut you down pretty hard. Also, I didn't see any mention of PCT after your cycle or the Eq shots. That wasn't a good thing to do. If you have access to Eq than I assume you have access to HcG . I would do a round of that. That helped me boost my natural production enough to have two kids after being shut down so hard my SC was a big fat 0. Now in my case, I got off of a very big cycle cold turkey with no PCT. That screwed up my endocrine system so bad, without TRT my free test levels sit around 150-180. Not much. Doesn't help that I'm a fat guy now either. The point I'm getting at is you have a chance to not have to be a lifer. I don't know how good that chance is though. I would try a round of HcG first and keep my fingers crossed. After my doctor supervised round I stayed normal for about 6 months before things tanked again.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by StevePJC View Post
    I have no clue what Zia Pro is but it sounds like it shut you down pretty hard. Also, I didn't see any mention of PCT after your cycle or the Eq shots. That wasn't a good thing to do. If you have access to Eq than I assume you have access to HcG. I would do a round of that. That helped me boost my natural production enough to have two kids after being shut down so hard my SC was a big fat 0. Now in my case, I got off of a very big cycle cold turkey with no PCT. That screwed up my endocrine system so bad, without TRT my free test levels sit around 150-180. Not much. Doesn't help that I'm a fat guy now either. The point I'm getting at is you have a chance to not have to be a lifer. I don't know how good that chance is though. I would try a round of HcG first and keep my fingers crossed. After my doctor supervised round I stayed normal for about 6 months before things tanked again.
    Yeah I could probabaly find some HCG , I can ask my friend. Should I just take the HCG myself or should I go to the doctor and have him put me on something? Can the Doc give me HCG? Is HCG better than taking anything a Doc would give me? Do I need to take anything along with the HCG?


  13. #13
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    In all honesty I would go to a doctor first and have a bloodwork panel done up. Find out exactly what happened. The numbers will tell the tale. If you were ok between your Eq trials and the sex pill than you can troubleshoot and figure out whatever's in that pill shut you down. No clue what that could be. If the doctor is worth their salt, and what I suspect is true, HcG is what you'll be put on to try and restart your system. The telltale sign that jumped off the screen at me was your balls shrinking. If the doctor wants to dick around and do TRT first I would ask for HcG. If they say no, there's plenty of people here that can steer your right on it's proper use if you need the help.

    Please give updates though -
    Last edited by StevePJC; 05-22-2009 at 09:50 PM.

  14. #14
    ottomaddox's Avatar
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    Product Description
    Ziapro is a clinically tested, all-natural herbal supplement that enhances male sexual performance. Ziapro contains a scientifically researched combination of 22 powerful natural herbs that produce long lasting, hard erections and boost sexual stamina and energy. Potent and effective, Ziapro have no adverse side effects, and it works fast. Just take Ziapro 45 minutes before sexual intercourse and it lasts up to 24 hours.
    Other ingredients: Gelatine, cellulose, magnesium stearate, silica, titanium dioxide, FD&C yellow #6, FD&C red #3
    Recommended Use
    Take 1 capsule 30 minutes before sexual activity.

    Supplement Facts Serving Size: 1 Capsule
    Servings Per Container: 10


    Per Serving % Daily


    Proprietary Blend: L-Arginine, Safed musli extract (rhizome), Shilajit (fruit), Velvet deer (antler), Ashwaganda (root), Smilax extract (root), Maca extract (root), Saffron (flowers), Catuaba extract (bark). 375 mg **


    * Based on a 2,000 calorie diet
    ** Daily Values not established

  15. #15
    Merc. is offline Banned
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    In most cases ( unforuantly ) yes it is for life .... The patients HPTA is SHUT DOWN ....


  16. #16
    Merc. is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild28 View Post
    trt is not for life sometimes, some docs will give pt test and hcg and in rare cases it does kick-start your natural levels.
    Yep War ^^^^^ .. It is a protocol done ( by some physicians ) as a possible attempt - if the patient is very young ( and if they never used steroids .. ) ..


  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    Product Description
    Ziapro is a clinically tested, all-natural herbal supplement that enhances male sexual performance. Ziapro contains a scientifically researched combination of 22 powerful natural herbs that produce long lasting, hard erections and boost sexual stamina and energy. Potent and effective, Ziapro have no adverse side effects, and it works fast. Just take Ziapro 45 minutes before sexual intercourse and it lasts up to 24 hours.
    Other ingredients: Gelatine, cellulose, magnesium stearate, silica, titanium dioxide, FD&C yellow #6, FD&C red #3
    Recommended Use
    Take 1 capsule 30 minutes before sexual activity.

    Supplement Facts Serving Size: 1 Capsule
    Servings Per Container: 10


    Per Serving % Daily


    Proprietary Blend: L-Arginine, Safed musli extract (rhizome), Shilajit (fruit), Velvet deer (antler), Ashwaganda (root), Smilax extract (root), Maca extract (root), Saffron (flowers), Catuaba extract (bark). 375 mg **


    * Based on a 2,000 calorie diet
    ** Daily Values not established
    I dont see anything in this that would crash someone as hard as he described. No PCT for his previous cycles and it just caught up with him at the "right" time coincidence?

    Unless they did the ol put one thing on the outside and on the inside it's something else. Still, one pill shutting someone down hard like that? I'm still sticking to my previous suggestion that bloodwork be done to find out exactly what's the deal with his levels and go from there. At 27 I would like to think with HcG he has a shot at his natural levels kick starting.

  18. #18
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    Like said, bloodwork first. It could be as simple as high estrogen (similar side effects of low test) and treated solo with just an AI. I have yet to see or hear of many people that were able to have their HPTA kickstarted with HCG , but you never know. Everyone is different.

  19. #19
    ni4ni's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    nope i think if you go on 90% chance it is for life...
    x 2...

  20. #20
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    curious to know people on trt dosages. i guess what would be the most beneficial dosing without the worry of sides.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by therecanonlybe1 View Post
    curious to know people on trt dosages. i guess what would be the most beneficial dosing without the worry of sides.
    its another one of those awful answers "it varies to much per personal sensitivities for use to toss out a guess without it being anything more then a guess".

  22. #22
    smokeyd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc. View Post
    Yep War ^^^^^ .. It is a protocol done ( by some physicians ) as a possible attempt - if the patient is very young ( and if they never used steroids .. ) ..


    my dr is putting me on a low dose to regulate my test and says that once my body gets to optimum levels it will want to stay there and i can come off the test? is that bogus or what?

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